Thursday, August 25, 2011


Thursday, 25th August 2011

            Today is the 10th day of Fast Unto Death, initiated by veteran Gandhian leader, Anna Hazare. The Government is doing everything to turn upside down his efforts to bring in effective Jan Lokpal Bill. The strong willed Anna Hazare has once again shown that to fight a war with non-violence, is no child's play. Many leaders from the political spectrum, who do not have experience of what is non-violence, should actually learn from what has been going on on the Indian political scene. 

It is really a proud moment that for the last 10 days no violence has taken place in any part of the country, which proves that it is a people's movement. Had there been any political party involved in such a agitation, non-violence can not be assured. Shiv Sena and likes of MNS, which has their roots in violence can not and will never understand what is the power of non-violence is and those Mahatma Gandhi bashers should get a fitting reply. Particularly leaders who advocate violence for their petty interest.

                                 The spontaneous support of people for the Team Anna makes task difficult for Team Anna and much more tricky for Government. Team Anna needs to lead with strategy all millions of people who have trust in him and his ability to achieve goal while the government has already looked foolish so far in handling the Anna Hazare episode. Team Anna needs to handle the fire of outrage of people for not conceding to demands by the government, which is very close to betting inflamed at any point of time, requires the government to consider the matter and give up the notion that it is just the handful of people who are doing it. If the Government machinery led by Kapil Sibbal and P. Chidambaram think that they can handle this situation, perhaps they are too small in stature compared to Anna Hazare.

Drama which is continuing since last 10 days, has many heroes and many villains. People understand deeply who is interested in their welfare and who wants to mint money and forget the same people who played a bigger role in electing them to the Parliament. There is no question on Constitution of India, which created Parliament to above every institution in Indian democratic set up. But government has failed to understand the real meaning of democracy.

            The people in the Congress led Government has understood democracy as to go to people for votes  every 5 years and after getting votes, forget those who gave them vote for next 5 years. They feel that they are not responsible to people who elected them, at the same time they get irritated if they are asked questions about the failure of Government machinery. So it is made to believe that people who vote them have no right whatsoever to ever dare to ask any questions. People should obediently vote for them, whether to vote for Congress or the BJP or any other party, they have same face, look, principles, working modalities and most importantly their belief of Democracy. So nothing changes, except the faces, with change of Government.

 Interesting fact about this Government has been that they have all been busy protecting each other. इस हमाम में हम सब नंगे है! The entire political class is behind the Government in saving their own skin from scrutiny of JAN LOKPAL BILL.

The main opposition party the BJP has been playing around with the words from the day one. They are making people believe that they have different like on the Jan Lokpal Bill, while they are the other side of the coin. These people are out to save the corrupt and dishonest people at the same time implementing every tactics to silence the people like Baba Ramdev, who tried to lead an agitation to bring back the Black Money back to India.

The situation has come where it has become an ego for the Government to backtrack, even in the larger interest of the people. Congress President, needs to prove that she is not a foreigner and knows when to bow to the people's demand. She can not stay aloof and dictate terms. She can not run the Government by remote control.

Is it democracy where scam after scam are unearthed and no one till date is ever punished?
Is it Democracy where the Members of Parliament, once elected act as King of their constituency?
Is it Democracy that persons like Lalu Prasad Yadav, eat up the Chara, meant for the cows and buffaloes?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mr. P.M. has started to fail...!!!!

        The scam after scams has hit the present government very hard. The Stock Exchange, though under the cover of U.S. sneeze have shown a southward trend, the real reason is deteriorating sentiments at home. The markets and the components of the economy have expressed its distrust for this Congress Government. The present situation is very-very bad for the Indian Nation as a whole. One after one markets will collapse in the short run. The reverse cycle has began. People will come out of the Share Market and other markets, those who have already invested in the real estate after earning huge profits in share markets, will find no buys for their homes now, if they have invested such profits in real estate.

    Already real estate markets are showing signs of cracking. The huge investments which has come from outside India, the money is clear routing back of the Indian black money into economy, which had created a price rise in the real estate markets, will take a big plunge in very near future. The investors are not interested in investing, as are the actual buyers, who are waiting for the actual plunge to happen. Because he knows that he can not buy the homes at the present market price and he will wait. While the building industry is required to pay the interest on debts they have taken from various sources like banks.

