Thursday, December 24, 2009


The latest release of these two films have really aroused keen interest in the movie goers. These two films, made on two different subjects are rocking the Indian crowd and the people are happy to see these two movies, forget they cause big hole in the pocket, as the tickets are very high in multiplexes besides if you chose to see it 3D, the cost even goes up.

Well, the point is, two different movies are telling us the message which is similar in nature. 2012 depicts the complete devastation of the Planet Earth, and perhaps they are concentrating more on the destruction caused by the global warming and related issues, holding the man responsible for the same. It very nicely shows how the Earth gets destroyed and everything which is happening is happening but not only due to what man has been doing to this earth.

The film has its weird solution. The rich and powerful on this Earth ditch billions of people on this Earth, who were not given chance to save themselves, as the rich nations' government do not inform its people of impending danger. Instead they built few ships in Chinese workshops and try to save the rich & powerful of this earth.

However the magnitude at which this catastrophes takes place could even put a question mark on the secret vessel project also. However Hollywood film proves its mentality and utter commercialization of the events, and then mixing little emotions into it. But then if we give a second thought to this, we realize that the people, had they been informed about the heating up of the Earth's inner space, people might have just panicked and could have had been a mayhem. But then also the question arise, was there enough done to save other lives, except those who were rich, famous and powerful?

The answer is no!

There was not enough done and thought and the solution which the film shows, could portray as a one who saved life and mankind on the planet Earth, by making and saving people with the help of THE SHIP. Why were no such more ships were made to save more people?

Second film AVATAR, is about the greed of the humans which makes them land on a distant planet called PANDORA. Here they wish to destroy the natives for the stone which they want to sell at international market for millions per kilogram. For that they go to the extent of destroying the civilized networked natives with helicopter gunships and cargo ships converted into bombers. For their own greed they destroy a belief those native had in the mother nature.

Both these films prove that the Hollywood perhaps is trying to show the mirror to the people of this world about the human nature. The time we are passing through is one of the most difficult one. The nature is infuriated by the reckless use of its resources by the human being.

The best scene in the film AVATAR was, when the hero first time raises his voice against the occupying force's CEO, who asks hero to explain to the natives of Pandora palnet to vacate the tree on which they lived as the occupying forces want the costly stone beneath the giant tree. Hero then tries to tell them that they will not and can not be explained or persuaded to shift from that tree to some other place for any reason. They can not be PURCHASED with money as they have no value for money. That particualr scene explains eveything. The natives have everything they want and eveything which keep them alive & happy. So we cannot allure them with physical things.

In one such scene, it proves that the wealth created on the basis of money and consumption, is useless and needs to be understood before we actually ponder over the climatic crisis, we are are facing at the moment.

Both the films are a "MUST WATCH" for all of us who think. Those who think, raise question. We must raise question as where we are going and what are our goal. Is buying a good branded watch or anything which is luxerious and costly, the only thing we want in our lives? What next after that! Few more watches, perfumes and shoes and cloths and so on & so forth. But do we all need that?

Such questions when come to mind we think for a while, we agree with the point that what we are doing is indirectly or dierectly hurting the nature's cycle. We are using and consuming. We are concerned with our own self and not anybody else, not even our future generation!

One of my friend after watching 2012 told me that if what the film is showing really happens one day, he was happy to have no children in his life. He even did not wish to become parent any more, perhaps he would go for adoption of child but not the otherwise. We in Mumbai, have become little more cautious after we were sure of water cuts being applied by the local municipal authority. But have we started saving water on the individual basis ? The answer is still no!

We have become so rackless and careless that we feel that what happens with me acting to save the palnet earth? The question i right, but it will make sense that everybody on this earth will start thinking in that way. If you are wise and clever enough, you would heed to the signals, these two movies provide. Both the movies tell us, what we are doing and what we are running after is useless and meaningless. The generation of wealth in physical terms is giving us only traumatized life. It is not giving us peace of mind. First we loose peace of mind for money and once we earn them, we starte searching for it with the money, which we are unlikely to get, but then why don't we have it when we had it initially?

We, humans have changed the meaning of prosperity. We have made the personal possession of consumables as the economic prosperity. The economic prosperity means climatic decay. Take the example of the figures which were released by the bike manufacturers, which portrays increased sale of bike in India. The Finance Minister or for that any reason any economist of the country would feel secured. As this shows economic recovery by the Indian Economy. It will create jobs. Money will flow into the hands of people as the rising demands will give boost to production cycles. Rising production will create jobs. people of this country wlill prosper.

But that's perhaps not the bench mark for the development.

