Thursday, October 20, 2011


              In the year 2008 & 2009and subsequent blog write ups in 2009, I had advocated the pumping of cash into the failing economy of USA & Europe. It was then presumed that the cash pumped into economy will boost the morale of sagging business community of those regions, it will support the Government backed effort to look into the banks & other financial institutions getting support so that they will not fail the people of their country at the same time they will ensure that the money is used as oiling the economic giant wheel. In fact these governments perhaps had no other choice at the same no other way out of it. 

            These governments perhaps missed the line in between that the funds so released needed to come back to Government in forms of taxes, bonds and other investments to avoid inflationary pressure. The losses on the non-performing assets could have been better handled with the buying of those assets by the governments from these banks so that the funds can get pumped in the market economy at the same time the government sell those NPA at losses and cash so received could be adjusted against the cash so issued to the banks to pull back those cash from the economy, minus the loss.

This could have released these banks from the losses and could have saved deposits of the people at the same time the banks getting bad. But the channel used by the these governments went wrong somewhere and the funds again ended up in the hands of the rich people, who grew richer! It seems to me that the present agitation which could get momentum to capture Wall Street, all over the world against the richer class and could develop into a bloody class war of 21st century.

   It has been the story all over the world that the governments are less inclined to control the rich class. I am not a communist, but some of the principles of Das Kapital as written by  Karl Marx, was very good. The greed for profit by the large corporate houses have made the life hell for the people. Higher profit tends to make rich class richer and poor class poorer. The cost of many items, which we use in routine life, is so meager that we can not understand the justification for the price fixation and their actual cost structure..!

The capitalist ideology has not won over Communists. But they failed because of the people who followed and executed with utmost dishonesty. Communism failed because of its inner high handedness, while the capitalism has failed because the people's interest was overlooked at each and every move.The Government machinery has never bothered to ask why so much difference in the cost of a mobile phone or any electronic gadget and its sales price tag? The Governments all over the world have followed American & European economic models of free economies, let the entire economy at the behest of the market forces.

  The basic fundamental difference between the Communists ideology and Capitalist ideology is the profit earning and looting by the big corporate houses. Capitalists economies won the so-called race because profit did not go to any person, but shared by many persons, called Shareholders. But the real cream was pocketed by the Executives. They ruled the corporates with iron hand and had lavish life style. The burden of their lavish life style was always on the consumers, who were punished just for nothing.These corporates executives are kings of their small kingdom and the have been enjoying fruits of misconceived economic system. Surprisingly, these Governments raise hackle for human rights violations at any internal incident of any country around the world, but turn blinds eye when corporates take the jobs of natives under the pretext of the cheap labour to other part of the world, creating job vacuum at home which could be one of the reason of recession being faced by these rich countries.

But there is no system prevalent anywhere in the world that those guilty of taking wrong decisions, knowingly, have ever been punished !!!! It is always people like you and me are caught in the quagmire of inflation, rising cost of living, unemployment, dwindling savings and uncertain future.

 What I foresee if the time to control those tyrant leaders, who have imposed communism on the people of the world. It is time for capitalists, democratic countries to come clean on major issues related to common man. The persons manning the Govt. posts must understand the priorities. they must understand that a mobile phone is perhaps not important, but the food is.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


  The attack on the member of Team Anna Mr. Bhushan, is deplorable act of violence. For many he did say what he had in his mind. He has right to say so and Constitution of India allows him to say whatever he has in his mind. He has expressed his views that Kashmir be allowed freedom if the people of that part of the country do not wish to be part of India. Let there be a plebiscite and let the people of that State decide their future, whether they want to be India or not? In his views, if the people decide that they do not wish to be part of India they should be granted freedom. (Ask him what if other parts of India also join the same band wagon)

Such a view is very dangerous from a person, who was not known to Indian masses few months ago! Mr. Bhushan may have been famous but his influence was limited to his profession. The Team Anna's fight against corruption brought him into the limelight. Nation was happy to have found him as he could fight with whims & fancies of Mr. Kapil Sibbal and likes.