These investors have capacity to wait for some time more and wait for the prices to stabilize. But present situation will be out of control for M.Singh & Mr. M.Ahulwalia.

The economy has slowed down. Such slow down can be blamed on mismanagement of TRUST, the people & foreign investors had in the PM Manmohan Singh's governing team. The inflation is not checked. Not a single government official is seemingly working hard to contain inflation. About inflation, there is a big & hot sentence is known which goes as "NOBODY HAS JAADU KI CHHADI"

Well, to me, it is nothing less than running away or shying away from the real issue. The real cause of inflation has not been studied seriously and nobody seems interested in doing it. Both, Congress & BJP are hand-in-glove due to the corruption, in which both of them indulged. It is very simple and has very little side effects on the economy. Following steps if implemented by our learned Prime Minister, Chief of Planning Comission and longest ever served Finance Minister of India and yes, I forgot, the political big-wig, Mr. Sharad Pawar. The following simple steps & policies will help reduce the probles as faced by the people of this country;

  1. The de-listing of the farm products from the MCX. You can completely close MCX from provising any platform. Forward trading will bring down the prices, which will bring down hoarding as carried out by the traders. 
  2. Halt all infrastructure projects, untill utter transperancy is not brought in the project execution, like; project costs, period oc completion, fixing responsibility on officials for not completing projects in time, liability of contractors in case of sub-standard work.
  3. Curtailing spending by the Government officials or the ministerial officials on their private expenses.
  4. Ending subsidies on diesel consumed by the luxury car owners. They must buy the diesel at market rates.
  5. Banning import of products which do not increase productivity. 
  6. Setting up and managing priority this nation needs. We have SIM card easily available and cheaper than we can provide milk to the poor people, who live BPL.
  7. Strengthening Public Distribution System (PDS) to reach it to the maximum people and there is no waste of the food grains. It is beyond one's comprehension that so called economist, the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Planning Commission & Finance Mister along with Food & Civil supplies Minister, express their inability to distribute the food to poor and their inability to save the millions of tonnes of food grains from rotting. 
  8. We must not boast our selves as a developed economy but better we accept ourselves as a developing economy. Congress must understand that Sonia Gandhi is a foreigner and will remain so. she is yet to prove her nationalistic loyalty to India. All her actions are not in tandem with her claim to be a perfect nationalist.
  9. Privatization under the pressure & influence of IMF was good but it must have DESHI touch to it and must be political decisions rather then economic decision as well as must touch the humanitarian aspect.
  10. Govt must slow down its policy of taking wealth into few hands, by not protecting small level players. Hence allowing foreign investments in retail sector must be postponed and taken very carefully so that the large number of small time businessmen could turn into job seekers into big corporations like wallmart.
These few steps will ease inflationary pressure on the Indian masses. Instead of sitting in side the air conditioned chambers, Finance Minister must start doing something.   He may be right some-where, wrong some-where. Trial & error method will and can help solve any problem. But for that you need to work and do something. PM & PC Chairman may have last chance to improve what they have put this country's state of affairs to. At the moment they seem to be clueless with respect to the same.

Not writing, is better about the Food & Civil supplies Minister, Late Shri Sharad Pawar.

(To Be Continued...)

No Difference between 7/11.....11/26 & 7/13...!!!

      Mumbai once again felt tremors. The Mumbaites once again shook completely out of the utopia of safe place to live in. Three bomb blasts once again and over again proved that the targets are Gujaratis, the business community in Mumbai and that the Govt. has been and will be silent spectator in this game of bloodbath. It was a point made clear by the terrorists that they can and will strike at their will. If they are not striking it is not the security agencies that prevent them from carrying out lethal attacks, but it is their choice not to strike oftenly and frequently.

The disregard for the human lives by the terrorists is nothing new and they will carry out their strikes as and when they wish. The political apathy and carelessness, is what is hurting at this point of time. The people have few common things going through their minds. Why not a single politician has ever been hurt or killed in such bomb blast? Why people who are no where involved, are the victims? Why ever in this world no one convicted ever been hanged to death? Why Afzal Guru & Ajmak Kasab are still languishing luxuriously in the jail at taxpayers' money? Why should we pay the taxes for securing those leaders who have least regard for the security of the people of this country?