These bikes once sold, will mess up the roads. They will add up to already clogged roads . Climatic conditions will worsen further. We see the melting ice on Himalays and other Arctic regions, but will never postpone buying of the bike. The biggest problem is that the current bench mark for developments are so weird that they go totally against the nature. The rising prosperity will bring rising heat on the earth and subsequent mass-annihilation on the planet earth.

The film 2012, depicts consequences of what humans have done to the lovely & beautiful planet earth and film AVATAR, points towards the destructive & greedy nature & minds of the humans, and how far they can go to fulfill their selfish desire. The climatic international meet will never succeed. No country wish to give up the economic benefits, they could enjoy.

The China, USA, Europe and Russia and to an extent India may be few of the most polluting countries of the globe, but they are so powerful that they can neither be challenged nor be persuaded to give up some of their industries to reduce pollution. Because of the faulty and misinterpreted meaning of economic development & prosperity, they could loose the edge they have on their competitors. Mind you, USA is the biggest culprit, but no country in the world has capacity or capability to openly tell the USA that first see the mirror and then come to any climatic meet anywhere in the world. They are the biggest consumers on the planet earth. The path they have chosen for the prosperity is followed by all the countries of the world. But when the situation worsens, USA will never accpet its fault and will actually use all the tactics under the agies of Climate Damage Control Initiative, in which all other world countries would loose the economic edge they achieved with the path shown by the USA & its allies. Not even India or China for that reason.

It will then become one of the most difficult time for the people of this earth. The hope lies in the powerful nations doing their bit to put the global warming under control at the same time they are made willing to spend their money on those poor countries, who due to lack of technology are still using poor methods of production of goods.

Actually the meaning of prosperity needs to be changed after giving a thought to the present state of affairs of earth's climatic condition.

It is a very likely scenario, one day, several spaceships will leave this planet earth to so other distant planet and only rich, famous and people with technical know how will only be allowed on the spaceship and remaining population will be left to die a miserable life on this planet earth.

Perhaps 50 years from now.........this may be reality.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The third and concluding part of the series which was started few months back. It took little longer before this was completed.

 End Of The World Part One

End Of the World Part Two 

As a human being we must ask questions about our origins. Why one should follow certain belief, which himself finds difficult to digest. It is said, one who asks question, thinks! So while doing so I came across some new and interesting facts. Now it will need your serious comments and hope fully start a new kind of discussion on this issue. But before that just read on the third part of the series

The SOURCE, as we believe it today, God created Creator souls. Who were capable of creating souls, planets, Stars, Universes, life forms for themselves and obviously for others. These Creator Gods knew to create matter as well as life from the source, light. (Remember filmy character Jaadu, in one of the super hit Hindi film)These creator Gods inhibited the constellation Lyra and these Lyrans had a life span of over Fifty Thousand years to lakh of years. There were other races, living objects, which were different from each other. But these creator Gods were supposedly the most advanced race amongst the other races present at that time. They were known as Annunaki race. They spread themselves out in
constellation Lyra, Vega, Pleiades and Sirius and created their own civilizations as per their need and requirements. They were believed to have all the characteristics of a DEMON, in all our stories around.

They had all the negative traits of human nature and even more mean and ruthless, than one can imagine to be in humans., even today. Perhaps German dictator Hitler, or even for that reason, Saddam Hussein can match most of the traits any Annunaki of Lyra.

With these traits and characteristics they ruled many of the constellations as mentioned earlier. It is believed that they reached planet Earth via planet NIBiRU. Now NIBiRU is the Planet of some other Solar System. It rotated around its own star and very interestingly its orbit, crosses into our Solar system. It is believed to be taking thousands of years, or say 3600 years, to be
precise, to finish one orbit, or even more years than what we understood, my any means.

It is believed, that it all happened in distant past, that civilization of Annunaki in SIRIUS CONSTELLATION , a STAR to which the NIBiRU was orbiting, died a natural death or got destroyed due to some unknown reasons. The Annunaki, who habitated NIBiRU, came to Earth. It is also believed that the planet Earth and Planet NIBiRU's moon collided. This resulted in creation of our MOON. Water on NIBiRU's that moon got transferred to our planet Earth due to the collision effect, where our Pacific Ocean lies today. The Earth matters were up in the space, which was replaced by the water from the NIBiRU's moon. (Source: Genesis)

There are several theories, of which one says as per the Zecharia Sitchin, that NIBiRU is the 12th Palnet of Solar system itself. It has a orbit period of 3630 around the Sun and once it collided with a Planet named Tiamat, beyond the planet Mars and that created Earth, Moon and
the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter.

