Thursday, December 24, 2009


The latest release of these two films have really aroused keen interest in the movie goers. These two films, made on two different subjects are rocking the Indian crowd and the people are happy to see these two movies, forget they cause big hole in the pocket, as the tickets are very high in multiplexes besides if you chose to see it 3D, the cost even goes up.

Well, the point is, two different movies are telling us the message which is similar in nature. 2012 depicts the complete devastation of the Planet Earth, and perhaps they are concentrating more on the destruction caused by the global warming and related issues, holding the man responsible for the same. It very nicely shows how the Earth gets destroyed and everything which is happening is happening but not only due to what man has been doing to this earth.

The film has its weird solution. The rich and powerful on this Earth ditch billions of people on this Earth, who were not given chance to save themselves, as the rich nations' government do not inform its people of impending danger. Instead they built few ships in Chinese workshops and try to save the rich & powerful of this earth.

However the magnitude at which this catastrophes takes place could even put a question mark on the secret vessel project also. However Hollywood film proves its mentality and utter commercialization of the events, and then mixing little emotions into it. But then if we give a second thought to this, we realize that the people, had they been informed about the heating up of the Earth's inner space, people might have just panicked and could have had been a mayhem. But then also the question arise, was there enough done to save other lives, except those who were rich, famous and powerful?

The answer is no!

There was not enough done and thought and the solution which the film shows, could portray as a one who saved life and mankind on the planet Earth, by making and saving people with the help of THE SHIP. Why were no such more ships were made to save more people?

Second film AVATAR, is about the greed of the humans which makes them land on a distant planet called PANDORA. Here they wish to destroy the natives for the stone which they want to sell at international market for millions per kilogram. For that they go to the extent of destroying the civilized networked natives with helicopter gunships and cargo ships converted into bombers. For their own greed they destroy a belief those native had in the mother nature.

Both these films prove that the Hollywood perhaps is trying to show the mirror to the people of this world about the human nature. The time we are passing through is one of the most difficult one. The nature is infuriated by the reckless use of its resources by the human being.

The best scene in the film AVATAR was, when the hero first time raises his voice against the occupying force's CEO, who asks hero to explain to the natives of Pandora palnet to vacate the tree on which they lived as the occupying forces want the costly stone beneath the giant tree. Hero then tries to tell them that they will not and can not be explained or persuaded to shift from that tree to some other place for any reason. They can not be PURCHASED with money as they have no value for money. That particualr scene explains eveything. The natives have everything they want and eveything which keep them alive & happy. So we cannot allure them with physical things.

In one such scene, it proves that the wealth created on the basis of money and consumption, is useless and needs to be understood before we actually ponder over the climatic crisis, we are are facing at the moment.

Both the films are a "MUST WATCH" for all of us who think. Those who think, raise question. We must raise question as where we are going and what are our goal. Is buying a good branded watch or anything which is luxerious and costly, the only thing we want in our lives? What next after that! Few more watches, perfumes and shoes and cloths and so on & so forth. But do we all need that?

Such questions when come to mind we think for a while, we agree with the point that what we are doing is indirectly or dierectly hurting the nature's cycle. We are using and consuming. We are concerned with our own self and not anybody else, not even our future generation!

One of my friend after watching 2012 told me that if what the film is showing really happens one day, he was happy to have no children in his life. He even did not wish to become parent any more, perhaps he would go for adoption of child but not the otherwise. We in Mumbai, have become little more cautious after we were sure of water cuts being applied by the local municipal authority. But have we started saving water on the individual basis ? The answer is still no!

We have become so rackless and careless that we feel that what happens with me acting to save the palnet earth? The question i right, but it will make sense that everybody on this earth will start thinking in that way. If you are wise and clever enough, you would heed to the signals, these two movies provide. Both the movies tell us, what we are doing and what we are running after is useless and meaningless. The generation of wealth in physical terms is giving us only traumatized life. It is not giving us peace of mind. First we loose peace of mind for money and once we earn them, we starte searching for it with the money, which we are unlikely to get, but then why don't we have it when we had it initially?

We, humans have changed the meaning of prosperity. We have made the personal possession of consumables as the economic prosperity. The economic prosperity means climatic decay. Take the example of the figures which were released by the bike manufacturers, which portrays increased sale of bike in India. The Finance Minister or for that any reason any economist of the country would feel secured. As this shows economic recovery by the Indian Economy. It will create jobs. Money will flow into the hands of people as the rising demands will give boost to production cycles. Rising production will create jobs. people of this country wlill prosper.

But that's perhaps not the bench mark for the development.

These bikes once sold, will mess up the roads. They will add up to already clogged roads . Climatic conditions will worsen further. We see the melting ice on Himalays and other Arctic regions, but will never postpone buying of the bike. The biggest problem is that the current bench mark for developments are so weird that they go totally against the nature. The rising prosperity will bring rising heat on the earth and subsequent mass-annihilation on the planet earth.

The film 2012, depicts consequences of what humans have done to the lovely & beautiful planet earth and film AVATAR, points towards the destructive & greedy nature & minds of the humans, and how far they can go to fulfill their selfish desire. The climatic international meet will never succeed. No country wish to give up the economic benefits, they could enjoy.

The China, USA, Europe and Russia and to an extent India may be few of the most polluting countries of the globe, but they are so powerful that they can neither be challenged nor be persuaded to give up some of their industries to reduce pollution. Because of the faulty and misinterpreted meaning of economic development & prosperity, they could loose the edge they have on their competitors. Mind you, USA is the biggest culprit, but no country in the world has capacity or capability to openly tell the USA that first see the mirror and then come to any climatic meet anywhere in the world. They are the biggest consumers on the planet earth. The path they have chosen for the prosperity is followed by all the countries of the world. But when the situation worsens, USA will never accpet its fault and will actually use all the tactics under the agies of Climate Damage Control Initiative, in which all other world countries would loose the economic edge they achieved with the path shown by the USA & its allies. Not even India or China for that reason.

It will then become one of the most difficult time for the people of this earth. The hope lies in the powerful nations doing their bit to put the global warming under control at the same time they are made willing to spend their money on those poor countries, who due to lack of technology are still using poor methods of production of goods.

Actually the meaning of prosperity needs to be changed after giving a thought to the present state of affairs of earth's climatic condition.

It is a very likely scenario, one day, several spaceships will leave this planet earth to so other distant planet and only rich, famous and people with technical know how will only be allowed on the spaceship and remaining population will be left to die a miserable life on this planet earth.

Perhaps 50 years from now.........this may be reality.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The third and concluding part of the series which was started few months back. It took little longer before this was completed.

 End Of The World Part One

End Of the World Part Two 

As a human being we must ask questions about our origins. Why one should follow certain belief, which himself finds difficult to digest. It is said, one who asks question, thinks! So while doing so I came across some new and interesting facts. Now it will need your serious comments and hope fully start a new kind of discussion on this issue. But before that just read on the third part of the series

The SOURCE, as we believe it today, God created Creator souls. Who were capable of creating souls, planets, Stars, Universes, life forms for themselves and obviously for others. These Creator Gods knew to create matter as well as life from the source, light. (Remember filmy character Jaadu, in one of the super hit Hindi film)These creator Gods inhibited the constellation Lyra and these Lyrans had a life span of over Fifty Thousand years to lakh of years. There were other races, living objects, which were different from each other. But these creator Gods were supposedly the most advanced race amongst the other races present at that time. They were known as Annunaki race. They spread themselves out in
constellation Lyra, Vega, Pleiades and Sirius and created their own civilizations as per their need and requirements. They were believed to have all the characteristics of a DEMON, in all our stories around.

They had all the negative traits of human nature and even more mean and ruthless, than one can imagine to be in humans., even today. Perhaps German dictator Hitler, or even for that reason, Saddam Hussein can match most of the traits any Annunaki of Lyra.

With these traits and characteristics they ruled many of the constellations as mentioned earlier. It is believed that they reached planet Earth via planet NIBiRU. Now NIBiRU is the Planet of some other Solar System. It rotated around its own star and very interestingly its orbit, crosses into our Solar system. It is believed to be taking thousands of years, or say 3600 years, to be
precise, to finish one orbit, or even more years than what we understood, my any means.

