What is surprising, is everyone in this part of the world, have perhaps not understood the real danger of Taliban. Swat valley may be the first to fall, may the FATA be the next, then Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad and then......perhaps India, Srilanka and the whole of Asia......
The way the Pakistan Govt. is acting, is not understood as to why they have surrendered to the Taliban, the gene they themselves created. Pakistan seems to have not learned the terrible lesson, the Americans have learned. They created Mujaheddin in Afghanistan to fight against the Russians, and they ended landing there themselves to fight with these same Mujaheddin after 9/11.
The lackluster policies of Pakistani democratic Govt. could bring an end to the existence of Pakistan itself. The departure of Musharraf from power and death of Benazir Bhutto along with Mumbai and Lahore attacks may be the few last straws in the disintegration of Pakistan into smaller states.
But that may be a geo-political situation. The danger not envisaged by the Pakistani rulers, is very grave and very devastating for the generations to come. The effect of this Taliban movement will be felt for the generations to come, as was felt by Japanese after the two nuclear explosions over their cities. Taliban is not a force nor it is a terrorists who could be killed to end the problem. The roots are deeper into the Muslim society and its problems with the understanding of their holy book Quran. The Gods are always Gods and whatever their form may be or how the people believe and imagine.
No religion on this earth would justify killing of innocent men, women and children. No religion would allow the innocent be killed to enhance its influence. It is the sheer selfishness of a human being towards the power who has always been responsible for such dastardly acts of killing humans on flimsy grounds.
Dealing with Taliban will be difficult because it is not a group of few thousand people, it is the thought which is very dangerous. The Talibans will not allow people to learn, asks very young children to pick up the arms for a JIHAD, which is non-existent. The meaning of Jihad is completely turned upside down. Jihad was envisaged to beat the inner darkness of a human being. Who during his life needs to fight with so many things and his biggest enemy is himself. What the Jihad means is to remove the inner darkness and inner confusion. As a human being and being the social animal he has to go through several ups and downs in his life. He has to fight with all such issues and not to fight with the other humans and kill them just to justify their lies.
Taliban as been doing everything and taking all steps which will perpetuate what they have been doing right now. They have disallowed women from going to school. This will create a cadre of uneducated and highly motivated women force, who will give birth to young Talibans..for generations. Besides these women will always be ready to satisfy their lust. They have limited the job opportunities for men like banning numerous service providing professions. They have banned the trimming and cutting of beard fro men, this will leave all barber shops empty and barbers jobless. They have disallowed banking, entertainment industries leaving large gaps in solving the economic problems of the people. They have ensured that people are left with no choice to go for earning. An idle man could easily be drawn into the Taliban force and hence expand their cause. Since these idle men has no work left they fall easy pray to the the increasing pressure to join the militia force, to fight the security agencies.
The suicide bombers and those who fight for the cause of Taliban are convinced that the nymphs are waiting with the garland, to welcome them on the doors of heaven, if they die for the cause of Allah, their God, which is difficult to digest as no religion ever teaches specifically to kill those who do not believe in their own God. The definition of Kaffirs (those who do not believe in Allah, their God), has been completely taken as to suit their lust for power and easy access to woman, wealth. Does anybody from their entire force has ever come to earth from the doors of heaven to tell the actual happenings out there. It is all rubbish just to expand one's personal influence over bunch of people who believe these leaders blindly and never ever ask question, why?
Under such a delicate circumstances few things needs to be understood by the Muslims all over the world. They must recognize the inherent danger these Talibani forces pose to their generations to come. They must choose between the peaceful life and murderous tough life for their children and grand children. The people of this world from different religions could not cowed down forever. As they can die for their cause, so the people from other religions, could lay their lives for their belief. Hence they must learn and find out the ways of co-existence. Remember, this genie would take at least two generation to be dead as the way they are grooming new terrorists and these terrorists will do to their children.