Now back to Annunaki story. Some these Annunaki found Earth to be the best place for their in habitation. For them Earth was a gift, as they had nothing left back home as their Sun like star was dying and secondly Planet Earth had vast deposits of GOLD. They needed metal gold, to sustain their longevity, for ornamental purposes sides they used it for some purpose which is not clear and not known, which is presumed to be like maintaining their super powers!

But whatever the reason, the GOLD was very important for their survival and maintaining their longevity, besides, the stock of Gold was never sustainable back home. It might have had already depleted over there. Hence they always needed to look for Gold at different places, in the Universe.

The hoarding of gold was their main characteristics, as it is understood from the writings of Sumerian writers, which they themselves believed , that their civilization itself was nothing else than a set up, created by the by Annunaki.

Sumerians believed that the creator God, Annunaki were so advanced technically & highly powerful. They had at their time technology of genetic engineering, about 4.5 billions years ago. Even we can not think of such an advancement & innovation with all that technological prowess we have today.

Annunaki, the creator Gods, required gold to be excavated for their personal use. As the Sumerians write, they required it either for ornaments or for sustaining or increasing their life longevity and some of the special powers they had. For this excavation they required laborers. Hence they used their technological advancement in genetic engineering to develop some of the
species as humans, as we find it today.

It is believed that before they came, Earth had some form of humans, which were very primitive and far short the requirements of Annunaki. Hence they created genetically engineered species, which was far more similar to the original occupants of the planet earth and before the arrival of the Annunaki race and several other races as were present in the constellation its had been ruling for all these years, which were in millions.

With their technological advancement, they modified then existing primitive humans to meet their requirements. They did such thing successfully and they had slowly a force of labour who followed their instructions and could be used for years for excavation of Gold.

Sumerian civilization was one of many such civilizations created by the Annunaki at different places throughout the Earth, wherever there existed considerable gold deposits. They had already became God to these genetically engineered species, we shall call them the Avatar of present day human beings. These humans feared powers of creator Gods and they were forced to follow their instructions.

It now happened that these homo-sapiens or the humans species got smarter with the passage of time. After some centuries they grew so strong that they revolted against the Annunaki, the creator God. Those who revolted against these creator Gods, got destroyed. (This perhaps explains for no known reasons few civilization got removed mysteriously without any traces from the planet earth. )

After another few hundred thousand years, these creator gods started to receive the stronger revolt against them through out the plant Earth. Which forced them to destroy everything living, on this planet earth. (Solomon was asked to collect all the living things on the earth onto ship for seven days, as the earth faced one of the most severe flood-storms throughout the planet , destroying every living things.)

But that was not the solution. As the history could be repeated. If such revolt gets tougher, then the Annunaki could end up dying one day for the lack of Gold and absence of alchemy. Hence there were wiser Annunaki, who wished to share the secret of Gold and related alchemy with the humans on the earth while the other camp was against such sharing of secrets. The two camps were led by one Enki, who favored humans should share the secret of Gold and hence the super powers the Annunaki had, while the other faction was led by EN.LIL

It is believed that there had been a terrible nuclear war fought between the two factions of Annunaki at Sinai & near Pyramids over the fate of the humanity. Enki, wanted that the humans must be equal to Annunaki and they should have the freedom, respect and self rule. While the Enlil always wanted to rule the humanity with an iron hand.

It is believed that it was the Enki, who advised Adam & Eve to eat from Tree of knowledge and not the tree of life. Had they eaten from Tree of Life, they would have lived very long, but as a race they would have never evolved themselves to be clever enough to become equal to to that of their own creator Gods.

Obviously this was not to be likened by Enlil and the fought wars. Interestingly, Enki & Enlil were half brothers and their was father was believed to be Anu, who was the leader of Annunaki race.

Sumerians believed that these were the facts and they had symbolized what they knew about the Annunaki race and their creator Gods. Now the interesting part. If this was the truth about our
ancestors, what we believe is God, with super naturals powers, could be in most probability in fact were the Annunaki. The homo-sapiens race could have been genetically engineered and could have been in the most likelihood, the present day humans.

Humans race is the most superior to all other races of animals, birds and all the living things. Their mind must have had been genetically engineered to think better than those other animals !
Perhaps I am going far beyond the usual thoughts. But still they are LOGICAL thoughts. What more convincing about this theory is that one faction of the Annunaki wanted humans to have all those super powers, and they might have already started to pass on some of these powers to humans, but in between something might have happened that the process of making humans superman, might not have been completed.

So we are half superman and half like other animals on the Earth. All these things convinces beyond doubts that the aliens were, perhaps they are and they will remain part of our lives. It induces us to believe that perhaps we are not that advanced as those people, but we have attained a sort of super humanism, by medicating ourselves, creating genetic cells and experimenting to control genes which are responsible for aging us out and the way we die.

