Wednesday, December 24, 2008



It may not be right time to have a war with Pakista, now. Since the surprise element of war is already over. Secondly, India if planning a surgical strike against the camps in Pakistan, it may prove counter productive. The Pakistan will shout that they are being the victims and besides those camps might have already been emptied. Perhaps the purpose for such attack would not serve.

Attacking another soveriegn country needs to be planned meticulously and with utter precision. The planners I am sure will go deep into the effects of what if we attacked and our timing for the same.

First of all we must prepare ourselves for the war. We need to understand the economics of war. We must assess the exact outcome of the war. Everybody in India knows that if Pakistan cornered in conventional war, it will use nuclear weapon.

But for that reason India must give up "NO FIRST USE" of Nuclear weapons stand. This is one of the policies decided in the South Block, who does not understand its implications. War is War. IN WHICH WHO IS ALIVE WINS. "WARS CAN NOT BE WON BY DIEING, IT IS WON BY KILLING ENEMIES"

It is really confusing that how Indian Administration would cope up with a presumed whirlwind nuclear attack from Pakistan. If Pakistan decides to attack 8 to 10 major Indian cities of India, what action then the crumbled India could take. It is not clear what kind of command system is in operation at the highest level. If New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahemdabad, Banglore, Hydarabad, Nagpur, Luckhnow, Bhopal, Ranchi and few other cities like, Pune Nashik, Surat get destroyed in a sudden nuclear attack. In such case I doubt India has no other means but to surrender to Pakistan, as its complete political system and command structure would not be in place to launch a counter attack.

It is difficult to understand that Pakistan would destroy only one or two cities. When it knows that if given a chance India would finish Pakistan, It will not give and take any chance to allow India to retaliate. If Delhi ,Mumbai are attacked, India is finished. These additional cities will spell doom for Indian Union. All States of Indian Union could become small countries and Pakistan could gobble them up and become a greater Pakistan.

One must understand that we will be making a grave error in estimating the strengnth of Pakistan. It is a country which has principles, no civilian rule, no democratic traditions and no accoutability to their own people save the world. They are full of lies and we all have seen them defending their lies with another lies.

Make no mistake, the NUCLEAR THREAT IS REAL. As pointed out in earlier posts, Pakistan has always wanted this thing to happen and they knew that what was coming. We do not want to be agressor and the world knows it. But those countries who have the nuclear weapons, have never claimed that they will not initiate the use of nuclear warheads. THEN WHY INDIA INSISTS ON NO FIRST USE PRINCIPLE. IS MAINTAINING PEACE IS ONLY THE INDIAN DOMAIN ? DOES PAKISTAN AND THAT SAKE THE WHOLE WORLD HAVE NO PRESCRIBED COMMITMENTS ?

Suppose for a while that the war begins and Pakistan is cornered, if it attacks Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahemdabad, Baroda, Pune, Nashik, Luckhnow, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Banglore and all the maor cities with its entire available stock of nuclear war heads, what will India do and where from the retaliation come. If all these major cities of India are attacked simultaneously, it will kill millions and millions aNd destroy the entire India. Where is the chance and question of India calls back.


You will agree to the point that we will gain very little with this war. It will cost us billions of rupees, besides loss of life & property worth another few billion rupees. India will get behind by atleast 20 years in case of war. Forget Pakistan as it will not be there on the map after the war, but the Indian loss would also be very great. So what should be done? We can not fight wars and can not tolerate Mumbai type of attacks on Indian soil, mins and self-respect. We have to take a middle path.

We must get togather with NATO forces in Afghanistan. Send our troops to there. We have to corner Taliban before cornering Pakistani terror outfits. Taliban and Mullah Omar are enemy number one for India. With special commandoes in Afghanistan, we must trace and kill any Talibani leader or cadre with swiftness.

We alerady have commandoes which can enter Pakistan. Let the Pakistani Army & intelligence know, that the Indians are behind the assasination of Dawood Ibrahim, Masood Azhar & other terrorists wanted by India. Assassinate few of their hardcore terror leaders. Bomb those camps with RDX or plastic explosives. We are claimed to have a very sound economy. Few crore of rupees will go down the drain, but will be a capital investment. Blow up ISI Headquarter. Kill few of their top officials, who are believed to be mastermind.