It is believed, that it all happened in distant past, that civilization of Annunaki in SIRIUS CONSTELLATION , a STAR to which the NIBiRU was orbiting, died a natural death or got destroyed due to some unknown reasons. The Annunaki, who habitated NIBiRU, came to Earth. It is also believed that the planet Earth and Planet NIBiRU's moon collided. This resulted in creation of our MOON. Water on NIBiRU's that moon got transferred to our planet Earth due to the collision effect, where our Pacific Ocean lies today. The Earth matters were up in the space, which was replaced by the water from the NIBiRU's moon. (Source: Genesis)

There are several theories, of which one says as per the Zecharia Sitchin, that NIBiRU is the 12th Palnet of Solar system itself. It has a orbit period of 3630 around the Sun and once it collided with a Planet named Tiamat, beyond the planet Mars and that created Earth, Moon and
the asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter.

Now back to Annunaki story. Some these Annunaki found Earth to be the best place for their in habitation. For them Earth was a gift, as they had nothing left back home as their Sun like star was dying and secondly Planet Earth had vast deposits of GOLD. They needed metal gold, to sustain their longevity, for ornamental purposes sides they used it for some purpose which is not clear and not known, which is presumed to be like maintaining their super powers!

But whatever the reason, the GOLD was very important for their survival and maintaining their longevity, besides, the stock of Gold was never sustainable back home. It might have had already depleted over there. Hence they always needed to look for Gold at different places, in the Universe.

The hoarding of gold was their main characteristics, as it is understood from the writings of Sumerian writers, which they themselves believed , that their civilization itself was nothing else than a set up, created by the by Annunaki.

Sumerians believed that the creator God, Annunaki were so advanced technically & highly powerful. They had at their time technology of genetic engineering, about 4.5 billions years ago. Even we can not think of such an advancement & innovation with all that technological prowess we have today.

Annunaki, the creator Gods, required gold to be excavated for their personal use. As the Sumerians write, they required it either for ornaments or for sustaining or increasing their life longevity and some of the special powers they had. For this excavation they required laborers. Hence they used their technological advancement in genetic engineering to develop some of the
species as humans, as we find it today.

It is believed that before they came, Earth had some form of humans, which were very primitive and far short the requirements of Annunaki. Hence they created genetically engineered species, which was far more similar to the original occupants of the planet earth and before the arrival of the Annunaki race and several other races as were present in the constellation its had been ruling for all these years, which were in millions.

With their technological advancement, they modified then existing primitive humans to meet their requirements. They did such thing successfully and they had slowly a force of labour who followed their instructions and could be used for years for excavation of Gold.

Sumerian civilization was one of many such civilizations created by the Annunaki at different places throughout the Earth, wherever there existed considerable gold deposits. They had already became God to these genetically engineered species, we shall call them the Avatar of present day human beings. These humans feared powers of creator Gods and they were forced to follow their instructions.

It now happened that these homo-sapiens or the humans species got smarter with the passage of time. After some centuries they grew so strong that they revolted against the Annunaki, the creator God. Those who revolted against these creator Gods, got destroyed. (This perhaps explains for no known reasons few civilization got removed mysteriously without any traces from the planet earth. )

After another few hundred thousand years, these creator gods started to receive the stronger revolt against them through out the plant Earth. Which forced them to destroy everything living, on this planet earth. (Solomon was asked to collect all the living things on the earth onto ship for seven days, as the earth faced one of the most severe flood-storms throughout the planet , destroying every living things.)

But that was not the solution. As the history could be repeated. If such revolt gets tougher, then the Annunaki could end up dying one day for the lack of Gold and absence of alchemy. Hence there were wiser Annunaki, who wished to share the secret of Gold and related alchemy with the humans on the earth while the other camp was against such sharing of secrets. The two camps were led by one Enki, who favored humans should share the secret of Gold and hence the super powers the Annunaki had, while the other faction was led by EN.LIL

It is believed that there had been a terrible nuclear war fought between the two factions of Annunaki at Sinai & near Pyramids over the fate of the humanity. Enki, wanted that the humans must be equal to Annunaki and they should have the freedom, respect and self rule. While the Enlil always wanted to rule the humanity with an iron hand.

It is believed that it was the Enki, who advised Adam & Eve to eat from Tree of knowledge and not the tree of life. Had they eaten from Tree of Life, they would have lived very long, but as a race they would have never evolved themselves to be clever enough to become equal to to that of their own creator Gods.

Obviously this was not to be likened by Enlil and the fought wars. Interestingly, Enki & Enlil were half brothers and their was father was believed to be Anu, who was the leader of Annunaki race.

Sumerians believed that these were the facts and they had symbolized what they knew about the Annunaki race and their creator Gods. Now the interesting part. If this was the truth about our
ancestors, what we believe is God, with super naturals powers, could be in most probability in fact were the Annunaki. The homo-sapiens race could have been genetically engineered and could have been in the most likelihood, the present day humans.

Humans race is the most superior to all other races of animals, birds and all the living things. Their mind must have had been genetically engineered to think better than those other animals !
Perhaps I am going far beyond the usual thoughts. But still they are LOGICAL thoughts. What more convincing about this theory is that one faction of the Annunaki wanted humans to have all those super powers, and they might have already started to pass on some of these powers to humans, but in between something might have happened that the process of making humans superman, might not have been completed.

So we are half superman and half like other animals on the Earth. All these things convinces beyond doubts that the aliens were, perhaps they are and they will remain part of our lives. It induces us to believe that perhaps we are not that advanced as those people, but we have attained a sort of super humanism, by medicating ourselves, creating genetic cells and experimenting to control genes which are responsible for aging us out and the way we die.

The days are not far away when we would be able to control that of our gene which is responsible for our aging, brought under control and we could be stop aging.

The same as Annunaki, who lived for thousands to hundred thousands of years. It is not understood what we will do for that longer time and what shall we do to live that long possible !

Happy Reading ! Happy Thinking!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

End Of The World...Nibiru, Annunaki etc..etc..!!!!


It was few months back I started to write on the subject and I was feeling that this should be noted on this same blog. Many friends who have been visiting this blog, must have been disappointed as there have been virtually no write ups in recent past on this subject.

This is in continuation with regard to the earlier post, with respect to the End of the World Approaching... and our own origination. Few months back there were several posts, in which I had put some reasoning which related the GODLY figures as likely to be aliens and had put forward some reasons for the same. There were several others who also held the same views on the subject.

It is certain that in this unimaginable and beyond our mental capacity to calculate the huge Universe and its objects. In the universe of ours, there are millions if not billions of galaxies like that of ours and in that if only Earth ends up supporting life, is not easily acceptable. Hence the imagination, backed by solid logic forces us to believe that there may more civilization, which might harbor life, may be more advanced than Earth or may be very primitive anywhere else in this Universe.

We are even not sure that how many Universe we might discover in course of our search for SETI. We might also one day know the way to travel from one Universe to another like we are traveling from one country to another. But in our quest for knowledge about our ancestors and our origin, we depend upon few of the signs and clue which are left behind by the time and which are still very suspicious and unexplained so far.

We must ask questions, as are we alone in this Universe? Do we belong to planet Earth, or did we come from another world? Is there any another world?

Then we followed some hype in the internet and in electronic media about the end of the world approaching on 21st December 2012. Because the people who believe such a prophesies, believe that the MAYANS had predicted the end of the world. MAYANS were the civilization present around the 9th century. They had the best knowledge in the astronomy & astrology.

They are believed to have had perfectly predicted all the eclipses taking place on Earth till date and they had predicted all future eclipses, till 21st December 2012. It is very difficult to understand the reason , why they stopped there ! One of the inferences could be they might have been tired, they might have had a person, who was doing all these predictions and one early morning he passed away, leaving the prediction work incomplete up to 21st December 2012.

There are scientists who predict two things. Which do not have any scientific proof to have any connection.

The First is, that on 21st December 2012, the Sun. Moon & Earth will be in one line, the three will be in perfect center of the our Galaxy and Galaxy. The scientists say that this will have the gravitational upheaval for Earth. And the Axis will change at the same time.

the Second is Change of Axis. Which happens every few billion years. Scientists believe that such change of Axis is going to happen in very near future. It may have already began. What we call a climate change, may actually be Axis shifting.

In this Axis shifting, the North Pole moves towards the South while the South poles moves northward. Resulting in change of gravitational forces to such a massive extent that the entire land crust face an upheaval, which could result in massive earth-quakes, eruption of volcano, tectonic plate of the earth's crust could break up and go upside down. Sea water could change its place. While what is sea might become land and what is lane might become sea.

Now the imagination runs wild amongst the people on the internet, electronic media and printed media too. They have mixed up the two. The starry facts are added with spices to the shifting of axis facts. These facts are merged with one another to create maximum hysteria.

Third is the Planet X, alias NiBIRU. It is believed that this Planet X is approaching Earth and will collide with Earth on 21st December 2012.