Whatever may be his vision of Kashmir or his views on it, it should not have been expressed in in public. Such statements are political statements and I think team Anna & IAC are aloof from political adventures! He needs to understand that due to the IAC campaign he is known to whole of India. Not likes of Mr. Bhushans, anyone who is suggesting that solution, must understand that giving up on Kashmir, will be his life's last signature! No Indian will ever allow that thing to happen! Mr. Bhushan should have known what effect his statement will have on his own campaign as well as on the entire country. I feel that this was an absolutely irresponsible statement. What happened thereafter is regrettable as well as avoidable, but we know the reason for it.

People of India has suffered too much for Kashmir. Bomb blasts here & there. Thousands of people have laid their life for Kashmir, directly or Indirectly. Innocent people who were killed in the local trains, in Surat blast, New Delhi blasts and various other such terror strikes. Mumbai attack on 26/11, thousands of security personnel have laid their lives fighting terrorism in Kashmir, Kashmiri Pundits had to desert Kashmir, due to insurgency, Pakistan led conspiracies have made our life hell in our own land, all THESE EVENTS HAVE TOUGHENED OUR RESOLVE ABOUT KASHMIR. Every Indian in this country has toughened mentally , what may come, Kashmir will remain with India. If the Kashmiris want it or not. If they understand it and remain with India, they are welcome and their negative attitude could be forgiven and they could be welcome into the mainstream. But if the situation is otherwise, Indian are ready for bloodshed. They are ready for more bomb attacks and on the other side Kashmiris will have to be ready for the same!

Anyone who even thinks of considering the demand of separate Kashmir, is insulting the sacrifices given by India people all over the country. Terror strikes in J & K initially did not bother whole of India. But with the terror strike all over the country, has united the whole country against the freedom to Kashmir!!! The whole nation, not only Kashmir but Jammu, Delhi, Mumbai, Surat, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata and the entire nation has paid the price of their freedom struggle.

What freedom they want? They are free to do whatever they wish to do. Kashmiri people are perhaps last to understand their own politicians, who are minting money like anything and leaving the majority of the Kashmiri believe that the Indian Government is doing little for them and it is solely responsible for their plight. To an extent it is true but the local politicians are so powerful and so selfish that efforts by Indian Government never pays. Besides if you note the situation has always worsened during the Congress rule in the country, reason not very far away to fetch...!!!

It was my personal experience while visiting Kashmir, that the Government of India keeps too much trust on the local politicians, may it be National Conference or PDF led by Mehbooba Mufti, (who was once kidnapped by the same terror outfits, she boasts today ! ) for their actions. We need to directly contact people there. Secondly we need to remove Article 370 provision about the buying & selling of property. I envisaged the Billions of Rupees could be pumped into the Kashmir economy if such property buying & selling can be allowed, creating thousands of jobs.If the people are skeptical, make that such buying or selling needs Kashmiri with any number of Indian partners.

While visiting the tourists spots, I noted that the few local goons were controlling poor Kashmiri people. These locals goons had support of local politicians. These local politicians are the real culprit as they squeeze the arms of Indian Government on one side and the local poor Kashmiris on the other side  They are becoming richer & richer at the cost of poor local Kashmiri people. It will require a concerted efforts by people of Kashmir and firm actions from Indian Government to look into the problems of Kashmiri people and not what the local politicians show it to Indian Government.

What the Kashmiris are getting today, by keeping themselves aloof! They must understand that their freedom and their identity is safe under free India. I think they should ask the Muslims belonging to Ahemadia sect, residing in Pakistan, or for that reason even those who had migrated from India to Pakistan, still differentiated by terming them as MOHAJIRS.

By the time few Indians who have access to media likes of Mr. Bhushan, Mr.Mahesh Bhatt, should stay out of making any statements which are too sensitive for each and every Indian, who is directly or indirectly connected to the war of hatred & terror by terrorist organization, who have lately forgot, they are attacking innocent civilians for what?

Sacrifices made so are too much to give away for plebiscites. The blood shed suffered by the innocent civilians and those fighting our battles day and night, our security personnel, can not be given up that easily. Let the world remember Kashmir can become a nuclear flash-point in the Indian Sub-continent and we as a Indians are not afriad of it. At least we are not entirely responsible for it.

I think Mr.Bhushans & likes of him have got their message loud and clear....!!!