Tell our commandoes, that this is going to be a covert operation. They must absolve Indian Government, who will refuse to take their bodies in case they are caught and killed. India will disown their body and refute charges of Indian hand in such events as elaborated herein above. These Jawans must be told that their last rites will be performed in India, with full nationa honour but without their dead bodies. These Jawans are known for supreme sacrifices, and they will come forward for this also.

The effects of such covert attacks would be very simple to assess. Pakistan will blame India for all these events. General public will feal that the Indians have killed those officials and people who are believed to be responsible for terror related attacks in India. Hence despite the Army wanting to initiate war with India, general mood will be defferent, which could be dangerous for any government, be it India or Pakistan.

But this requires bold leadership in India, above vote bank politics of caste, creed and religion. We have to make sit leaders like A. R. Antule, Raj Thackaray etc, at home. We need to be vigilent and very alert. There are so many ifs & buts, but the time for waging a full scale war with Pakistan has expired long back.


Thursday, December 18, 2008


The Indian electronic as well as print media is flooded with the news items related to said preparation of Indian Air Force to strike on militant camps inside Pakistan border. Actually such reports do create some breaking news type of hysteria and result in increased TRP for news channels nothing more than that. It is being projected to be a situation that war between India & Pakistan is imminent and preparations for it are underway.

The impression is being carefully created wherein people are being tried to convinced that war is the only option available with India and it must take up the chance and thrash Pakistan for once and for all. Let it even be a nuclear war, if it had had to be. But it may seem little more than a pure imagination. War, is not going over picnic to a hill station nor its a live commando operation in either Taj Mahel hotel or Hotel Oberoi Trident or Nariman House operation by Marcos. Such an event has always raised the TRP of TV channels. CNN became famous and known to entire world with its live coverage of war in Iraq, in 1991 Operation Desert Storm, when Kuwait was gobbled up by Saddam Hussein.

If the Indian electronic media, is busy creating a war like situation thinking their TRP could go high up in the sky along with their revenue, then their credentials as Indian news channel must come under sharp scrutiny. A full fledged war with Pakistan may seem to be exciting stuff for all Indians, but it needs to be planned & executed with razor sharp precision. It must take into consideration all aspect related to present & future implications of a war and our present & future requirements from the war. We might need to consider the after effects of the war as well as taking it to logical height of its intensity.

It must be remembered that if the war breaks out, it will be fought very fiercely. Indians have suppressed their anger since the Khalistan Movement in Punjab and Independence struggle of Kashmir from India. India blames all its militancy, nexal and terror activities are supported and abated by Pakistan. And on the other hand Pakistan has had a grudge that India helped create Bangla Desh by breaking up of Pakistan. India tired of two decades of terrorist attacks and loss of lives and property worth millions, could foresee to take revenge for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent Indians.

The open secret agenda of Pakistan includes dis-memberment of all Indian States and then gobbling up one by one to make its boundaries from Iran to Kanyakumari. (You can not ask anybody, not to dream, but have to be prepared to defend if that dream is being tried to be converted into a reality).

Indians are very much aware of such situation. Hardliners in Indian establishment want to finish the existence of Pakistan as a State if this time the war begins. There is a new breed of officers and soldiers, who propagate fight to finish war with Pakistan.

Both the countries have their capacity and by any comparisons, Pakistan will and can never match Indian military might in conventional non-nuclear war. But 1999 Nuclear explosions have changed everything. India and Pakistan have become nuclear weapon States.

Indians must consider this and understand that Pakistan has been wanting this to happen for two decades. They wanted to squeeze Indian nose without being worried about the hit back from India. That is what has happened. Knee jerk Indian leadership fears war. They are given so many chances of hits to Pakistan, but some how or the other way they just lay down their arms at the final, crucial moment. The thought of creation of such a situation, favouring Pakistan, started ever since India exploded first nuclear device in Pokharan, in 1974. With that explosion, India drew Pakistan into the race to develop and possess nuclear weapons vis-a-vis India.

Slowly the policy makers in Pakistan realized that with the nuclear weapons' threat, India will never attack them as Indians would fear the Pakistani nuclear weapons. (Remember: Pakistan has not committed itself to N-FIRST USE. So they are free to initiate nuclear attack) The threat of use of nuclear weapon is much bigger than actual use of such a weapon in real war. So they clandestinely developed nuclear weapons material. The premise of Pakistani Nuclear weapons programme is based absolutely on deceit, theft, ditching and corruption. Once the nuclear weapon developed, they were fearless in their operations in India.

