Monday, December 24, 2012


    Sunday 16th December 2012, on this day perhaps the history of this country will be witness to the slow and silent revolution which would take place and its undercurrent could finish everything that comes in its ways.

                The 23 years old medical student's brutal rape may perhaps put the atrocities of German Nazi in labour camps they erected for Jews. Their anger could perhaps had a reason, though unjustifiable, but the rape of this Delhi victim is something which has shook the whole nation and has angered everybody who has been monitoring this situation. Such brutalization can hardly be imagined by the most brutally creative criminal minds. This has angered country and they are rightly asking for action.The people of the streets are demanding justice. They are asking for convincing response from the Congress government led by Mr. Manmohan Singh.

The rape is really something which needs to be dealt with little differently, if we really need to fight the rape. A parson committing rape, perhaps, is aware that the victim, will end her life out of trauma. The victim faces psychological rape everyday. every now and then she feels, is being raped by the society, police, judicial system. Family of the victim suddenly feels that they are someone ho do not belong to this society. The friends, relatives turn their eyes away as if that the victim or the her family were primarily responsible for this crime.

SO the effect of raping a woman or a girl is not only physically hurting her but it goes beyond that. it is intended to give a shame to the victim and her family.
Rape has been used as weapon against the impugned woman as well as her family. It has been used indirectly to defame the entire family, especially her parents or her husband. In case of Delhi victim's case since she was out in late night and the perpetrators of crime had found that it was their inherent right to punish the woman for being out so late in the night, with some man. That's male chivanism and their self made pride of being male and their right to become guardian of the society of their utopian world. They think thay have inherent right which is self proclaimed, to punish the woman they think needs to be punished. Such an attitude is absolutely unacceptable and must be punished in the severest manner. Besides society as a whole must improve their attitude towards the victims. Victims are victims of the situations and they are in no manner the perpetrator of crime. Society feels that the women, being physically capable of attracting men, does not mean they are attracting attention of men. It is also men who must control their thoughts and will power and must control the feelings to conquer a woman, by sexually assaulting her. Those who are assaulted must be soothed by supporting her to regain confidence and composure. They must be supported in every manner where they do not feel ravished. Such teachings can begin at home only. Society must adopt and accept the sexual assault on woman as other crime against women and must not treat it as end of road for woman. This must coinside side by side with most severe punishment for perpetrators of crime.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Americans Win Once Again...

     Victory of US President Obama can be termed as the victory of the American people, who are downtrodden and from poor background. Romney might have cheered rich and wealthy, but USA perhaps requires Obama more than Romney.
First of all fantastic manner in which the electorate have shown their will and maturity in choosing Obama again. there are people who might have been expecting that Rupbicans should have come back to power, needs to understand that the reforms that Obama stands for is good not only for America but whole world.

There needs to be a break applied to the sheer capitalism going in all directions. Obama stands for equal justice to all Americans. I have been writing lot of things about America for many years and I was surprised years back that why in the world, US should allow the outsourcing in the first place. Outsourcing has cut jobs for Americans and this is one of the reaons why the US economy may be recovering but shoddily. Business is always above survival and that fact must be understood. Those who understand are obviously with Obama and those who think otherwise, are so rich and well set that they are more bothered about to preserve what they have ammsed for all these years.

The sad part of capitalism is, that it breaks people and creates deep rooted divide in the society. These of my views must not be taken as anti-capitalism but there are many experts and perhaps more clever people in the world to devise something, some system which takes care of few dark sides of capitalism.

Politicians all over the world must understand that the days of the easy money and manipulation of stock markets are perhaps over. The economists and finacial pundits, might be more accurate in forcasting economic boom, better than me, but I tell and yell that the financial sector has been given more importance than others. Besides one needs to understand that the wealth once created goes from one hand to another, depreciates slowly and the time has come that the new creation of wealth is required. Such wealth can not be created without going to the basics. 

In the light of above facts, Americans have chosen Obama as their leader for yet another 4 years. No miracle is expected from Obama and like in India it happens, Republicans will ensure that Obama does not get what he actually wants and absolutely not that easily. It will make easy looking task, one of the most challenging and complicated.