Now there after the reasons and the causes of such a destruction, started to float in the media and internet. According to this view few people believe that the a Plant called Nibiru would came & collide with the planet earth and there will be complete and utter destruction. No one will survive on the planet Earth.

The planet NIBiRU is said to be approaching and is on the collision course with the Earth. It might get into the way of Earth's orbit, while itself orbiting the Sun. Hence the two planets could clash, with one another, while performing their routine orbiting Sun. There is no evidence to prove that the NIBiRU had a collision with the earth in its previous such run. But there are logical evidences which are if connected with each other we come to some very interesting facts about the human kind on this Earth as well as may be even our origin from where we have arrived.

The NIBiRU is said to be approaching Earth and it was to hit the Earth in the year 2003. But now it is believed that the hit could take place on 12th December 2012. Mayan civilization also claims that the world which we know today, would end on 12th December 2012, as their calender ends on that date. As mentioned earlier that they had the perfect ability to predict each and every ECLIPSES with utter precision. But they have all their predictions abruptly end on 21st December 2012. Reasons known to them.

However MAYANS did give insight into the Sumerian culture. They explained many things which points towards the fact that we are not alone in this Universe. The Sumerians held this view before that MAYANS. They believed that the Earth may be inhibited by the men as we know of today, but we are not alone. They tried to explain, what we try to deduce from the logic.

Continue to read the next part.

Monday, September 21, 2009


The recent news reports pointing towards the rising tension at the Indo-China border is very serious and very alarming also. The China has reason to become aggressor in this case and create controversies as the Tibet and the region closer to Indian border is engulfed into deep trouble . People in these provinces are fighting the cultural white Wash the Chinese are doing in the Lhasa and surrounding areas.

They are deliberately killing the Tibetan culture by giving money in the hands of young Tibetans. They have turned the Tibetan girls to become whores and they are doing it to satisfy the Chinese Red army requirements as well as destroying the Tibetan culture. It is this point where it finds no support from India. Dalai Lama, spiritual leader from Tibet has found a sanctuary in India and has been runing his own Govt in exile. The Chinese think that they have all right to claim the stake over Arunachal Pradesh as it is very close in all issues to the Tibetan culture and since in 2006 India accepted the Tibet as internal part of China, dragon thinks its it natural right to stake claim on Arunachal Pradesh also.

Recent elections in Arunachal Pradesh, and related political visit by P.m. Manmohan Singh, has irked the Chinese Govt., but absolutely unnecessarily. The said territory always belonged to India and it will always remain that way. This must be conveyed to the Chinese in no uncertain terms. In fact if the Indian Govt. wants to avoid the war, then it must prepare for the war. It must start spending on enormous development of its military strength. If the borders are secured, economic development will automatically happen.

But it seems that the Govt. is more than neccessarily taking it easy. For several days none of the Govt. functionary was ready to say anything against the Chinese incursions in Arunachal Pradesh. Then blame was on the media to create hype in the country of a war. So did the Chinese, blamed it on Indian media. But Govt. controlled Chinese media was all united to criticise the Indian Prime MInister for his visit to Arunachal Pradesh. It seems we did a great mistake in accepting the Chinese claim on Tebet, without getting a concrete promise from the Chinese Govt. that it will not interfere in the internal affairs as well as they will accept and honour Indian boundries.

Prime Minister is busy in fondling with the economic boom, he and his team is considering disinvestment of PSUs and all that is not important from security of the nation point of view. It has been an old saying, that the Jis Desh Ka Raja Vyopari, Us Desh Ki Praja Bhikhari (Jiska Raja what we will do with the stocks and what it will realize if the Chinese forces to capture the Arunachal Pradesh by force. Do we have any preparedness for the same or we have already accepted the defeat. What happens to the money of the tax payers, spent on the military preparedness, if the same is not deployed in the best manner? What we will do of those planners and strtegic analysts, if they can not provide solutions to the problems faced by the Govt.

Secondly, we were a defeated nation in 1962. Weak and short sighted policies of P.M. Nehru has given the Chinese boost to their belief that India is weak country and can be bent over as and when required. It was the Chinese policies to make the countries around it to either toe to their wishes or face the war.

Thirdly the Chinese view India as their competitor. China started economic reforms in the year 1971 or so. They have been unchallenged for all these years. But India has been catching up Chinese very fast and it has potential to even take over the Chinese economy. China, instead of accepting the challenge, could try to hit India with a war and throw the Indian economy out of gear for decades and China continue to dream to rule the world one handed.

China has developed a kind of fear that it can not sustain its economic development vis-a-vis the Indian economic development. It knows its limitations. As its economy is absolutely controlled by the State, where the demand and supply statistics are controlled and manipulated by the Chinese Govt. itself. While the Indian economy is entrepreneur based, and which is subsequently based on market forces.

We have thousands of managers and skilled people who are readying themselves to challenge, hitherto unchallenged Chinese work force. While Chinese work force depends upon the money support provided by the State. Besides it is completely dependent on the exports to USA. If some day, if the dollar crashes, so will be the Chinese exports and the consequently the Chinese economic interests could get jeopardized.

Its demand for products hence is again controlled by the Chinese Govt., which encourages its nationals to spend more and more. While Indian economy is free to the wishes of consumers where consumer decides what, when & how much to consume.

Both the giants have many things in common and has a greater degree of potential for enmity between the two nation. Indians are very much cost cautious about using its national resources while the China to withstand competition, overlooks the cost of natural resources, besides the labour is cheap and under control of the Chinese Govt., that is why Chinese goods are so cheap in cost and quality.

I remember in the year 2003, the Chinese FM radios were flooded in the Indian market and were for sale just for Rs.50/=. People purchased it and then decided never to purchase any Chinese goods as it lacked quality. Consumers in India preferred to buy costly Indian goods against the cheaper Chinese goods.

Chinese economy is totally based on export of Chinese goods to Western countries, while the Indian economy is largely localised and hence has much more potential to fetch attractive fresh investments as well as a very good growth rate over period of time. THIS HURTS THE CHINESE RULERS.

A war with India could mean a increased business for the western nations, who could be more than happy to see that both these giants fight. Role of USA, will be limited to protect their own interests. It has huge investments in both countries and it can not afford to see a full fledged war between two neighbours, but it will have no options if China, rebukes USA, then there can not be any limit to the war.

However, war seems to be a distant possibility at the moment, as the stakes involved are very high and world community can not just be a watcher this time. China will have to be more precise and more practical. This game of cat & mouse, perhaps would not work this time. The Indian nation is much more stronger than the Govt., which looks lame duck at the moment. The will power of Indian masses must not be under-estimated, this time. This is not a Nehru era, when people used to believe him blindly and followed his policies without much practical approach.

Young Indians today will retaliate in the strongest manner and could be even better than the Chinese counter part. Though they might be great in numbers, but the will of this nation must not be gauged with the people in power circles in India. It would be a blood bath for any political party, if this time it makes India to surrender Chinese forces. Besides the leadership is much more matured than in 1962.

The only hitch is the political class of this country, which can not be trusted. This gut-less class could loose a war for India, in gift they would return part of territory belonging to India. The deal could take place to broker peace, not in the interest of India, but in the interest of the political class who has turned businessmen and can sell anything. The problem is not with the Indian masses, it is with the people who rule this nation.

But they must also be forewarned that if such an adventure, if at all, takes place, Chinese could really taste the blood of their own people, in India. The friendship and all such talks will be forgot and Indians will retaliate with vengeance.

It is clearly understood that the war will not be won by anybody and problems will never be solved with the war, it will enrage the problems further. A negotiated settlement to all the problems will be enough to douse the fire at the Indo-China border. But Indians can not take the threat from the Dragon lightly and pay price later on. We must be on guard. Militarily and politically. The Arunachal Pradesh row must be replied with Aksai Chin controversies. They must be told that the area, as disputed, between India & Pakistan can not be gifted by Pakistan to China.

Just think, we talk of peace with those who do not understand peace. If the Taliban comes and speaks language of bombs and suicide bombers, please tell them they have it the same way. If Pakistan wants a nuclear war with India, just declare that we have given up on policy of no-first use of nuclear weapons. Encircle the entire Chinese main land, with the inter-continental ballistics missiles, like Agni III, to tell them, if India attacked, no one is safe, not at least the attackers.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Difficult Days Ahead....!!

With the rainfall playing truant, prices of essentials going out of the roof, terrorists are all set to attack another Mumbai like attack, share market going southward, swine flu taking toll on the economy, value of rupees depleting with each passing day and economic slow down all over the world.......etc...etc

Newspapers are full of this kind of stories everyday. You open a newspaper and you will find these stories with all sorts of extreme imaginations of the worst type from all those who write in the newspapers. They need to attract attention of the people and sensationalize the events or the difficulty the common man faces. INSTEAD OF TREATING AND SOOTHING WOUNDS , THEY JUST KEEP ON INCREASING THE INTENSITY OF SOMETIMES UTOPIAN SITUATIONS.