Indian leadership, they know, is one of the most soft in the world that anyone can bully Indians. They have no vision. They have no love for their nation. They are not bothered if Indians get slaughtered by terrorists, naxals or any other body. They had expected the maximum these leaders can do is shout for the war. In such an intense situation USA will take care of Indian leadership and thwart any action being perceived by Indian security forces.

Mr. Bhutto , the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, had vowed to eat grass for 1000 years but to make a nuclear bomb, that was the desperate bid by the entire Pakistani mindset since they lost to Indian forces in Dhaka. This mindset has changed a lot since then for the worse.

Pakistan wants India to bow and rub its nose at its feet. Each and every Pakistani, whether he or she accepts it or not, has not forgot theBangla Desh creation engineered by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. If he is a patriotic Pakistani , then he will be lying he says he wants peace with India. Kashmir they want is for to avenge their defeat, when they lost there in Kashmir, they had entire Indian horizon open for them to attack the innocent Indians.

It was the open secret that Pakistan wanted to create a situation, wherein it can disturb peace in entire India with deadly precision and Indians can just make noises here and there and can not do much more than that, as if India were to think of a war, a second thought would come to its mind about the nuclear fall out that could result from it. A fear of nuclear war and counter attack from each other prevented then USSR & USA to attack each other, even as in worst situation like Cuban crisis.

Pakistan is a State which manufactures terrorists. They are trained and indoctrinated to a state of mind that the trained terrorist looses interest in living a present life. The brainwashing is so intense and to such an extent that the terrorist feel that better life awaits them in heaven, if they lay their life for the cause of their community. They are given allurements like marrying off to a Kshmiri girl or some cash rewards or anything like that. Above all they are given a feeling that the God ( Allah) will be greatly pleased and he would send those who died of this Jihad, to heaven near God.

So you like it or not, Pakis have already won the war, without having declared war, whether we accept it or not. They have created a sense of terror in the mind of people across India. They must be happy to see the Indian News Channels, when give breaking news of about 30 terrorist having landed in India, 9 killed, one arrested and 20 still at large. There may be only 10 terrorists, those who might have reachedMumbai, but the fear of another 20 has made the entire security agencies go tizzy over these 20 said terrorists who are at large.

The point is not having sent 10, 20 or 30, it is the work of 10 and fear of another 20 hiding in country have put everybody, especially the Indian security agencies, on the toes. Pakis could never achieve such a feat even if they fought a year long war with Indian troops. On the chess board they have check mated us and while we are still sleeping and refusing to see the reality. We have lost the battle, we may win the war but now we are lost. A country of a billion has been defeated by a country of few million.

They have made India to be able to do nothing in retaliation of anything they do with deadly & ruthless precision. They have attacked our cities, our people, our security, our sense of being an Indian as and when they have wished

The operation TOPAC started in late 80s, initiated by general Zia, was known to each Indian on this earth, but we did nothing but waited for their plan to succeed. Their plan succeeded greatly and they have been reaping its fruit now.

India may be a very powerful army, which is always in bunker passing their time in either earning money with currupt means or planning some awkward terrorist operation, where they are not bothered to use the stolen two wheeler.

India may have powerful airforce, but it is always busy in helping those Indians who have been caught in flood waters. Even after 60years of independence we have not been able to tap and control our rivers.

India may have good navy, have aircraft carrier, stealth frigates, but they were no-where near when the 10 bastards from Pakistan entered in India, via Mumbai shores and let loose the havoc.

We have 11 to 12 security agencies, but nobody knows what is the purpose and duty of each agancies and where and whom to report. Even if the reporting is done sometimes rightly, they do not know what to do with these informations so received.

We may be second largest fastest growing economy in the world, but we have been defeated and completely tied down by a country who is in deep debt trap of westrn countries, particularly USA and IMF. Despite many conditionalities they have been successful in evading these international agencies and can further their agenda of terror and destruction in India.