His desire for moving towards little make over of wealth created in few hands, could meet tougher rebukes. His tax schemes and social security schemes might have to wait for right time to click. This will require patience and real hard work and must negotiate and bargain hard with the Republicans without jeopardizing his original goal.

The world has been watching Obama and finds in him few traits of true world leader, who can lead the world from the front. His moves of staying behind in Egypt and later on in Libya and now in Syria, has helped alot in reducing the hatred for American people, in the Muslim world, which  always nourished anti-American feelings.

The young Muslim generations is not bothered as what America did in the past, they want that those who boasts liberalism, freedom and democracy, react to their call for the same in their own countries. Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, spelled doom for dictators in few Arab countries but during that events Obama chose to keep America out of feud. That helped American to gain some friends in Libya and even in Syria. Perhaps Israel is unhappy about it, but then this was the right thinking on White House and right path for any Presidents who loves his country and its long term interests.

The withdrawal from Iraq was the first wise step he had taken. For last 4 years America has not started a new war on foreign land. The war machines are not utilized and hence no new costs accrued on that part on American tax payers.. He has diluted somewhat American dominance, though as a true American he knows where lies the  key to earn respect of world. He has already given a wake up call to Americans to rise, to work harder, get more education and completely immerse in the technological development.

   Some worries for India as well as Indians in USA. But they must understand that this is a bad time patch for whole world. The view has to be of macro level. The economy can not limp back to normalcy without the lower and middle strata of the economy are not managed. If they have no money or capacity to earn, who will buy goods from shops and why the industrial need will arise at all.

One of the most important thing which needs to be understood and explored in depth the need for devising some methods to sustain and slowly raise production of goods at home. Instead of importing it from China. It may be coming cheap, but it kills domestic industry. For that I think Americans must learn the lessons of austerity and rejecting goods which are of no use to them. Though this piece of advice may be a bitter pill, but pill is always pill and it definitely cures......!!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

F.D.I. Implications...ECONOLITICS....PART I

                              This is perhaps the most serious issue facing this country and the people, who should be the makers of their own destiny. The one after one steps declared by the Manmohan Singh Govt. could take the nation towards chaos and anarchy. The price-rise in diesel and domestic gas cylinders and yet another price rise in electricity charges will leave the common man gasping for life in this westernized Indian Union. Perhaps the Govt thinks that the people do not understand its sudden move to liberalize the Indian economy is actually a move to divert the attention of the people of this country from  Coal gate scandal, directly implicating PM, Dr. Manmohan Singh. Such steps of utter important should have been taken after taking the opposition into confidence.

People of this country are perhaps largely unaware about the actual implications of the Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in several sectors including that of retail, aviation & insurance. Such opening up will bring in foreign investors into India. With increased capital inflow, business could flourish. New employment may be generated. Employment means more income in the hands of the people. This will give them more buying power. Manufacturing units will be needed to increase their production due to increased demand, and subsequently more men power will be required to meet production schedule.  Overall prosperity can be expected out of such FDI.

 One of the other benefit, which this Govt is eying on, is, increased foreign currency pumped into the Indian economy. This fund will increase the demand for rupee in the international markets. Here the simple rule of demand & supply will work. Increased demand for Rupee will raise Rupee value and decrease the exchange rate in international financial markets. Subsequently due to cheaper dollar to Rupee ratio, imports will be cheaper. The main benefit of such move can result in reduced international oil import bill.

If the oil bill is controlled, Government thinks that it can lead to reduced inflation rate. If the inflation rate goes down, the Reserve Bank Of India can reduce the interest rates. This will make cost of finance cheaper and hence reduce cost of production, as the manufacturing sectors will get finance at cheaper rates. Hence a reverse cycle that of inflation could bring in cheers and joy for the people of this country.

Hence the idea of opposing FDI into Indian economy is not entirely prudent.

However, this type of situation can only exist in theory and in books. If the experts in Governments believe this could be the outcome of FDI in several sectors, they perhaps live in Utopian world.

While Mamta Banerjee in West Bengal, is against the FDI in retails sectors, others are in favour of it. But the common man does not understand the whole logic behind the FDI and opening up of the economy and selling the Government share in Public sector units.