The common man also finds himself connected to these events when when the media increases attention on his problems. He finds himself into deep trouble when such situation is focused too much by the media. While the media wants more and more viewership/readership base and increased TRPs, not worried if that at the cost of the peace of mind of common man.

Take the example of swine flu, it was made it to the people of this country, as if this will kill each and everyone infected, despite the truth that common flu kills almost 2 million people in the world every year, but seldom reported and least talked and hence feared diseases. However the media hyped the pain and anxiety of common man, instead of dousing the fire in his heart and mind, it magnified the fear and related seriousness many folds.

Take the price rise, which is so steep that you can just pray that you must afford to have what you need for your living requirements. The vegetables, you literally feel is in the hands of cold storage mafias. The prices of vegetables are all same for 12 months. The days of the seasonal fruits and vegetables have all gone down into the history. The prices are stabilized for 12 months. Whether there is season for the same or not, you may perhaps get the perishables you want, but you pay the price for the same.

The food grains and pulses have always only moves northward. The prices once gone up never comes down. The common man struggles to keep his budget under control as his source of income is limited and prices of all the essentials have been on the rise. He might be thinking of a various combination to stay afloat with his family with all permutations and combination.

In the entire scenario the Government of India led by Congress and one of the renowned economists teamed up by Mr. Manmohan Singh, Montek Singh, Pranav Mukharjee, look too small as persons with the assigned jobs. They really live in the Utopian state of imagination, whee the role of State is limited in any Capitalist economies of western countries. Still and so far they do not feel or compelled to act.

The price rise is just crossing all the limits and there is no solution is visible at the moment. The vegetables, food grains, pulses and all the related food items are crossing all bounds. The Govt. just wants to be richer and richer. It does not think of reducing any taxes levied on the common man. Petrol & Diesel prices are one such prices on which the Govt. itself is violating laws. As per the law there can not be any taxes on tax already levied. But the Petrol & Diesel are such product where in taxes are levied on taxes (Details some other time).

Situation is worsening day by day but the Central Govt. as well as the State Govt. doe not seem to be readying itself for the calamity, which is approaching very fast and consistently. With the monsoon, slated to fail this season and the drought is on the horizon, situation could worsen further.

Declaring drought affected nation would not in any case absolve Govt of its duty to act for the welfare of the people. The most important task for the Govt is to stop the futures markets in food grains, fruits and vegetables. This will end speculative price rise happening on daily basis. It should immediately make plans to buy the commodities in short supply to import from foreign markets. It should also do it on the urgent basis to instill a fear of business loss in the minds of hoarders, who store the goods purchased at acheaper prices and sell when there is scarcity of such commodities at a very high value

Monday, July 27, 2009


The Indian scientists and people at DRDO and related institutes, have finally come up with the Indian version of a nuclear submarine. As an Indian I am really proud of the achievement made by the country's hardworking scientists, who have from time to time proved that they are not less than anyone in this world. If they are given time, money and support, they can be the best lot in the world.

The nuclear submarine has its strategic importance as these ATVs, as they are called, can carry nuclear war-heads for the enemy, who is not satisfied with our stand of no first use of nuclear weapons. In that case we need to develop a capacity in which we can launch a retaliatory attack. Assuming that the first attack would completely cripple us, we need something which will deter the enemy to even launch first strike, fearing that they would get their due, in case they attacked India.

These submarines can stay beneath the sea level for months, without requiring to come to surface for recharging, as required by the other ordinary submarines. Hence they can remain under water for months and can launch a decisive attack, including nuclear attack, on the enemy territory. Most of these weapons never get actually used up in the war as enemy knows what will happen if the actual war breaks out, but then still having such a weapon system is necessary.

The day on which it was launched, there was a murmuring going on about the name of this nuclear powered submarine. It was named after one of the Tirthankar of Jain, Arihant. Whose name the Jains take when they recite the most auspicious NAVKAR MANTRA. Jain leaders have started to raise objection, as Arihant means killing the inner darkness of a person, (while the Sanskrit meaning is killing the enemy,) they claim that the submarine will have weapons which could kill hundreds of thousands of people if not millions, must not be named after their Tirthankar, who always preached non-violence.

One must answer to a simple question. Has Jainism purchased copy rights to use the Sanskrit word, Arihant, for their exclusive use? You can oppose if the said submarine was named after the Jain Tirthankar, but the name Arihant is a Sanskrit word and the culture, literature and language Sanskrit, is much bigger than the Jainism. We as Jains, must respect the sentiments as expressed by the Indian Defense establishments, for naming the first nuclear powered submarine as Arihant. The naming authority nowhere mentioned that is is named after Jain Tirthankar, Arihant.

This is a perfect example of mixing religion with politics. The Jainism, as a way of life and its Tirthankar, Arihant, is much bigger than the leaders who are making noises about the naming a nuclear submarine after Arihant, are making to be one.

We in India, do not understand what for and where we are opposing. We keep on opposing on each and every issues and politics enters each and every such issues. The simple occasion of being proud Indian for having an indigenous nuclear submarine, could get into murky politics of naming the submarine.

I personally feel that such issues must be dealt with some simple logic. The word Arihant, does not only belong to Jainism. Nor do the Jains has purchased the rights to use the name exclusively for their own purpose. Besides, will the people who are opposing the use of name would justify that the name was actually originated from Jainism and is not a Sanskrit word.? I strongly feel that the Jain religious leaders should concentrate on well being of the Jain community, by asking the Rich Jains to donate for Hospitals, schools and hostels and help those thousands of Jain brothers who need help. Instead of arousing sentiments in the name of the religion.

Being a Jain myself, I have come across many practices which need to be looked upon on humanitarian grounds. We need some strong leadership to put our own house in order. Instead making more and more Ashrams, Mathas and temples, we need good hospitals which serve poor, we need schools so that the community people can learn and lead good prosperous life.

And the most important observations I have been through, is that the Jainism, boasts non-violence and preaching of forgiveness. But does not allow killing to protect oneself or even to protect Jainism. This is complete cowardice. Just following centuries old traditions, while we live in the life where people get killed for no fault of theirs, such preaching needs reform.

You can not convince the Taliban with this peaceful message. They will first laugh at you, then they will rob you and finally will shoot you dead. Your non-violence will not work against the animals. They need to be killed to protect you and your philosophy of unnecessary non-violence.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


A month has since passed to the beginning of the eternal journey of my father, who left this world for heavens on 27Th May 2009. Both of our parents left us within a span of 7 months and perhaps that was the reason for our deepest anguish and sorrow.

I have no right words to begin a tribute to my father. His departure to heavens is not easy for all of us to digest and forget. Whenever I visit my dad's house, I feel, there he would come out of his room, just buttoning his shirt, and would ask, when did you come, my son ?

I still wish, that mobile would ring and "Papaji Calling..." appears on the mobile screen. I am dying for such a call to come at least once...I still wish that he sits by my side in my car and keep telling me to drive slowly and safely, as reaching home was more important than how you fared on the highways.

I had for several days kept praying God to send him back to me for the last time, so that at least I could have asked his last wish. For few days after his demise, I continuously went to his bed wishing foolishly that from somewhere he would appear and talk to me.

While preparing for his last journey, I, after fixing up his body tightly on the death-bed, looked towards heaven for his approval, thinking I might see him somewhere up in the sky and get his approval for what I was doing to his soulless body. But the stark reality had fallen on me, that he was never ever going to complain, if he was being hurt nor he would ever answer my any calls for help or advice on any day through out my life. This time he had gone for forever.

I find myself the most unlucky son, as on both the occasion of when my mother and then my father left for eternal journey, I was not present to at least ask them, what was their last wish. The realization that he was gone forever was very difficult to accept and there were occasions when I cried, when as a young child, I cried for some toys to be purchased in the market or fair and was insisting on something, I always wanted. Dad would fulfill my that wish by buying me that toy or thing and then I would stop crying, happily wondering about the new toy. But this time it was the him, who always consoled me, had gone forever.

Stark reality was slowing dawning on me that I needed to control my berserk emotions, which I tried initially, but all in vain. I realized that what I was willing and asking for, was not possible and had never ever happened to anybody.