Even today, after almost three weeks after Mumbai attack, we have only convinced the UNSC to ban Jamait Ud-dava and few rhethroics here and there. We have successfully passed a bill in Parliament for creation of NIA. But what if this newly created agency goes the way other agencies have gone, becoming a puppet of political party in power.

Make no mistake that the world communities fear about the nuclear war between India and Pakistan and its fall out on the entire world. Pakistan will blackmail the world community that if India attacks them, this could turn out to be a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Hence, Pakis will always get away with its crime, while the world community let by USA, will always ask India to keep patience. (As it happened this time when Ms. Rice arrived from USA with a message from President Bush).

Considering the above facts, we have very limited options. We will not able to attack. If we attack, the war will have cent percent chance of getting converted into a full blown nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Which neither the world community nor the India would ever wish to happen.

To Be Continued........

Thursday, December 4, 2008


The deadliest attack so far on the city of Mumbai has left the Mumbaikars dumb-founded. Being a Mumbaikar myself, I have mixed feeling of anxiety, fear, anger and outrage. It has been one of the longest drawn battles for the security forces in Mumbai. It has so much of violence that they are now not moved even by explosion from a grenade and many of us have stopped watching the Television sets for sheer lack of any end in sight to the trauma that an average Mumbaikar is facing.

Many top journalists would now be busy writing up articles on this of Mumbai's attack and will term it and present it in the most sensational manner. People will start moving from where they had left on 26/11 and start to learn, if they already don't know, to forget what happened to people who were killed at CST Railways station, Taj Mahel hotel, Trident Oberoi Hotel or even at those two hospitals. Govt. will declare (has already done that part) compensation to the kiths & kins of those who were killed in the terror strikes.

It is surprising that despite the several hoaxes, terrorists have stayed away from attacking USA, after 9/11 after their counter strike in Afghanistan and poor Iraq. They have not even dared to even attack the Israel for that reason. But terrorists from all over the world find India as the best place where they can express themselves and fro that reason kill Indians to prove that they are still there and do matter. You know the politicians think that better they have to handle less opposition from those who have died. This shameless class of modern India, who rule the masses of over 1.25 Billion, feel that if few die of such terror attacks, is a small event. These are the real B*****ds, should have been shot in the first place.

It was in 1980 in the month of August, a senior Indian diplomat Mr. Ravindra Mhatre, in London, U.K. was abducted by JKLF terrorists and he was killed. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister Of India, had ordered an immediate death rope for their leader in Jammu jail, named Maqbul Batt, whose death penalty was under Govt. consideration. It created a sense of security and respect for the people of India, that their death as martyor, matters.

That was the last time I had heard of the retaliatory strike made against any terror outfits, the manner and language they actually understand. But since then the same old story goes on since long. Govt. machinery wakes up only after something happens and they The same old story of waking up after the strikes are already made as it has happened now. It is beyond anybody's comprehension that the terrorsts were holed up in the three buildings for almost 60hours in Mumbai and challanged the entire security agencies for over 60 hours.

Heart really goes out for those officials who have laid their lives for this nation. The loss suffered by their family is beyond one's imagination and can never be compensated. Three top officials have lost their lives and Mumbai Police will definitely feel the pinch of their absence from duty.
They have no proper equipment to protect themselves. The terrorists had AK47 & AK 56 rifles, while our police force just had old rifles which can at a time load 2 rounds, and fire one of them, while the terrorists had a gun which can load upto 200 rounds a time. What a difference.

Politicians have the top class commandoes from NSG for their protection, who are very well equipped, but those who contribute their hard earned money as tax, are vulnerable to such terror attacks. And mind you, most of the policies of styaing as enuch is decided by these politicians. Imagine that they have the best protection, but who pay for their protection are left to die a death either at CST Railway Station, Taj Mahel Hotel or Trident Oberoi Hotel. But anger is rising for the politicians who are responsible for the safety of its people. They all sit in the most secured houses, covered by the Z+ + securities, they keep making stupid statements and have no vision and directions for themselves, are allowed to lead the nation in its 21st direction. It is a pity that these little inconsiderate mice are allowed to lead us.

Several resignations from politicians will not be enough. Some here and there actions will just not suffice, few officials transferred from one deprtment to other department in a Ministry will not serve the purpose. They must be asked to prove their innocence that they performed their duties in the best possible manner or must be tried for treason. These officials have been working for cross purposes so far must be asked question through RTI to inform the people of this country that they worked for the nation and not for themselves .