They are perhaps taking FDI in retail sector to go against the retailers at the street corner shop of one's city. They argue that Govt is closing down one of the avenue for the people to earn employment. Such a small businessman will be left with no choice other than to seek employment with those big stores like Wal Mart.

The Manmohan Government has one solution to all problems and that is to privatize everything that comes in the way of the economic development. His team has only one solution to kick start the economic development activity and that is FOREIGN CAPITAL INFLOW. Always this has been the primary button, pushed if the TEAM MANHOHAN SINGH finds itself in trouble.

                       It has been very well in public domain that the India shining was actually the best period in the history of the country and India did achieve something which could not have been imagined. But with the demise of the BJP Government and installation of Manmohan Singh Government at centre changed everything. The decade of development and economic boom perished into the recession due to corruption and absolute mismanagement. 

The Congress Government always thought that the recession, which hit USA and Europe will come to India. In fact their actions never were to save the Indian economy from that chaos, but to push the Indian economy into recession. Finally Team Manmohan Singh did it, with supreme efforts under the very closely watched IMF bosses, Indian economy has prepared for a giant plunge into recession. During all these happenings, ine fails to understand whay Indian economy managers waited for the recession to come to India and hit us for no fault of ours. What kind of golbalization is this, where you are punished for no fault of yours and these bunch of idiots, including Manmohan Singh & Montek Singh Ahulwalia, who have no experience in handling village based economy. They are the manipulators appointed by IMF & WB.

                        As everybody is aware that whatever is happening is under the watchful eyes of IMF and WB, who encourage self-centered policies of capitalist policies,  which obviously suits them and make their countries huge profit out of everything.

We have failed once again. We failed to check the drain of money from our hands to the hands of those capitalist countries who are very carefully managing the whole show. The idea is not that we do not need capital and we should oppose the change taking place at the policy at highest level of the country. But there are several parameters, which needs to be adhered to and followed to. The national interest has to be supreme.

                 The recession in USA and Europe was detected in around 2005-06, but India waited for another 4 years for it to come to India. This was policy bankruptcy of learned economists of this country. In fact the tragedy is that these economic experts were the people who were in power at that time. They should have learned from US & European economic disaster.  We needed to learn why they have reached this particular flash point where the entire world economy is under severe threat.  Instead of learning from their mistakes, we have been walking the same foot-steps. These so-called financial experts must be on the pay-roll of IMF & WB.

  The only problem with these experts economists was that they had no connection with the culture and ground realities of Indian polity.They are absolutely unconnected to the reality and causes of the price rise.

Governing-wise they have failed the people and country. They have never ever thought about the simple and the most important facts of project price escalations. They have not considered the causes of why they should levy higher rates of taxes and look for different means and names for the taxes.

Liberalizing is not the ONLY step they should have thought for the revival of Indian Economy. There are several other steps and policy decisions which can elevate faltering Indian economy.  Several years ago from this platform only I had suggested that the US Government will require to support the defaulting banks by deficit budgeting, which is called Federal support to bring the US economy to life. Europe has different problem and they have complicated it by floating Euro.

                But Indian problem is not that complicated yet. The government must listen to demands of farmers. Continue providing them important subsidies and exclude rich farmers, who are actually the entire political class doing business in agricultural farm products.

They should make the public infrastructure project delays as non-bailable offense. This will reduce cost of projects and hence surplus amount can be utilized in some other upcoming projects.
Instead of bringing in Wal Mart, they should try to form and encourage co-operatives, which can do wonders. The present government is not serious about the interests of farmers and subsequently common man. Amul, is the greatest example of farmers' cooperative movement spearheaded by Late Mr. Kurian.

 We do not need Wal Mart. We need Govt. supported co-operatives. These co-operatives have done wonders, if handled by like of Mr. Kurian and not by Sharad Pawars. The FDIs will bring foreign managers to India, who will watch us working. They will ask us to be in discipline. Why you want to put your self in discipline in front of the foreign bosses, when we can decide to be disciplined, ourselves.

However, policy paralyzed UPA II government has made up its mind on importing policies of those world economies, which are themselves are in soup and IMF & WB must answer for their failure. Remember, it not only the Communism has failed, it is also the Capitalist ideology on gas.