The most important and the most crucial will be to kill the thought of Taliban. The Tought Taliban must be refuted at all levels by all means by educating the Muslims who could become easy pray to such a stupid and baseless propaganda. Furthering and accepting and committing to a religion is absolutely personal decision and perception and one can not be forced to follow any of such things. The Thought Taliban must die at the hands of those Muslims who consider that freedom is necessary to him, his family and his society as a whole. The Tought Taliban has picture of few centuries back. People of other religion, who believe in live an let live, have not yet decided to go the way Taliban have gone. Remember, the Sikh religion was carved out of Hindus, who were fed up of the Muslim atrocities in 15th & 16 th Century A.D.
Situation is much more different today. Moderate Muslims will have to fight for their religion to clear the blame and accusation that of following a religion of devils. Muslim as a religion is not a disputed proposition, but when few people following this religion talks of eliminating all other religions, is utterly unjustifiable and unacceptable.
No religion on this earth would justify killing of innocent men, women and children. No religion would allow the innocent be killed to enhance its influence. It is the sheer selfishness of a human being towards the power who has always been responsible for such dastardly acts of killing humans on flimsy grounds.
Dealing with Taliban will be difficult because it is not a group of few thousand people, it is the thought which is very dangerous. The Talibans will not allow people to learn, asks very young children to pick up the arms for a JIHAD, which is non-existent. The meaning of Jihad is completely turned upside down. Jihad was envisaged to beat the inner darkness of a human being. Who during his life needs to fight with so many things and his biggest enemy is himself. What the Jihad means is to remove the inner darkness and inner confusion. As a human being and being the social animal he has to go through several ups and downs in his life. He has to fight with all such issues and not to fight with the other humans and kill them just to justify their lies.
Taliban as been doing everything and taking all steps which will perpetuate what they have been doing right now. They have disallowed women from going to school. This will create a cadre of uneducated and highly motivated women force, who will give birth to young Talibans..for generations. Besides these women will always be ready to satisfy their lust. They have limited the job opportunities for men like banning numerous service providing professions. They have banned the trimming and cutting of beard fro men, this will leave all barber shops empty and barbers jobless. They have disallowed banking, entertainment industries leaving large gaps in solving the economic problems of the people. They have ensured that people are left with no choice to go for earning. An idle man could easily be drawn into the Taliban force and hence expand their cause. Since these idle men has no work left they fall easy pray to the the increasing pressure to join the militia force, to fight the security agencies.
The suicide bombers and those who fight for the cause of Taliban are convinced that the nymphs are waiting with the garland, to welcome them on the doors of heaven, if they die for the cause of Allah, their God, which is difficult to digest as no religion ever teaches specifically to kill those who do not believe in their own God. The definition of Kaffirs (those who do not believe in Allah, their God), has been completely taken as to suit their lust for power and easy access to woman, wealth. Does anybody from their entire force has ever come to earth from the doors of heaven to tell the actual happenings out there. It is all rubbish just to expand one's personal influence over bunch of people who believe these leaders blindly and never ever ask question, why?
Under such a delicate circumstances few things needs to be understood by the Muslims all over the world. They must recognize the inherent danger these Talibani forces pose to their generations to come. They must choose between the peaceful life and murderous tough life for their children and grand children. The people of this world from different religions could not cowed down forever. As they can die for their cause, so the people from other religions, could lay their lives for their belief. Hence they must learn and find out the ways of co-existence. Remember, this genie would take at least two generation to be dead as the way they are grooming new terrorists and these terrorists will do to their children.
The most important and the most crucial will be to kill the thought of Taliban. The Tought Taliban must be refuted at all levels by all means by educating the Muslims who could become easy pray to such a stupid and baseless propaganda. Furthering and accepting and committing to a religion is absolutely personal decision and perception and one can not be forced to follow any of such things. The Thought Taliban must die at the hands of those Muslims who consider that freedom is necessary to him, his family and his society as a whole. The Tought Taliban has picture of few centuries back. People of other religion, who believe in live an let live, have not yet decided to go the way Taliban have gone. Remember, the Sikh religion was carved out of Hindus, who were fed up of the Muslim atrocities in 15th & 16 th Century A.D.
Situation is much more different today. Moderate Muslims will have to fight for their religion to clear the blame and accusation that of following a religion of devils. Muslim as a religion is not a disputed proposition, but when few people following this religion talks of eliminating all other religions, is utterly unjustifiable and unacceptable.