On the morning of 27Th May 2009, I was just helping out my wife as we were planning a renovation of our kitchen. The final touches were being given for the new temporary shifting of kitchen, since we were expecting the work to begin on the same day. I was about t to fix up the gas connection, my phone rang, brother was on the phone, he just said that the Papa was unconscious and wanted me to reach urgently. It took me another ten minutes, to reach his place about 6 Km. away from my house. During the drive I was preparing myself for his hospitalization and feared deep inside for a paralytic attack sort of thing, since he suffered from high B.P.

On reaching home, we decided to take him to hospital. While taking him out I thought that he might be listening to what we were talking. His face had a determination to fight, perhaps the fight with the death, in which he perhaps knew he would be defeated. He must have had continued with that fight for self respect till his last breath. Perhaps he was a better fighter than I actually knew him to be.

As papa and Dilipbhai, my cousin sat on the back seat while I drove the car along with Dr.Gopal, our neighbor, took him to a local hospital. While wife and brother came by another car. We waited outside the hospital gate while cousin and Dr.Gopal went inside for the doctors present at the hospital to come and examine him.

By this time around I had started to feel that something was wrong. As I was recollecting the events, when we left for the hospital. Dr.Gopal who initially wanted to go to Godrej Hospital, but later changed to local one, known to him. His sudden change of decision, though, was in consultation with my cosine, Dilipbhai, wherein I was not present. But our Mother was taken to the same hospital when she had expired, for second opinion on her death. Those were the most anxious moment of my life. I feared the worst, but still his death...... never ever came to my mind.

While his face never looked like that of a person who was no more., I could feel his body heat. (This happened since he had just died.) So I was preparing myself for much longer war for his recovery and hence contemplating that he might be shifted to even bigger hospital than Godrej, after giving him some first aid sort of treatment in this local hospital.

I still remember the words as said by the another doctor at the hospital, "he is no more...."

Those words shook my whole world. I felt like falling from top of the mountain into a deep dark cliff, where the end was not in sight.

So far I had liked to be one of the spoiled and irresponsible chap. I had habit of hiding behind my father whenever there was something which required my physical presence or my personal decisions. I left everything to Papa. He called me several times, in last few days, when he was preparing his final WILL. But I evaded his attempts to reach me on such subjects. As I kept on yelling at him that it was not the right time to even prepare the WILL, and he will live for long with us.

His words are hunting me and hunting me hard, now. He told me once, when mother was in hospital in very serious condition and doctors had unsuccessfully tried their best, that he was feeling that he would die soon, and he can not live without our mother, which I never took seriously. Actually I had never ever imagined a life, forget even my existence without him. I never ever thought about myself to be in a situation like this, if he was not to be there to guide me and protect me. Later on, thinking about him, I realized that never for a second I had imagined that I have to live one day without him. That feeling is killing me, even now.

The feeling which I harbored now are very peculiar. Being elder in the family, now I am going to be looked upon for guidance and all family related relations and responsibility, which I am not used to, because I never took Papa seriously when he tried to tell and teach me few things. Now I fear that I would surely bungle in performing my duties.

I envy him as he attained worldly freedom and I was completely shackled into chains of worldly responsibilities. I feel being ditched by him and if allowed to meet him once in my life time, I will lodge a very strong protest for the same. Actually not only me, but all who knew him were taken aback on hearing about his demise. He looked absolutely healthy and fine and had no known illness, except the blood pressure.

His profound insistence that he never liked somebody troubled because of him, stayed with him till his last breath. He did not allow any of us even a chance to look after him, take care and do little nursing for him.

It was his nature of never to trouble anyone at anytime let alone me or my brother. He was a person who was worried for everyone, to whom he knew. At times he would come to my house in the late evening at around 9.00 p.m. and leave at 10.00 p.m. as he would insist that I do not change my routine of getting up early in the morning, besides the one liner which was his favourite, " I am free." He was just always willing to help each and everybody let alone the family.

He always refused, whenever I offered him to drop him at Vikhroli home, from my home. Saying that he did not like me to drop him,as I might have had tired. besides he would insist that..." I am Free!"

He took all the responsibility for looking after mother, even when she was in hospital for quite some time. He saw that none of us exhausted and was always there to sooth our anxiety, tiredness. He maintained all sort of communications with doctors, nurses and even the ward boys.

What my father always insisted on the humanity and humility. He never believed in going to temple or STHANAK and perform rituals. He always said that the God wants us to show humanity and we just need to be humans. I have very few remembrances where he would insist on performing rituals. This was soul of the highest standards. There can not be any place except the heaven, for such s soul. And he always deserved that.

It was a thing or two to be leaned from him. he made himself so humble and full of humility that
He had retired as Chief Officer with MHADA, Nashik, an authority under Government of Maharashtra, India. He joined MHADA as junior civil engineer, just two years before my birth. He steered to such a highest post in nashik divsion, with his honesty, humanity and humility. He was simple down to earth man. He perhaps never made money, but with peace and respect he died, was his reward for the character he lived his life.

With the passage of time we tend to feel reduction in pain in our heart. Sometime you have to divert your mind and emotions to look after those behind, whose well being becomes your responsibility. Its the practice of this world, we perhaps shall never forget our loved ones but with the time our heart stops crying and accepts the reality. We slowly start to re-collect ourselves and ponder over the entire issues at hand. Our priorities change slowly and we willingly or unwillingly go back to our routine.

(I had been really very much upset over his death and I did commit few mistakes while and during the trouble which I faced emotionally after his demise. The foremost was I could not inform many of my friends and few of our relatives about the same, as I was not in position to inform everyone, since it was done by other family members. I did call them up after the prayers were over on Thursday. Some of them accepted what I told them. Few of them found it offending and difficult to digest and stayed away citing reasons they deemed right. But then there is absolutely no issues with anybody.)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


27Th May 2009 was the day on which an era came to end. My father, who had been fit and fine with no known illness, breathed his last at around 7:35 AM. on that fateful Wednesday morning. It was an end of a wonderful and loving person, to whom I knew. Being the elder son I had the privilege to live more with him as a child, youngster and as father.

He was primarily employed with MHADA as civil engineer. When he finished his engineering, he was called by MHADA and he joinedin 1964. He started his career in a city called Aurangabad, in Maharashtra State. Later he was transferred to Nashik. Where we lived for the next 11 years. Though I was born in Bhuj, Kutch, but came to Nashik, when I was just 7 months old. we lived there for 11 years, covering almost enitire period of my childhood there.

We lived in a building of 2 story, built by MHADA. Those were the days when the people were free and had very little or almost no stressful life. It was absolutely peaceful life. The life in Nashik was the same as that of any place in Kutch, Gujarat, in those days. Perhaps that was the reason for him to settle in Nashik. Home and office were hardly 3 minutes walk. Office used to start at around 10:30 AM and all used to leave by 5:30 PM. No travelling hiccups and no time consumption.

In the evening people would walk down to the city bazaar, known as Main Road Bazaar, from the colony, where we lived. Papa had a cycle. We both used to go to the town together in the evening. He had one condition, that I must finish my studies to go with him to the town. Infact there used to be very little or almost no homework in those days. So he would insist that I should anwer all the maths tables, he would ask. Usually I did go out with him.

I remember his obsession with Maths. He loved Maths and would insist that I also do the same. But I was not that good in Maths and that irritated him, which resulted sometimes in good Methipaks (beatings). But he loved me and it was his love that irritade
In those days T.V. and such gadgets were not part of the life. We just had luxery of a Murphy transistor radio. We had no owned house as yet at that time. Actaully he never bothered to own a house. Such were the days that in those days people would go for a house in rare cases. People, perhaps, as like my father, had no extra money in those days. I remember he used to borrow money from one of our family friend, known to me as Ramji Kaka(Uncle). He used to send some of the money from his salary to back home to my uncle's home in Madavi, Kutch, who was his elder brother and had died when I was just 9 months old.

People would go to the banks of river Godavery, when they would feel that they are free. I can not forget the cool breeze at the river bank. Godavari river is believed to be one of the most auspecious river after Ganges, and hence Nashik had its importance differently from religious point of view. Papa, Mom and myself would go to river bank and sit there. Then go for an eatary, where I would eat Bhel. I remember the Bhelwalla who prepared a sweet Bhel for me, called Nanna Farishta Bhel.

Dad was very strict in his principles. (Once I had asked him, does he feel let down, when he saw other of his collegues, who were making money?, he asnwered that they might have had bunglows and properties, but he had a sound sleep of million rupees !) In those days I felt dad was little more linient with the people, from whom he could extract money or more precisely, can take bribe. I remember One known to me as Khara Uncle. He was a small time government contractor, and very lion hearted man, lived in Pune, Maharashtra, Dad had a very good relations with him, he would come once in a year to Dad's office as we was contracted to look for monsson treatment ofr building terrace, under control of MHADA.