Continued ........ Part 2

Monday, September 10, 2012


              Cartoon by a known cartoonist Asim Trivedi has become one of the point of debate in the country plagued by corruption, dishonesty. The cartoon created by him has resulted in his arrest following police complaints few political outfits in Mumbai.

The people does understand the anger it has evoked in the country and slowly this could turn out to be national movement to release Asim, as protest rallies and anger shown by people is overlooked. perhaps it is the begging of the end of those who have been playing their game of politics.

The cartoon shown here, shows the wolves instead of Lions, in the original national emblem. Satyamev jayate replaces, Brashta mev jayate...whats is wrong in this? The political outfits making hue & cry siting national insult, are the same people who created furor when the Mumbai Police arrested One who broke Amar Jawan Jyoti during procession in C.S.T. Mumbai.

It is really funny to know that these political outfits were so angry about such cartoon, which shows sarcastic view expression at its best, while they indulge in every possible act possible for a goons' party. They have one of the best muscle power to crush the opposition they find, could jeopardize their power centric work. Corruption in high place has come down to lower level and the police in U.P. beta up one of the vegetable vendor for bribing them Rs.50/- openly. Are these political parties think that they can fool people so easily.

Why these political parties should show and stand up for what they do not wish and no where near preaching? Parliament has been made national toilet and the it is exclusively for the political parties who get elected there. 

MPs so elected had perceived one fact while they were elected that they can sit here for the next five years and enjoy...but the people are waking up. They are ready to support anybody, like Anna, Baba or anybody, even Asim Trivedi, who are ready fight for the corruption. The instant support is generated for all those who are ready to take up the job of opposing corruption.

Politics of vendetta is just in fashion these days. Congress and; BJP have very little in ideological differences. their policies and manifestos are just the same. only the people in these two political parties are different besides they enjoy different group backings. RSS backs BJP and those who are opposed to RSS are supporting Congress. otherwise both the political parties have shown utter brinkmanship in taking country near catastrophe. Both the main political parties have common agenda, economically as well as socially. It is the grand example of political brinkmanship and suicide. It is an ideological drought.What is wrong when the national emblem showing lions are replaced by blood hound wolves !? We are unable understand the apathy as shown by the all political parties, towards the common problems of the common man. Taxes have been rising with every budget with our over-intelligent Finance Minister and his team of shit eating administrative officials who show new ways of cheating masses over ever rising new methods of collecting taxes.

Not a single honest official could ever come up and fight this army of corrupt. Then what is wrong is terming the line as BHASHTA MEV JAYATE. Asim Trivedi is not fighting a war against the nation, he has declared a war against India, it is is these blood-hounding wolves are making it to look like that. It is the war against those who have made this nation look like that.

May God bless the nation

We in India, can no longer take expression of views with prism of the British Rule. We must change the sedition laws, if they are there which muffles the voice of the people. Such administrators must reply to the people and explain their act of suppression. Asim Trivedi or likes of those must be set free and restraint must prevail while the law enforcing authorities take steps against the freedom of expression.

This is no insult to the nation but it tries to say that the ruling elite has made mockery of the great institutions of Indian democracy.If Asim Trivedi or like of have committed a crime of sedition under the grab of inciting public feelings, then these politicians must be arrested first as they have been polluting sacred places of democracy, like Parliament or for that example undermining C.A.G. or E.C.



Tuesday, August 21, 2012


  The latest development on the Indian political scene is worrying at the same time it is heartening to see several icons of the clean public image are coming together and are trying to form some sort of alliance for fighting corruption by getting into Parliament.  It is good for the people of India that at last they will have the persons who can atleast be trusted. But such decisions by TEAM ANNA (TA), will be very difficult to be fulfilled. when the whole world around you is full of mud, you need to tread your path very diligently and with meticulous planning and clear goals.

First of all, Indian National Congress must be congratulated for what they have done of a movement which was set out to clear the public life in the first place. What a turn around in a year. People of this country were actually missing Indira Gandhi for her iron hand rule and her political tantrums and politically shrewd moves, but perhaps, the silent doll (Sonia Gandhi) and speechless monkey (PM- Manmohan Singh, along with PC and Pranav da, have surpassed Indira Gandhi.

