Monday, December 24, 2012


    Sunday 16th December 2012, on this day perhaps the history of this country will be witness to the slow and silent revolution which would take place and its undercurrent could finish everything that comes in its ways.

                The 23 years old medical student's brutal rape may perhaps put the atrocities of German Nazi in labour camps they erected for Jews. Their anger could perhaps had a reason, though unjustifiable, but the rape of this Delhi victim is something which has shook the whole nation and has angered everybody who has been monitoring this situation. Such brutalization can hardly be imagined by the most brutally creative criminal minds. This has angered country and they are rightly asking for action.The people of the streets are demanding justice. They are asking for convincing response from the Congress government led by Mr. Manmohan Singh.

The rape is really something which needs to be dealt with little differently, if we really need to fight the rape. A parson committing rape, perhaps, is aware that the victim, will end her life out of trauma. The victim faces psychological rape everyday. every now and then she feels, is being raped by the society, police, judicial system. Family of the victim suddenly feels that they are someone ho do not belong to this society. The friends, relatives turn their eyes away as if that the victim or the her family were primarily responsible for this crime.

SO the effect of raping a woman or a girl is not only physically hurting her but it goes beyond that. it is intended to give a shame to the victim and her family.
Rape has been used as weapon against the impugned woman as well as her family. It has been used indirectly to defame the entire family, especially her parents or her husband. In case of Delhi victim's case since she was out in late night and the perpetrators of crime had found that it was their inherent right to punish the woman for being out so late in the night, with some man. That's male chivanism and their self made pride of being male and their right to become guardian of the society of their utopian world. They think thay have inherent right which is self proclaimed, to punish the woman they think needs to be punished. Such an attitude is absolutely unacceptable and must be punished in the severest manner. Besides society as a whole must improve their attitude towards the victims. Victims are victims of the situations and they are in no manner the perpetrator of crime. Society feels that the women, being physically capable of attracting men, does not mean they are attracting attention of men. It is also men who must control their thoughts and will power and must control the feelings to conquer a woman, by sexually assaulting her. Those who are assaulted must be soothed by supporting her to regain confidence and composure. They must be supported in every manner where they do not feel ravished. Such teachings can begin at home only. Society must adopt and accept the sexual assault on woman as other crime against women and must not treat it as end of road for woman. This must coinside side by side with most severe punishment for perpetrators of crime.