He used to ask Dad to buy a television set. Which Dad always deferred. Actaully he was short of funds. Uncle would suggest that he wanted to send the T.V. set consting Rs.5,500/= in 1980, to our house, but Dad always thought otherwise. At last Uncle won and a t.v. set came to our house. But then he told us that he would need to pay those money back to uncle and for that he would not celebrate one diwali with new clothes. He did keep his word.

Later on he realized that there were few neccessities, which needed to be fulfilled. So while buying a refrigerator, we started a savings account with V.G.Paneerdas & Sons a consumer durable dealer in those yester years. In which we paid a fixed sum. After few months or even years, we accumulated good amount of money with V.G.P. and then we purchased our first refrigerator. He felt ashamed of buying things on installments.

He was very much interested in reading news papers. He had one routine, visit a local public library everyday, read different newspapers. Newspapers were not purchased everyday in those days, the way now we do it. It used to be a luxury of sort to buy the newspapers. I was so obsessed with the idea of going together with him that I aways overlooked the my plight in the library as I had to sit like a duck for almost an hour or two and wait for him to finish reading newspapers.

It used to be a hell of an experience for me, as I used to sit on a bench, while he would go from one reading desk to another. (It used to be a desk, where you could read the newspaper, standing.) Very lately I got an idea. To read some children's magazines for myself. But that used to happen seldomly, as those magazines were published monthly and I used to accompany him almost daily. So once I finished reading those magazines, at the most within 3 days again the same wait used to begin. But then I still insisted on going out with him as I loved to ride with him on the bicycle. I will never forget the joy of riding on that bicycle with Papa.

We had a good family friend, Ramjikaka. Papa had been very close to him. They both used to meet each other almost on daily basis. he one day advised Papa to enroll me for nursery. There was the only Gujarati Nursery in those days.

I was so obsessed with him that I was not wiling to go to nursery and even the school. I still to
this date remember the first day of the nursery, when he left me with the teacher, Ms. Jayashree, and I cried for long. I saw him leaving me in the nursery from the first floor balcony, he was smiling and left on the bicycle. I cried and cried for long, then Ms. Jayashree took me to the hall where there were more than 50 other children, playing. That made me forget him for a while and I was happy to see him again after 3 hours, he picked me up and took me home. Later on to make me interested in going to nursery he enrolled me for a school bus. I still remember, I used to snooze inside the bus and for twice or may be thrice, I fell down inside the bus when the breaks applied. Father would console me when I used to get down from the bus.

Papa would wait in the afternoon heat to receive me at the MHADA colony, when I returned from nursery. Since Mom was very strict, Papa did a soothing job. So I was always very happy to see him collect me at the bus stop. I had the habit of hiding behind him, initially from mother and then from the world of relations and social responsibilities, till he left for eternity. With his presence I never felt responsible. I was proudy and so confident about him, that I never imagined that I have to live without him one day and then forever. I took pride in having a complete family with mother father, brother, wife, son and daughter.

Monday, June 1, 2009

MY FATHER 27th February 1939 to 27th May 2009

In the Morning at around 7:35 A.M. of 27th May 2009, he breathed for the last time. It was an end of a wonderful person and the most loved father. With his demise a loss of a wonderful person is being felt by the family and friend circle.

He left us within a span of 7 months and 7 days precisely from our mother passed away after long illness. He never accepted her demise and never tried to forget her. It was a love we envy, with each other.

Mother's illness increased gradually after she fell in 2003, while visiting a religious place in Kutch. His focus changed. He was so bussy looking after her for the next 5 years, that being her children, we had little role to play in lookig after our ill mother. He took up all the responsibility for looking after her. Some time our mother would complain, that he was acting little strict for her diet. She lived that long because of him only. She was really very lucky to have him as her husband.

But with the death of our mother, he broke down completely. His focus and mission for life had vanished. He was free in this whole world, which must have sun his head and must have felt absolutely lonely. He was too close to our mother, to have forgot her.

He was highly disturbed when our mother had expired on 20th October 2008. And he never came out of the shock. Actually he never tried honestly to come out of the shock. We tried to convince him by different means and different explanation, to which he had only one method, evade our attempt to make him forget our mother. It was a unique case, as per my friend and neighbour, Shailesh Shah, who termed it as AMAR PREM, between my mother and father. According to him, very rarely you come accross such couple, who have great commitment for each other. Very rarely people keep their promise to live and die togather, like this.

One of my other friend where he lived in Vikhroli, had seen his tearful eyes several time., when strolled with his youngest grandchild. It was a situation not very well understood wherein he never wanted to forget my mother. He must have been asking question as to why she had left him alone in this world? He must have had been in deep bout of depression due to this, but never let us even feel that way. He missed her all the time and he must have been praying God for that. It was a really tough time for us to handle his emotions.

Actually we were perhaps the most ill-equipped to understand his emotions and counter his thoughts. But his thoughts were never disclosed to anybody. Had that been done, we could have been better be able to understand what he wanted or he thought.

Truly, his love for my mother was an exception. Though we were shocked and sad, when our mother expired, the proportion was much less because we knew about her impending death, as doctors had told us that she would not make more than two months. We tried to console father at that time and we tried to reduce his sorrow. Though he agreed with us about what we said, but he was not willing to accept the reality, the death of my mother.

Actully under pressure from family and their feelings, he did tried to divert his feelings. He had been to Bhuj for quite some time. He stayed there with one of my cousine, Deepakbhai, who was alone for some time. Both were of close to same age and they shared great time together. When he came back to Mumbai, he joined a social group where he would visit few program mes monthly. At the same time he had started to visit STHANAK on daily basis. He would go for a walk in the morning, where he befriend few people of his age.

Perhaps he tried his best to forget our mother but the time was too short. He perhaps needed few more months to neutralize feelings for mother. But meanwhile the depression and loneliness took over him. And he left for eternity on 27th May 2009.

But our logic was not as strong as his love for our mother.

Monday, May 18, 2009


The 15th Lok Sabha, the Indian parliament has been formed and the people have really shown that they know what they are doing and they have the in depth knowledge of the events that happen in the country and they are capable of handling the issues concerning to their country.

The elections this time around had hardly any issues. The polarization of votes on any particular issue was missing this time around. The political parties did tried to create few out of the past skeletons, but as the name suggest they had died of their natural death. Bofors, for example, has no relevance now, except the people have accepted that the corruption will always remain. Masses understand that there is no use of rattling up old and irrelevant issues. Instead the people who are working needs to be supported.

Congress was one of the parties of the UPA. It was blackmailed by the CPM for almost four years. Six months back it withdrew support to the Manmohan Singh government. The Political experts, pundits, astrologers, were all wrong and Indian voters have shown tremendous maturity.

Indira Gandhi had tried to see that no leader other than her should get developed in INC and that was the case till she will killed. Rajiv Gandhi was elected to Parliament with thumping 83% seats after Indira was assassinated by her Sikh body guards. It was more difficult time for Congress once Rajiv Gandhi was removed from the Indian political scene.

These 18 years, congress as well as Indian masses developed into one of the more matured entity. The leadership flourished. The benefits of such positive change got its result in Manmohan Singh government got elected twice. remember, it was declared before the elections were held and even a single vote was cast, that the next PM would be Manmohan Singh.

Democratic slap on the face of Lalu Prasad Yadavs, Mulayams, Paswans, Mayavatis, Jaylalithas, Gowadas, will be too much for these petty leaders to absorb. It is not their capacity to come clean and win again. They will not accept their defeats, instead as Mayavati did in Utter Pradesh, by removing officials from their party posts, for debacle in general polls. Who will tell that be-little woman, that those officials worked under her direct supervision. It was she who was responsible and not the officials who followed her command in toto.

Lalu Prasad, mulayam & Paswan thought, they together will bargain from Congress and make the Congres leaders to beg for their support. Nothing of that sort happened, instead NOW they are begging Congress along with their support. People have taught these so called KING MAKERS, a lesson of their life. If they are clever enough, they will leave politics for some better and educated people.

People have undoubtedly voted for the development. They want those leaders who work and region is developed.

Hats off to Indian masses, who have voted and shown immense maturity.

Friday, May 15, 2009


The world in which we live is believed to be closing in for one of the close shave with its destiny. The life on this earth will need utter luck to be saved from the catastrophe which is approaching at a steady pace of around 60000 km per hour. The demon is named as NIBIRU. It slated to collide with the Earth on 21st December 2012. The day on which many civilizations like that of MAYANS have predicted that the Earth will cease to exist.