This quiet fellow is the the most shrewd person, perhaps, who has learned an art of keeping quiet and hit enemies when he is off guard. (Remember First External Affairs Minister: Natvar Singh. An old stalwart of Congress was shunted out of his Ministry and Congress party for not following his dictates. He was fixed in some Iraq oil scam. The cost he paid for raising his voice against PM. There are many instances which have missed media attention as well as the people's domain. PC was shunted out of Finance and taken to Home for not adhering to his plans for the economy. Pranav Da is sittng in Raisina Hill, for not perusing his liberal finance policies as dictated by IMF and WB.) 

This duo has completely put everybody in the political spectrum on mat, be it Sharad Pawar, Mulayam Singh Yadav or Mamta Banerjee. Or for that reason the entire movement of India Against Corruption. It seems that Congress has mastered game of political one-up-man ship and there is no body at the moment to challenge their domination till the next General Election in 2014 Even after the General Election, I am of the feeling that they will regain the power and defeat every single person, dreaming to become PM.

The IAC and Team Anna's coalition has seems to have cracked up. The non-political movement, if turns political, will have great impact on its followers across India. Itbis a matter of debate and one's perception, that war on corruption can not be fought by a non political body.

All political parties will now attack with vengeance on each and every member of IAC. The anti-corruption movement perhaps will fade into history with every passing day and lured by Congress and (over?)confident  Arvind Kejriwal, with victory in Hissar by-election, Hariyana, could face a very tough time ahead.

It was a successful strategy full of deception, ditching and back-stabbing that TA tasted defeat at the time of Lokpal Bill agitation, a year ago. The Government successfully contained the impact of the movement which had faced the impact of the people's wrath. But unfortunately, these things did not last long. The shrewd Babus and corrupt politicians, who were hand in glow, defeated the main purpose of the Lokpal Bill. As of now Lokpal Bill is not on the primary agenda of a common man like me. I am more than convinced that none of the political party wants that bill. And perhaps in my life time I may not see Lokpal actually becoming a reality. So why make fuss about it.

As a Indian, many like me, felt inability and utter helplessness in what was going on, on the political front in India. We have never ever tasted the true democracy, except when the Indira Gandhi was defeated in 1977 General Elections.

The IAC has decided to field its candidate, is a good sign that the despite the defeats at the hands of the Govt., these generation of young people led by General Sinha, Kiran Bedi and lot more other people, have not given up hope. It should be their first task on the agenda to stay united. Their existence is immaterial if they are to fight their war individually. Be it Arvind Kejriwal or justice Santosh Hegade. United they rise, divided they fall. Providing a political alternative is not going to be easy. At the same time not impossible. It is a war and will remain till final victory is achieved.

The chances of their failure is more because they have very little or almost no experience in running the drama of demo(Mobo!)cracy and they can not successfully out-number people only with clear image and goal.

TA should work out with the group called 255, which had fielded independent candidates in the BMC local elections. They must take experience from Group 255 and make the selection of candidates careful open and transparent. They should develop a mechanism on the line of M.N.S., which took exams of its candidates. The interested persons should give exams.

Open debate should take place in front of general people of that constituency, so that voters recognize who is going to represent their constituency. Selected people should be voted by that local constituency, may be by internet. Such elected person should contest election.

 Let the local people elect their leader of their local area. they must come out with some new ideas with respect to selection of clean member and who really wants to work for the community. The slection of candidates will be the first move during the elections.

Timing of the decision to have a political front is rightly timed for 2014.They must avoid making any controversial statements. But take measured steps. The injured lion is more dangerous, the present political leadership must understand. If the going gets right for TA, they could pose a greatest challenge to political parties in the coming few years. May be a decade or two. The learned people of TA must teach few good lessons to political mana(dama)gers.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

GOD PARTICALS....Higgs....Bozon....New Horizones..!!

The scientists fraternity of physics are right on seventh skies now. they have discovered the missing link in the formation of particles, which we can see and touch. it is being linked to the Big Bang and formation of Universe. The Higgs Boson, alias God Particle, has perhaps put to rest the theory of the God, which have been passionately tried to be refuted in my previous blogs.