Electronic Media is flooded with the proofs against these officials who claimed to have received the prior information about the terror attack as far as a year ago. What these traitors did for the full one year? Don't you think they must be charged with a murder of all those people died in the terror attack?

RAW says it passed information to IB, IB says they passed information to Coast Guard, CG says though they may have intercepted the boat in which these assassins reached Indian shores, but they can not arrest them or impound the boat as they are not empowered to do it.

Aren't these officials are acting for cross purposes? It seems that they are paid by the Indian Govt. out of tax payers monies, but seems to working for the ISI & Pakistan military ! They say at one stage or the other they had information about the arrival of these terror group from sea, why they did not take the appropriate action so that the safety of the Indian citizens does not get compromised. It is really hard to believe that nobody in all these top security agencies never sat on the bits of information received from their sources and tried to make a bigger picture. They did not make a group responsible for this particualr project, who were empowered to track the happenings and prepared for the worst.

What is the use of keeping so many security agencies when you can not manage them and even you know sitting in the miniterial cabine that who is doing what? Why is not there a security agancy which looks after all these aspect and all the different security reports to one CEO, if there is a dire need to have different agencies to perform various diffrent duties, so that proper co-ornination is possible ?

On thing must baffle everyone is that, why there has been no sacking of any intelligence officials till this date. There is a common pattern, no officials get sacked for non-performance of their duties. So thay are never bothered if they perform or do not perform.

It is not just the politicians who are to be blamed, but also these officials who have taken salaries from tax payers pocket and have refused to work. They think that the Govt is paying them the salary, but it is not the Govt. it is all people like you and me, even that person is just peon in a office, he pays taxes in all the forms. Shouldn't we ask for the better from these lazy, stupid, traitors in form of officials who are responsible for stopping 10 kids from Pakistan.?

Politicians believe that people have very short memory and they will forget about what happened to them within a month and people will get involved back into their routine of work, office, sensex, invetments, outings, dinners in hotel, new film releases, review of new drama in theatre, election result, etc..etc... If they think like that, then only God will save them.

Electronic media will have some other BREAKING NEWS, and they will make you forget about the rape of Mumbai on 26/11 to 28/11. But I feel that this is not the thing that has been happening since long. The anger of people this time could sweep the politicians from all parties. As I was the part of the rally on 3rd of December 2008, people were in no mood to let those off the hook responsible for present situation, particualrly the Political Class.

Mind you not a single representative from this ROYAL CLASS bothred to join the angry Mumbaikars, lest they could get a good thrashing by the people.

Surprisingly, the " originals" of Mumbai, like Mr. Raj Thackaray, has stayed in side his home and have not seen or heard any statement from him so far(6/12/2008: 11.30 P.M.)

If he was so much worried about Mumbai and his Marathi speaking people, I expected him to have visited Taj Mahel hotel once, during the fight with terrorists was going on. His party cadres should have wielded weapons and attacked those kids from Pakistan along with the NSG commandoes. Let me remind Mr. Raj, that those who fought against the terrorits were all non-Marathi speaking people and laid their lives along with police officers from ATS and Mumbai police. No politician ever got the bullet on his body.

Of course he has proved his smallness, by raising absurd issues of locals and nothing much could have been expected of him than this.He has already justified his place where he deserved to be.

We also failed to see those Human Rights people from Human Rights Commission, who had been advocating linienecy for terrorists Mohd. Afzhal and A.R. Gilani convicted and sentenced to death by Supreme Court, to see what these terrorists did to Mumbai. Is the Indian Human Rightc Commission just looks after the terrorists' well being ? Have they raised the voice on behalf of the innocent people who lost their lives at various places in Mumbai.

People must realize that these people are just after their votes and they have no interest whatsoever in protecting them from such terror attacks. They can just play with the emotions of the people that's all and when people really need them, they are no where to be seen. What we need is our willingness to teach such people a lesson or two of their life.

My logic fails to understand their passion to stick to their seats in power despite the clear wish of people to see them out. Prime Minister, may be a good economist but he is a very very poor statesman. Remember an economist can never take harsh and hard decisions, becasue his point of view on any of the events happening in India, would be through his prism of economic fall out. He has a long way to go before he actually understands the difference between a good finance miniters and a good statesman. His address to nation is so poor in drafting that its not even worth listening or even reading its transcript. Such people sit in the place where Mrs. Indira Gandhi sat, that's great pity.