The days are not far away when we would be able to control that of our gene which is responsible for our aging, brought under control and we could be stop aging.

The same as Annunaki, who lived for thousands to hundred thousands of years. It is not understood what we will do for that longer time and what shall we do to live that long possible !

Happy Reading ! Happy Thinking!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

End Of The World...Nibiru, Annunaki etc..etc..!!!!


It was few months back I started to write on the subject and I was feeling that this should be noted on this same blog. Many friends who have been visiting this blog, must have been disappointed as there have been virtually no write ups in recent past on this subject.

This is in continuation with regard to the earlier post, with respect to the End of the World Approaching... and our own origination. Few months back there were several posts, in which I had put some reasoning which related the GODLY figures as likely to be aliens and had put forward some reasons for the same. There were several others who also held the same views on the subject.

It is certain that in this unimaginable and beyond our mental capacity to calculate the huge Universe and its objects. In the universe of ours, there are millions if not billions of galaxies like that of ours and in that if only Earth ends up supporting life, is not easily acceptable. Hence the imagination, backed by solid logic forces us to believe that there may more civilization, which might harbor life, may be more advanced than Earth or may be very primitive anywhere else in this Universe.

We are even not sure that how many Universe we might discover in course of our search for SETI. We might also one day know the way to travel from one Universe to another like we are traveling from one country to another. But in our quest for knowledge about our ancestors and our origin, we depend upon few of the signs and clue which are left behind by the time and which are still very suspicious and unexplained so far.

We must ask questions, as are we alone in this Universe? Do we belong to planet Earth, or did we come from another world? Is there any another world?

Then we followed some hype in the internet and in electronic media about the end of the world approaching on 21st December 2012. Because the people who believe such a prophesies, believe that the MAYANS had predicted the end of the world. MAYANS were the civilization present around the 9th century. They had the best knowledge in the astronomy & astrology.

They are believed to have had perfectly predicted all the eclipses taking place on Earth till date and they had predicted all future eclipses, till 21st December 2012. It is very difficult to understand the reason , why they stopped there ! One of the inferences could be they might have been tired, they might have had a person, who was doing all these predictions and one early morning he passed away, leaving the prediction work incomplete up to 21st December 2012.

There are scientists who predict two things. Which do not have any scientific proof to have any connection.

The First is, that on 21st December 2012, the Sun. Moon & Earth will be in one line, the three will be in perfect center of the our Galaxy and Galaxy. The scientists say that this will have the gravitational upheaval for Earth. And the Axis will change at the same time.

the Second is Change of Axis. Which happens every few billion years. Scientists believe that such change of Axis is going to happen in very near future. It may have already began. What we call a climate change, may actually be Axis shifting.

In this Axis shifting, the North Pole moves towards the South while the South poles moves northward. Resulting in change of gravitational forces to such a massive extent that the entire land crust face an upheaval, which could result in massive earth-quakes, eruption of volcano, tectonic plate of the earth's crust could break up and go upside down. Sea water could change its place. While what is sea might become land and what is lane might become sea.

Now the imagination runs wild amongst the people on the internet, electronic media and printed media too. They have mixed up the two. The starry facts are added with spices to the shifting of axis facts. These facts are merged with one another to create maximum hysteria.

Third is the Planet X, alias NiBIRU. It is believed that this Planet X is approaching Earth and will collide with Earth on 21st December 2012.


Now there after the reasons and the causes of such a destruction, started to float in the media and internet. According to this view few people believe that the a Plant called Nibiru would came & collide with the planet earth and there will be complete and utter destruction. No one will survive on the planet Earth.

The planet NIBiRU is said to be approaching and is on the collision course with the Earth. It might get into the way of Earth's orbit, while itself orbiting the Sun. Hence the two planets could clash, with one another, while performing their routine orbiting Sun. There is no evidence to prove that the NIBiRU had a collision with the earth in its previous such run. But there are logical evidences which are if connected with each other we come to some very interesting facts about the human kind on this Earth as well as may be even our origin from where we have arrived.

The NIBiRU is said to be approaching Earth and it was to hit the Earth in the year 2003. But now it is believed that the hit could take place on 12th December 2012. Mayan civilization also claims that the world which we know today, would end on 12th December 2012, as their calender ends on that date. As mentioned earlier that they had the perfect ability to predict each and every ECLIPSES with utter precision. But they have all their predictions abruptly end on 21st December 2012. Reasons known to them.

However MAYANS did give insight into the Sumerian culture. They explained many things which points towards the fact that we are not alone in this Universe. The Sumerians held this view before that MAYANS. They believed that the Earth may be inhibited by the men as we know of today, but we are not alone. They tried to explain, what we try to deduce from the logic.

Continue to read the next part.