The Indian scientists and people at DRDO and related institutes, have finally come up with the Indian version of a nuclear submarine. As an Indian I am really proud of the achievement made by the country's hardworking scientists, who have from time to time proved that they are not less than anyone in this world. If they are given time, money and support, they can be the best lot in the world.
The nuclear submarine has its strategic importance as these ATVs, as they are called, can carry nuclear war-heads for the enemy, who is not satisfied with our stand of no first use of nuclear weapons. In that case we need to develop a capacity in which we can launch a retaliatory attack. Assuming that the first attack would completely cripple us, we need something which will deter the enemy to even launch first strike, fearing that they would get their due, in case they attacked India.
These submarines can stay beneath the sea level for months, without requiring to come to surface for recharging, as required by the other ordinary submarines. Hence they can remain under water for months and can launch a decisive attack, including nuclear attack, on the enemy territory. Most of these weapons never get actually used up in the war as enemy knows what will happen if the actual war breaks out, but then still having such a weapon system is necessary.
The day on which it was launched, there was a murmuring going on about the name of this nuclear powered submarine. It was named after one of the Tirthankar of Jain, Arihant. Whose name the Jains take when they recite the most auspicious NAVKAR MANTRA. Jain leaders have started to raise objection, as Arihant means killing the inner darkness of a person, (while the Sanskrit meaning is killing the enemy,) they claim that the submarine will have weapons which could kill hundreds of thousands of people if not millions, must not be named after their Tirthankar, who always preached non-violence.
One must answer to a simple question. Has Jainism purchased copy rights to use the Sanskrit word, Arihant, for their exclusive use? You can oppose if the said submarine was named after the Jain Tirthankar, but the name Arihant is a Sanskrit word and the culture, literature and language Sanskrit, is much bigger than the Jainism. We as Jains, must respect the sentiments as expressed by the Indian Defense establishments, for naming the first nuclear powered submarine as Arihant. The naming authority nowhere mentioned that is is named after Jain Tirthankar, Arihant.
This is a perfect example of mixing religion with politics. The Jainism, as a way of life and its Tirthankar, Arihant, is much bigger than the leaders who are making noises about the naming a nuclear submarine after Arihant, are making to be one.
We in India, do not understand what for and where we are opposing. We keep on opposing on each and every issues and politics enters each and every such issues. The simple occasion of being proud Indian for having an indigenous nuclear submarine, could get into murky politics of naming the submarine.
I personally feel that such issues must be dealt with some simple logic. The word Arihant, does not only belong to Jainism. Nor do the Jains has purchased the rights to use the name exclusively for their own purpose. Besides, will the people who are opposing the use of name would justify that the name was actually originated from Jainism and is not a Sanskrit word.? I strongly feel that the Jain religious leaders should concentrate on well being of the Jain community, by asking the Rich Jains to donate for Hospitals, schools and hostels and help those thousands of Jain brothers who need help. Instead of arousing sentiments in the name of the religion.
Being a Jain myself, I have come across many practices which need to be looked upon on humanitarian grounds. We need some strong leadership to put our own house in order. Instead making more and more Ashrams, Mathas and temples, we need good hospitals which serve poor, we need schools so that the community people can learn and lead good prosperous life.
And the most important observations I have been through, is that the Jainism, boasts non-violence and preaching of forgiveness. But does not allow killing to protect oneself or even to protect Jainism. This is complete cowardice. Just following centuries old traditions, while we live in the life where people get killed for no fault of theirs, such preaching needs reform.
You can not convince the Taliban with this peaceful message. They will first laugh at you, then they will rob you and finally will shoot you dead. Your non-violence will not work against the animals. They need to be killed to protect you and your philosophy of unnecessary non-violence.
The nuclear submarine has its strategic importance as these ATVs, as they are called, can carry nuclear war-heads for the enemy, who is not satisfied with our stand of no first use of nuclear weapons. In that case we need to develop a capacity in which we can launch a retaliatory attack. Assuming that the first attack would completely cripple us, we need something which will deter the enemy to even launch first strike, fearing that they would get their due, in case they attacked India.
These submarines can stay beneath the sea level for months, without requiring to come to surface for recharging, as required by the other ordinary submarines. Hence they can remain under water for months and can launch a decisive attack, including nuclear attack, on the enemy territory. Most of these weapons never get actually used up in the war as enemy knows what will happen if the actual war breaks out, but then still having such a weapon system is necessary.
The day on which it was launched, there was a murmuring going on about the name of this nuclear powered submarine. It was named after one of the Tirthankar of Jain, Arihant. Whose name the Jains take when they recite the most auspicious NAVKAR MANTRA. Jain leaders have started to raise objection, as Arihant means killing the inner darkness of a person, (while the Sanskrit meaning is killing the enemy,) they claim that the submarine will have weapons which could kill hundreds of thousands of people if not millions, must not be named after their Tirthankar, who always preached non-violence.
One must answer to a simple question. Has Jainism purchased copy rights to use the Sanskrit word, Arihant, for their exclusive use? You can oppose if the said submarine was named after the Jain Tirthankar, but the name Arihant is a Sanskrit word and the culture, literature and language Sanskrit, is much bigger than the Jainism. We as Jains, must respect the sentiments as expressed by the Indian Defense establishments, for naming the first nuclear powered submarine as Arihant. The naming authority nowhere mentioned that is is named after Jain Tirthankar, Arihant.
This is a perfect example of mixing religion with politics. The Jainism, as a way of life and its Tirthankar, Arihant, is much bigger than the leaders who are making noises about the naming a nuclear submarine after Arihant, are making to be one.
We in India, do not understand what for and where we are opposing. We keep on opposing on each and every issues and politics enters each and every such issues. The simple occasion of being proud Indian for having an indigenous nuclear submarine, could get into murky politics of naming the submarine.
I personally feel that such issues must be dealt with some simple logic. The word Arihant, does not only belong to Jainism. Nor do the Jains has purchased the rights to use the name exclusively for their own purpose. Besides, will the people who are opposing the use of name would justify that the name was actually originated from Jainism and is not a Sanskrit word.? I strongly feel that the Jain religious leaders should concentrate on well being of the Jain community, by asking the Rich Jains to donate for Hospitals, schools and hostels and help those thousands of Jain brothers who need help. Instead of arousing sentiments in the name of the religion.
Being a Jain myself, I have come across many practices which need to be looked upon on humanitarian grounds. We need some strong leadership to put our own house in order. Instead making more and more Ashrams, Mathas and temples, we need good hospitals which serve poor, we need schools so that the community people can learn and lead good prosperous life.
And the most important observations I have been through, is that the Jainism, boasts non-violence and preaching of forgiveness. But does not allow killing to protect oneself or even to protect Jainism. This is complete cowardice. Just following centuries old traditions, while we live in the life where people get killed for no fault of theirs, such preaching needs reform.
You can not convince the Taliban with this peaceful message. They will first laugh at you, then they will rob you and finally will shoot you dead. Your non-violence will not work against the animals. They need to be killed to protect you and your philosophy of unnecessary non-violence.