We are seeing experts on T.V. & in print media considering the option of full fledged war with Pakistan, as all fingers of suspecion are directing towards the natural ally to terrorism (or War Against Terror????!!). They are telling us that war is the only way out and Indian will win the war. It was true before two decade agao , when Pakistan was developing nuclear weapons. bIt is a declared nuclear weapon state. So remember we can not fight war when the enemy is at par with you. They have nuclear weapon for this only, to deter India from weging a full scale war., as their Army, Air force or even Navy are no match to that of India. Pakistan wants us to stay away from full scale war, but on the other hand they can and they will bleed us for years with this type of terrorist attacks.

Now imagine forawhile:

In case of war, Pakistan is governed by mad people in Army and if they find they are loosing out to India in conventional battle (which more likely than anything else) they will use Nuclear weapons against Indian cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Banglore or even Chennai, farther the cities better for them to avoid any nuclear fall out due to nuclear explosion, as our borders are few kilometres apart.

Besides, we Indians have promised a no first use, but we as citizens are not sure about the Indian retaliation would come at all? What will India do if attacked with nuclear weapons? When we can not take simple decisions for ourselves like that of destroying terrorist training camps in POK and teaching Pakistan a lesson, for that we have depended upon USA, that they will fight our battle in POK and we arehappy at the USA sending its troops in the region. wIn case of such a nuclear attack, we might seek permission from USA to allow us to use our neclear weapons on Pakistan in retaliation.

The world would most likely pressurize us not to do so, give us money & all other help and assistance and ask Pakistan to stop or even likes of Mrs. Rice would be in India and ask our leaders and advise us not to repeat what the stupid leaders of Pakistan did. Indians under pressure from world would not then attack the Pakistan with nuclear weapons, despite our cities destroyed by the Pakistani Islamic bombs.

Besides all those Muslim countries, would condemn India if it was to use nuclear weapon and even boycott India, Indians and Indian products, as they have money and they have power. I really wonder not a single Muslim country has come forward and condemned Pakistan and offered help to victims.

That's an absurd scenario, just to tell those war-mongers, who want to have a full scale war with the Pakis. We will end up being attacked with nuclear weapons and will sufers for generations, while Pakistanis will definitely let off the hook. What these world leaders have done to stop the Pakistan from attacking India ? Just nothing, except few statements here and there.

What our leaders do not realize that its our war and we have to fight it out. Nobody will come and ask their citizens to die instead of the Indians in any terror attacks or even a war. So its our war and we have to fight it and ask the world countries to be either be with us or perish. We do not need such friends who are not with us at the time of need. Such a thorough nationalist feeling has to come up in we Indians and more importantly the political leaders must lead us to a war with those who question our national identity and its existence.

Plant few bombs in ISI head quarter and Military head quarters and blow them up. These people and their dear ones must realize the pain we Indians get in seeing dead bodies of our loved ones. They must realize that if they attack Indians, Pakis are the next to die. They must be assured of quick, prompt and swift retaliation at our will. They must know what is an outrage and rape of a nation. Care must be taken not to hurt any civilians as they are most of the time innocent people but if they do die, let that be their fate of being a citizen of that country. People who died at CST Railway station had only one crime they had committed that they were Indians.

WE have only one choice here, and that is try these terrorist in absence, in our courts , sentence them and attack these Pakistani terror groups, from India in Pakistan, with similar modus-operandi, as they are doing with us. Send our trained men to Pakistan and shoot to kill Azhar Masood, Dawwod Ibrahim and all those notorious basturds, which India feels must be sentenced to death. We are not a poor country to not to afford the expenses to get such operations under way. Ultimately we will be saving lot of money in terms of reduced terrorists attacks as well as we will not have to risk a war.

I really wonder that in a country of 1.25 Billion, we do not have even 10 people who could go into Islamabad and find out those wanted by Indians and kill them. I also wonder why monies are not spent on recruitment of agents who can carry out strikes within Pakistan. Once or even twice, thrice and even endless times if we carried out such attacks, till the time Pakistan hesitates and then fears to attack the Indians.