The Internet is full of stories, arguments and counter arguments. They all predict that the Earth will either collide with this Planet like object, which is approaching Earth and will pass by to finish orbiting of the Sun. The planet is so huge in mass and power full in gravitational force, enough to rip the Earth apart.

The effect of what happens to the Earth when the Planet NIBIRU collides with Earth, is being studied. It is believed that all species on the planet Earth will vanish and the entire Earth could be covered with lava from both the planets. The aftermath of the collision could result in size of the earth diminishing, as mass of the earth could spread into the space due to the collision or it may increase many loads due to the masses of NIBIRU joining Earth mass. In both of these situations, the living species of our world would die for sure.

There are people who suggest that the planet NIBiRU, would not collide with the Planet Earth and they say that it is difficult to predict the exact nature of the collision, but it will be a close shave for the Earth.

Even if it passes by the Earth, the distance would be less than 200000 Km, that's pretty close !
The effect of its passing by would be felt on the Earth as a small stamp on the roadside feels when a speeding vehicle passes by. The Earth might act as a stamp on the roadside, while the NIBiRU would be a speeding vehicle on the super highways. The effect of such a passing by could result in Earth moving upside down and the consequent change of gravitational axis. North Pole could become South Pole and vice versa. This sudden change could last for three to four days, but subsequent upheaval could finish the every living species on the Earth. As such a change would bring in every factors of nature's wrath in action.

There would be great earth-quakes, heaviest rain fall, as volcanoes would erupt. The nature's fury would be unbearable. It could end the whole living species in the next couple of months and the planet could within year or so would be covered with snow. That's is the beginning of the ICE AGE on EARTH. Normalcy could return after few decades, may be even a century or two, but by then no living things would have left behind.

Planet NIBiRU, has been spotted years ago and its existence has been confirmed by NASA. Its orbit cuts into the orbit of the Earth and they are on the collision course. They would collide one or the other time, that is for sure.

The Planet NIBiRU is also known as planet X. There were some unexplained gravitational issues, which led the scientists to look of some object which was not discovered by then. Though few Planets were though discovered after that, but the mystery remained. The mystery made the scientists to believe that there must be a Planet like object, which is visiting Sun, every 3600 years.

After careful studies they calculated that the Planet X would visit the Earth in 2003 and in most likelihood it would collide with the Earth. But that has not happened in 2003, but the people now believe that the same Planet X was 9 years behind schedule and it would in most probability, would collide Earth on 21st December 2012.

Such collision had already taken place in the past, it is believed. It is believed that one of the moon of the Planet X or Planet NIBiRU, stayed with Earth in its previous collision with Earth. Our Moon is actually snatched by Earth from the Planet NIBiRU. Scientists give this reason because Moon in no terms is part of the Earth. It is made up of masses not usually found on earth. So this fits into the collision theory.

Earth's engagement with NIBiRU, if happens, then Earth would first of see one of the fiercest fire on the Earth. Everything on this Sumerian civilization believed that the said Planet NIBiRU, will visit the Sun in every 3600 years and this time this period is occurring on 21st December 2012. Hence the NIBiRU is running a chance to collide with the mother Earth.

There are large people who believe that the 21st December 2012 will be the final day of the Earth as predicted by MAYANS. This was the civilization thriving in 8 & 9 century A.D. They were believed to be highly advanced in the calculation and astronomical science. They have perfectly predicted almost all the eclipses taking place anywhere in the world today. They had the perfect calenders based calculations, which baffles the present day astrophysicists. They were near absolute in their calculation and prediction of every starry events. They have even predicted almost all the eclipses right from their existence in 8th & 9Th Century upto 21st December 2012. There is nothing in their calenders after that date. There is no calculations or predictions thereafter. They are utterly silent about any starry events there after.

This has led the people who are ringing the alert bell more entrenched in their belief. What they think is that, since the MAYAN calender is silent after 21st December 2012, the world will come to an end on that day. Internet Media is full of claims and counter claims to this prophecy.

Nostradamus, a French, had predicted a war like situation, earthquakes, floods, heavy rainfalls and heavy snowfalls. He believed these to be signs of end of the world. This is 2009, and so far he is 10 years behind schedule. He had predicted end of the world by 1999. But it could be argued that what he said has already happened in New Orleans, in Gujarat earth quake, in Europe highest and heaviest snowfall in years, but his area of effect might have been Europe or any one continent, he might not have considered the entire Earth for that reason and that may be reason that people like you and me are alive.

It may be posible that he might have some differences in calculaton and due to which situation which he predicted could happen little here and there.

It may also be possible that the predictions which were made in couplets, may not have been unerstood properly. If this was right then the events he had predicted, might be waiting to happening.

There is one more theory circulating on the Internet and that is the day 21st December 2012, Earth and the Sun, will be in such a position that they will be in the exact center of our Galaxy, Milky way. Scientists believe that in such a situation, a hitherto unknown gravitational field could get created and consequently the gravitational balance of the earth could be lost. The direct effect of which will be on the North & South Pole of the Earth. They might shift their position as to North Pole moves towards the South Pole and South Pole towards the North Pole.

Consequences of such shift in poles could be unimaginable. The Earth could face one of the heaviest occurrences of earth quakes, floods, heavy rain or snow fall, volcanoes my erupt at places and more miserably this could all happen simultaneously. This is dangerous. You can not be safe at any place on the Earth. Such an even could start may be two to three months in advance or may begin on 21st December 2012 and last for another two to three months.

We have been experiencing one of the major seasonal changes in this decade. We have been witnessing one of the greatest ever heatwave, very heavy rainfalls, heaviest snowfall not recorded in centuries altogather. We have attributing all these to global warming. We have learned a term named global warming, for all our difficulties due to seasonal changes. But scientists and experts are looking at the possibility of process of Pole shifting might have already began. Perhaps we might see someting very big happening on 21st December 2012.

What I Think of all this is, there is no need to panic.

MAYANS might have thought that after December 21st. 2012 people might be more clever and might have had their own calenders, so they might have stopped at that date. It might just be a co-incidence.

We think that we are the only species in this Universe, which will be destroyed by the nature's events, then you are perhaps wrong. We are not alone in this Universe. Some interesting follow ups, to this article.

(To Be Continued)

Monday, May 11, 2009


Almost all economies around the world are just after recession and all the problems related to it. All most all the governments all over the world are trying to put their economy back on track, which is in trouble following the crisis in the US economy. The USA is the main country which is affected a lot at this moment of time. Obama will have to release one more package said to be around $800 Billion, could help the confidence level to improve in US and around the world.

Yesterday someone had written an article in the newspaper, saying that the economic experts are caught in to quagmire of the confusion, which way an average man on this earth should go about. Whether he should be advised to go Ghandhian way of little spendings or to advise him to go for consumerism.

As said ealier the Government interference in the Capitalist economies all over world was necessaited due to the crisis faced in world over. The present crisis is of trust. People do have money, but they neither want to invest in the market nor they want to spend on the products. This is perhaps the worst situation for the Capitalist economies to survive. They neither get money for further investments, nor they get market demand to infuse Capital into the economy and increase or even sustain the production lines for the goods.

The economies world over has taken a beating and people have started staying off the market(to buy consumables) This is perhaps is the major challange before economic experts all over the world. But one solution that has betrayed everyone here in india or there in USA or UK, and that is the innovation.

It is very simple that the people in US first ran after the Y2K and then the DOTCOM. The later got busted into the another hype, housing and construction, which busted in 2006 and for 2 years theer was nothing for the economists at the Capitalist powerhouse to begin with. And so we are at where we are now !!!

But if considered little seriously and analysed little deeply the Y2K, so created and very widely publicised in the media that everything which has a micro or any other chip inside an equipment, would faulter on the night at 12.00, on 31st December 1999, when the year would change to 2000. This made the all the software giants and other varous giants, to run after the solution, as people feared that their life could at perils of systems failure. My wife was sceptical about her mixer-grinder and it worried that what would happen to her 9 years old Godrej refrigerator. People using elevator in Empire State Building, USA, feared that, their elevators were old and were installed before decades, could ditch them suddenly as the chip inside was prgrammed till 1999 and on the D Day, it would read 2000 as "00".

Billions of dollars were poured into the software industries where almost everything was re-written on one or the other pretext. People involved spent money to secure their computers. New hardwares were introduced, people purchased it, even if they had little connection with actual Y2K proof hadwares. That led people to change for the softwares which were Y2K proof. People spent money even if they were not supposed to spend on the matter of computer.

The software firms were created, software engineers and programers became a very HOT word and profession. Employers were ready to pay them anything they wanted. The Dotcom bubble was the off-shoot of this Y2K hype. That followed the Housing hype. The world righ now needs a hype like that. But this time the people around the world must be convinced that the hype created will help and benefit them. This around the citizen all overs the world shall be more active and more watchful.