The God Particle, which is responsible for everything that has matter and what we can see and touch in the universe. The subject is so vast and so huge that my entire blog, lest my life will not be enough to understand and analyze what these scientists have to say about the whole Universe and the formation of life.

My interest lies in the something that is happening in and around CERN, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Europe an countries. The CERN who is undertaking the whole experimental project, looking for the formation of Universe, dark matter, dark light and everything that is available, visible or invisible in the Universe, has been the main reason for you and me using internet. The scientist at CERN, who are spread all over the world and at the project site, wanted to have the quickest way of staying in touch with each other, the internet got the real boost here.

Perhaps my interest is in the experiments going on at CERN. The one that we now know that the scientists are almost sure of God Particle, but perhaps what interests me is the experiment related to fission of atomic particles and using the same for using it for power sector. The continuous unabated power could be fetched from these experiments, if they succeed. They will.... one day..!!

          With this discovery of the Higgs Boson, scientists are pretty sure that there is no God. We have not been created by God and we are just the part of the nature's design and we are formed with the way everything else is formed in the Universe. All our belief in God might get a rude shock and perhaps that is the truth. We ourselves are so powerful that we can reach to any level and we can do whatever we wish, but we are trained systematically to follow a laid down path into the system, which some of us have created for good or bad, we need to analyze and understand, and we have accepted such predetermined path of our living system as our way of life.

One such scientists, claimed, during his interview, that the scientists all over the world were worried about the standard model of physics was at stake. If the Higgs Bozon was not to be found, then the entire Physics stream was back to the past by another 60 years or so, hence their desperation had given that missing particle name of God Particle. Because for the last 60 years or so, were looking for it.

Several things does confuse me and I have been unable to find the answers to those questions. The big bang theory, which now the scientists say is almost confirmed and their all theoretical models and modules are on the verge of being proved right. But for me the  problem is the big bang itself. (Those who come across this blog are free to make comments and express their view on the same.)

Just imagine for a while that big bang did happen and the entire present universe got formed out of that. But from where does that mass came? Mass, such huge that it created the entire Universe! 

Okay there are other arguments going on to prove that Universe had first deflated and became a mass. Hence to deflate that mass into a one big massive massive mass, it must have imploded first. To implode it must have expanded to a level which was the limit of that expansion. Which after expanding for certain period of time, started to get smaller with every passing second and then became a solid mass of gases and mass of various matter. 

 Hence was there a Universe already in existence before 13.7 billion years ago? May be say another 3 to 4 billion years ago before the big bang?  The logical answer is yes. Because to explode there must have been something, which must have imploded first. That means the Universe which we are in now, was the result of an previously imploded Universe, which became solid mass and one day it exploded and gave birth to the present Universe, which we know and understand. 

So does that mean that we are into something where Universe is first either gets exploded, reaches its maximum limit, starts imploding once reaches its outer limits, forms into a solid mass, as it collects everything which is thrown into the space during the big bang like explosion. Ultimately explodes again to form another Universe!!!!

The question is,  isn't it likely that we are into something which may not have only our Universe? If that is the possibility then why not have more than one Universe into that SOMETHING, which holds our Universe and other Universes like our Universe? 

So where are we exactly? Are there more than one Universe? Is there anything which holds these many Universes? Is there a UNI-UNIVERSE, which might be holding large number of ours type universes? Is it possible for us to travel from one Universe to another Universe in real time and reach the destination during our lifetime? What does all this make of? What is you and me and why are we here? 

               This makes the time one of the most important factor and ingredient of all that we are struggling to understand. If someone wants to travel from one Universe to another, what it could be? At present we get struck if we have to travel to Mars. But if there is something like UNI-UNIVERSE, then there must have been something which can be used to travel. Perhaps the time travel could really be possible. It might be possible that the so-called aliens might perhaps be using it since long.

Perhaps we are at the threshold of the new discovery of something that is more speedier than light! To travel to such a long distance, we need something which is faster than the light and speedier like that of our thoughts. Because I term our thoughts to be the most most fastest mode of transport we have ever known. The only thing is that we are far backward in discovering in using the mammoth power of brain. We are systematically misguided to look into the daily problems, routine life. Which is far away from this mysterious world around us.