             The India is passing through one of the roughest patch in the history of independent India. The Indian economy is huge and very lucrative and its people are very hard working, if the remuneration is enough to make him feel at ease. But the real situation on the ground is really very bad as the present M. S. Singh Govt. is aim less and rudderless. The Home Minister finds himself patting his own back in failing Baba Ramdev agitation at Ramlila ground, but he is clueless as to how 27 innocent civilians were killed in serial blast in Mumbai on11th July 2011.

It is not surprising that the administration will not budge till, the people from their Politically elite & affluent class. The attack on Parliament had brought the nation on the brink of the war. Pakistan and its cartoons have not dared since then to attack any political leader. They know that killing innocent people will give deep wound in the mind of the people of India, and they will not forget such wounds. At the same time they will remain unscathed till they do not touch the Political elite class. We have not heard in the recent past, perhaps after the death of Rajiv Gandhi, any political leader was the target of the terror strikes. Even the Maoists, who boast to be the savior of poor people, have always killed innocent policemen doing their duty to serve their nation, and following dictates of the Political Class, have never ever been touched. The biggest crime an Indian citizen has committed, for these ultras is, they have born Indian. Besides they are poor or unprotected from the Political elite surveillance.

Attacks will keep on happening till the mentality of the people who rule us changes. The right things will start happening the day these ruling elite thinks that they need to rule the country. They feel that they really need to work and their chance to serve the people has come. Anna Hazaare & Team need not to remind these elite that they are the servant of the people of this country. If this political elite does not understand their duties, they risk their oblivion and utter & definite anarchy will be looking  into the face of the Indians. At that time we ourselves will need to be blamed. But the pertinent question is what can ever be done againt the people who are unwilling to understand the dangers of what they are doing or in fact not doing???

Lessons Of Democracy...!!!

        The eviction of Baba Ramdev from Ramlila ground, is just the begining of the end of this Govt. It may be ousted before the term ends after 5 years or it may be thrown out by one of the biggest Indian- Jasmine agitation! One thing is for sure that the Govt has lost the farsightedness in dealing with the local routine issues which affects the nation most. The fast-unto death by Baba Ramdev would have created a divide in the civil society led agitation to route out the corruption in high places, had there been no action in the middle of the night. The Manmohan Singh Govt perhaps lives in Utopia where it branded Baba Ramdev a cheater first and took immediate action to weed him out from the Ramlila ground where he was fasting along with his gullible supporters. 

Baba's supporters had become little wary after what happened in the evening when Kapil Sibbal one of the most shrewd minister, systematically succeeded in breaking the backbone of the public image Baba Ramdev had created for all these years. He very cleverly trapped Baba & his supporters and refuted their claims of government not co-operating in accepting their demands. 

All these events in the evening of 4th June 2011 could have cemented demise of Baba's image further in the public opinion, for cheating his own supporters, had there been no police swoop in the Ramlila ground and no police swoop on the miserable people, which included old aged men & women, children, who had came from different parts of the country to attend the meet. 

Let's not get into what happened at Ramlila ground, and the events of the next day, as entire worls watched these events unfolding live on their television sets. But one thing which has come out of this events is the prematurity of the Govt.& its leaders, ministers and Congress party workers. These idiots needs to be trained in the school to learn to speak for any Indian national, who has equal right vis-a-vis these idiots. The people of this country are free to do what they want to do though lawfully and if millions of nationals feel that the law governing them needs change, they must be heard and followed up by the Govt.

The issue was the funds parked in foreign banks, be declared national assets and brought back to India. Every Indian knows these black money belong to political class and few business people. Hence the movement to bring back these funds will never succeed. In proving Baba Ramdev a cheat Congress Party & Govt. were highly successful. But meanwhile they have opened up their own belly. They themselves proved that they are not interested in bringing those funds back in India. Had they were interested in bringing those funds back, instead of bringing a law they would have promulgated an Ordinance forfeiting those foreign funds with immediate effect!!!!