To Be continued.......

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Even One: The visiting SriLankan team was attacked by these terrorists, killing few people and injuring few great cricket players. These Cricketers, had jeopardized their life to save the sinking Pakistani image in the international cricket, when several countries, including India had refused to play in that country.

Event Two: Just after 20 days to the first incident, few terrorist attacked the Pakistan Police Training Camps, killing few people there, With the battle to recapture the Police Training facilities went on for 8 hours 25 cadets and other people perished in the attack claimed to have been carried out by Bettullah Mehsud

Event Three: The Pakistani Taliban is inching slowly towards Pakistani Capital Islamabad. The tribal leaders around Pakistan have entered into the truce with Pakistani Taliban. The peace pact with the Pakistan Government is on the verge of collapse in SWAT as the Govt has failed to enforce Sharia laws there.

There are several thoughts running around in the print, electronic as well as Internet media, making people to think about the future of Pakistan. The country which was carved out of India, just to satisfy the egoistic and centrist philosophy of Mr Jinnah, is facing one of the worst ever crisis to its entity. The nation will fail if it does not see what is in its interest and what is not. You can not play to the world gallery claiming to be one of the country on the fore front againt the war on terror and claim to be real Islamist country than those Arabs and other Muslim countries of the world by supporting extremists, on the other side.

Pakistan has always been under crisis right from the day one of its inception. The country got freedom on its plank of being Muslim country, where the Muslims will live in peace, as they could not think that the Indians and not the Muslims would lead the new nation, India.

Indian continent Muslims are all converted Muslims. Converted during the attacks of Moguls, Turks, who captured Hindu states. These converted Hindus(remember that all those Muslims were converted from being Hindus centuries ago by Turks and Moguls), were so desperate to stay with the ruling elite that they themselves converted themselves to Islam, with the powerful support from those armies of Moguls and Turks. This was the story for Muslims in pre-British era of India, and when the Hindus and other religions woke up to to the call of independence from British rule, these converted Muslims (selfish Hindus of pre-British rule era) found that their rule, which was established on the shoulder of the Moguls, would end, they could not digest the fact and went to the extent of breaking up of India, by asking for Pakistan.

Pakistan was a nation created out of all bad intentions, jealousy and feeling of revenge. Jinnah was the titanic figure of Muslim struggle which wanted Indian partition. He was not ready rule the country which was majority Hindu population. The nation created out of hate will die down to the hate complex for India. Pakistan has always hated India and their only agenda for last 62 years has been HATE INDIA. This HATE INDIA feeling has taken that nation completely on the brink of the general collapse of a nation. Pakistan could be the youngest nation to die in the present political history, if it happens to be one.

People of Pakistan, military rulers, political think tank, and a normal Pakistani citizen, proud himself if he is listened for making HATE INDIA speeches at any damned platform. This of their HATE INDIA attitude steams out of their belief that the Indians engineered their further partition. Indians perpetrated and abated the creation of Bangla Desh. This fact they are not ready to forget. They are not ready to accept the historic blunder their leaders committed. Their leaders were very clever to cover up their own mistakes during the Bangla uprising. People of Pakistan forgot those atrocities they committed on Bangal people during their rule on East Bangal.

It is surprising that their leaders could envisage and engineer a similar uprising in Punjab and Kashmir. Instead of pondering over their mistakes and try to bring all the sects in Pakistan together, Punjabi continued to dominate the Pakistani political and military scene. They never tried to come to the terms with the fact that CREATION OF PAKISTAN WAS A MISTAKE. AND BANGLADESH WAS MISTAKE OF PAKISTAN. They have every reasons and excuse to blame everything on India. They have learned to blame every thing which is troubling Pakistan, has been computably blamed on India.

India, never provoked nor supported Bangladeshi movement in the erstwhile East Bengal. It was the atrocities commanders of army who belonged to Western Pakistani Punjab committed on the people of the east Pakistani citizens, that part got Independence with the help of India. Pakistan has always blamed India for that second partition of Pakistan. But how that can be possible ? If India were to engineer such an act, Bangladesh would not have stayed as a nation for almost 40 years, IT MIGHT HAVE HAD BEEN A ANOTHER STATE OF UNION OF INDIA.

Pakistan has turned a blind eye to their deeds in East Pakistan. Their leaders who had little or no vision, never tried to learn from their mistakes. They continued with those mistakes by diverting the attention of people from real issues. Their leaders are so poor in vision that they did not realize the actual and real reasons why the East Pakistan got away as separate nation.
India can not be blamed for that reasons, as innocent civilians were coming to India during the melee in Pakistan's eastern part. The division was imminent and even the USA, willing to support Pakistan could do little to save Pakistan from being partitioned. Even China stayed out of it because they knew that their ally was wrong and it was necessary for India to support the partition of Pakistan.

Pakistan's leaders were so stupid and short of vision, that they blamed everything on India, actually they must have had worked on their own mistake so as why the Bangladesh was created. A deep retrospection was required. They should have pondered over their own mistakes and tried to correct it and with the time they could have forgot the whole issues of Bangladesh, as it was their own mistakes. They could by no means and terms blame India for such an outrageous acts of their military in East Bengal. But they chose easier way out of blaming India, and creating HATE INDIA SYLLABUS IN PAKISTAN EDUCATION SYSTEM.

The actual HATE INDIA operation was initiated by General Zia, who initiated Operation Topac to cut the Kashmir and Punjab from India. His military planners initiated one of the best plans for Pakistan army to gobble up Kashmir and make Punjab its puppet State. But they could not realize that the democratic fibre of the Indian society was much more stronger, reliable and invincible. Thousands of people laid their lives for their nation. More Indian civilians were killed than they were in all the wars they fought after independence and during the independence struggle. India witnessed one of the few most lethal bomb blasts which killed unsuspecting and unrelated Indian citizens and protected successfully the Indian culture and way of life.

After 30 years of their try to break and divide, India has gone stronger and stronger with every passing day and every passing terrorist attack on its innocent civilians. Indians have laid their lives to protect freedom, democracy and its basic principle of co-existence for all religions, castes and creeds. India has emerged vibrant from all its difficult time as a nation. Democracy has flourished and people have become more matured and more determined to defend against those forces which try and create divisions and are harmful to it in any manner. The changed outlook of United States Of America and the whole world, is the proof that we have stayed together and remained one. We have prospered and Pakistan despaired. We made ourselves a considerable global power, Pakistan was recognized a country who is production ground of all terrorist activities world wide.

It is pity that even after knowing the real danger is not India, military and ISI have been creating a phobia and be-close themselves with the militants from across the section in Pakistan. What is most surprising is they do not see they are engulfed into a quagmire called TALIBAN, their top military officials like that of Mr. Kayani, find these Talibani a strategic assets in case of war against India. They have overlooked the basic intention of Talibans in Pakistan. They have not understood and envisaged the implications of Taliban taking over Pakistani State.

What is surprising is that average Pakistani do not see the threat posed by the rising influence of Taliban in Pakistan. A normal Pakistani national is not averse to Taliban gaining ground. They actually fear India so much for their existence, that they find Taliban helpful in their fight against India. They fear India so much that they are not ready to understand, analyse and ponder over the Taliban intentions, which could jeopardize their freedom and their development.

The problem facing the Pakistan is not that simpler the way it could seem to be. The Jihadi elements in Pakistan is like that of a giant dragon who was created to kill people, but when idle, it could kill the very own people who created them. The same thing will happen with Pakistan. Under intense international pressure it might reduce the intensity of terror strikes in India, but these idle Jihadis could turn their guns towards Pakistan itself. And that has already been witnessed in Pakistani Lahore.

The Taliban is a dark force of this universe. They are group of people who are so intensely brain washed that they do not have their own thoughts and their own vision. They are brutal, blind and butchers. They have no respect for human lives, forget women folks of their own country. They have no value of human lives. They believe in the life after death and not life before death., which non of them ever seen and experienced. No Taliban or even a human being has come back and tell the people what happened to them in heaven, when they were brought near Allah. No one on this earth has ever proved what happens in heaven. People believe in this philosophy out of fear of gun, these commanders and leaders have with them or they are not educated to an extent that they could argue with these leaders and commanders.

Their philosophy is based on personal views of some powerful people within their group and not by the learned people who openly share their views, which are open for debate and further improvement.It is difficult to imagine that young guns just 12 to 13 years old are drawn into the bloody war of Jihad. Jihad was never what these selfish mullahs and their followers have made it to be. JIHAD is a war within a person.