The world in which we live is believed to be closing in for one of the close shave with its destiny. The life on this earth will need utter luck to be saved from the catastrophe which is approaching at a steady pace of around 60000 km per hour. The demon is named as NIBIRU. It slated to collide with the Earth on 21st December 2012. The day on which many civilizations like that of MAYANS have predicted that the Earth will cease to exist.
The Internet is full of stories, arguments and counter arguments. They all predict that the Earth will either collide with this Planet like object, which is approaching Earth and will pass by to finish orbiting of the Sun. The planet is so huge in mass and power full in gravitational force, enough to rip the Earth apart.
The effect of what happens to the Earth when the Planet NIBIRU collides with Earth, is being studied. It is believed that all species on the planet Earth will vanish and the entire Earth could be covered with lava from both the planets. The aftermath of the collision could result in size of the earth diminishing, as mass of the earth could spread into the space due to the collision or it may increase many loads due to the masses of NIBIRU joining Earth mass. In both of these situations, the living species of our world would die for sure.
There are people who suggest that the planet NIBiRU, would not collide with the Planet Earth and they say that it is difficult to predict the exact nature of the collision, but it will be a close shave for the Earth.
Even if it passes by the Earth, the distance would be less than 200000 Km, that's pretty close !
The effect of its passing by would be felt on the Earth as a small stamp on the roadside feels when a speeding vehicle passes by. The Earth might act as a stamp on the roadside, while the NIBiRU would be a speeding vehicle on the super highways. The effect of such a passing by could result in Earth moving upside down and the consequent change of gravitational axis. North Pole could become South Pole and vice versa. This sudden change could last for three to four days, but subsequent upheaval could finish the every living species on the Earth. As such a change would bring in every factors of nature's wrath in action.
There would be great earth-quakes, heaviest rain fall, as volcanoes would erupt. The nature's fury would be unbearable. It could end the whole living species in the next couple of months and the planet could within year or so would be covered with snow. That's is the beginning of the ICE AGE on EARTH. Normalcy could return after few decades, may be even a century or two, but by then no living things would have left behind.
Planet NIBiRU, has been spotted years ago and its existence has been confirmed by NASA. Its orbit cuts into the orbit of the Earth and they are on the collision course. They would collide one or the other time, that is for sure.
The Internet is full of stories, arguments and counter arguments. They all predict that the Earth will either collide with this Planet like object, which is approaching Earth and will pass by to finish orbiting of the Sun. The planet is so huge in mass and power full in gravitational force, enough to rip the Earth apart.
The effect of what happens to the Earth when the Planet NIBIRU collides with Earth, is being studied. It is believed that all species on the planet Earth will vanish and the entire Earth could be covered with lava from both the planets. The aftermath of the collision could result in size of the earth diminishing, as mass of the earth could spread into the space due to the collision or it may increase many loads due to the masses of NIBIRU joining Earth mass. In both of these situations, the living species of our world would die for sure.
There are people who suggest that the planet NIBiRU, would not collide with the Planet Earth and they say that it is difficult to predict the exact nature of the collision, but it will be a close shave for the Earth.
Even if it passes by the Earth, the distance would be less than 200000 Km, that's pretty close !
The effect of its passing by would be felt on the Earth as a small stamp on the roadside feels when a speeding vehicle passes by. The Earth might act as a stamp on the roadside, while the NIBiRU would be a speeding vehicle on the super highways. The effect of such a passing by could result in Earth moving upside down and the consequent change of gravitational axis. North Pole could become South Pole and vice versa. This sudden change could last for three to four days, but subsequent upheaval could finish the every living species on the Earth. As such a change would bring in every factors of nature's wrath in action.
There would be great earth-quakes, heaviest rain fall, as volcanoes would erupt. The nature's fury would be unbearable. It could end the whole living species in the next couple of months and the planet could within year or so would be covered with snow. That's is the beginning of the ICE AGE on EARTH. Normalcy could return after few decades, may be even a century or two, but by then no living things would have left behind.
Planet NIBiRU, has been spotted years ago and its existence has been confirmed by NASA. Its orbit cuts into the orbit of the Earth and they are on the collision course. They would collide one or the other time, that is for sure.

After careful studies they calculated that the Planet X would visit the Earth in 2003 and in most likelihood it would collide with the Earth. But that has not happened in 2003, but the people now believe that the same Planet X was 9 years behind schedule and it would in most probability, would collide Earth on 21st December 2012.
Such collision had already taken place in the past, it is believed. It is believed that one of the moon of the Planet X or Planet NIBiRU, stayed with Earth in its previous collision with Earth. Our Moon is actually snatched by Earth from the Planet NIBiRU. Scientists give this reason because Moon in no terms is part of the Earth. It is made up of masses not usually found on earth. So this fits into the collision theory.
There are large people who believe that the 21st December 2012 will be the final day of the Earth as predicted by MAYANS. This was the civilization thriving in 8 & 9 century A.D. They were believed to be highly advanced in the calculation and astronomical science. They have perfectly predicted almost all the eclipses taking place anywhere in the world today. They had the perfect calenders based calculations, which baffles the present day astrophysicists. They were near absolute in their calculation and prediction of every starry events. They have even predicted almost all the eclipses right from their existence in 8th & 9Th Century upto 21st December 2012. There is nothing in their calenders after that date. There is no calculations or predictions thereafter. They are utterly silent about any starry events there after.
This has led the people who are ringing the alert bell more entrenched in their belief. What they think is that, since the MAYAN calender is silent after 21st December 2012, the world will come to an end on that day. Internet Media is full of claims and counter claims to this prophecy.
Nostradamus, a French, had predicted a war like situation, earthquakes, floods, heavy rainfalls and heavy snowfalls. He believed these to be signs of end of the world. This is 2009, and so far he is 10 years behind schedule. He had predicted end of the world by 1999. But it could be argued that what he said has already happened in New Orleans, in Gujarat earth quake, in Europe highest and heaviest snowfall in years, but his area of effect might have been Europe or any one continent, he might not have considered the entire Earth for that reason and that may be reason that people like you and me are alive.
It may be posible that he might have some differences in calculaton and due to which situation which he predicted could happen little here and there.
It may also be possible that the predictions which were made in couplets, may not have been unerstood properly. If this was right then the events he had predicted, might be waiting to happening.
There is one more theory circulating on the Internet and that is the day 21st December 2012, Earth and the Sun, will be in such a position

Consequences of such shift in poles could be unimaginable. The Earth could face one of the heaviest occurrences of earth quakes, floods, heavy rain or snow fall, volcanoes my erupt at places and more miserably this could all happen simultaneously. This is dangerous. You can not be safe at any place on the Earth. Such an even could start may be two to three months in advance or may begin on 21st December 2012 and last for another two to three months.
We have been experiencing one of the major seasonal changes in this decade. We have been witnessing one of the greatest ever heatwave, very heavy rainfalls, heaviest snowfall not recorded in centuries altogather. We have attributing all these to global warming. We have learned a term named global warming, for all our difficulties due to seasonal changes. But scientists and experts are looking at the possibility of process of Pole shifting might have already began. Perhaps we might see someting very big happening on 21st December 2012.
What I Think of all this is, there is no need to panic.
MAYANS might have thought that after December 21st. 2012 people might be more clever and might have had their own calenders, so they might have stopped at that date. It might just be a co-incidence.
We think that we are the only species in this Universe, which will be destroyed by the nature's events, then you are perhaps wrong. We are not alone in this Universe. Some interesting follow ups, to this article.
(To Be Continued)
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