Confusing..? But this discovery of Higgs Boson, is something which ensures more questions on the way to find answers. The discovery of Higgs Boson particle might be a beginning to something very exciting to be discovered in the future, but I still stand by my logic of non-existence of God or God like thing which created humans and are governing us since our creation.....!!!!!

 Alien Logic & God

Friday, June 22, 2012


Few days back I was speaking to my  learned friend about the situation prevailing in the country. Incidentally he happen to be one of the regular visitor to my blog. He asked me a question that why should I write the same and same thing again and again. There are many experts who write fantastic articles on the subject and they are very well placed. They have larger exposure to spread their views, then why one should read me, who do not know me or if they know me, why should they spend time surfing my blog?

The question was right and I thought that what he says is also right. Why should people read my blog? Who am I? A small time Accountant in a transport firm in Mumbai? But then I thought of my regular followers, who have been supporting and very nice to me,. They have encouraged me with their comments and their support. So I told him that it hardly bothers me who reads my blog. Because those who read it will always do so. Blog is a medium where you can express your views without any fear and it is again open to all those who are interested in reading and wanting to understand what I wish to say.

There are many people who might have already written so many things about the State of Indian economy  and many experts are expressing their views on several issues, which are affecting India as nation. Expressing my views on the subject and my inclination to write here in this blog with contemporary events and happenings and their analysis with my focus and understanding of the issues. i have always believed that complicated problems always have simple and clear solutions. Complication, arises, in first place due to not understanding the problem clearly. The half hearted approach to solve problems, creates complications. However, to solve such complicated issues you need to have an enough of common sense, which convinces people around you to notice your views and understand them better.

 The situation in India is nothing different from what I just said. People in power actually do not want to solve the problem in the first place. The solution to problem will end their importance. The bankrupt imagination and lack of wisdom is leading this country into a quagmire of black-holes, from where the return will perhaps be impossible. The situation in this country has reached a place of very difficult to return, state. But very few people understand this. Those who understand ca not do anything and those who can do lot of difference to the present state of affairs are either ignorant or do not want to do it.
One accepts or not in the present administration, but it is a very well understood fact that Anna's anti-corruption crusade has completely shaken the whole set-up. Anybody who claims to ignore Team Anna, is lying on face of the people. The energy this Administration spent on blaming Team Anna, could have had been used in such manner that the people would have forgot Team Anna and this Government could have become the symbol of cleaner, fairer Government India would ever had.

The policy making in this Government is absolutely foolish that even a roadside beggar can understand the  corrupt motives of the Ministers of this government. First you allow the food-grain to rot and then you decide to export these food grains. after sometimes you find out that there is scarcity of food-grains and the prices in the local market is rising beyond control, now you would import such food-grain from foreign market at much higher rate than you had exported the same food grains. There are lot of such scams are going on. Winston Churchill, the then British Prime Minister was riggt in refusing the freedom to India. He was so clever and far-sighted in 1940s that if Britain gave freedom to India, her own people will loot that country.

{ The incident in Mumbai's Mantralaya office being destroyed by fire, came when I was just writing about the failure of the North Block. The apathy of the people who control the government machinery and those run it so glaringly careless that I as a tax payer find myself completely cheated and helpless. May tax gets deducted directly from my salary before it reaches me, while about the money, which i have earned with hard work, goes into fire due to careless idiots manning Mantralaya and office of administrators.

The people in the power would be more than happy as now new building will be built after demolishing the old one, new office will be made, new furniture, & fittings will be purchased at a cost of 200 to 500 times more than the prevalent market value. So big chunk of money will be allotted in building new Administrative Office. Scams will be committed, commissions will be set aside and many such things will happen. These politicians are the real decoits. Unless and until the Minister, officers and people responsible for such a lapse are not punished, such accidents keep on becoming Diwali for the people in power.}

I donot see end to it. People like you and me are perhaps too scattered and too weak to fight with this breed. perhaps something like Robin hood, comes up and helps people. Some lethal damage gets inflicted on these B*****ds and they some under influence of some Robin-hood, start working good for the nation.