Victory of US President Obama can be termed as the victory of the American people, who are downtrodden and from poor background. Romney might have cheered rich and wealthy, but USA perhaps requires Obama more than Romney.
First of all fantastic manner in which the electorate have shown their will and maturity in choosing Obama again. there are people who might have been expecting that Rupbicans should have come back to power, needs to understand that the reforms that Obama stands for is good not only for America but whole world.
There needs to be a break applied to the sheer capitalism going in all directions. Obama stands for equal justice to all Americans. I have been writing lot of things about America for many years and I was surprised years back that why in the world, US should allow the outsourcing in the first place. Outsourcing has cut jobs for Americans and this is one of the reaons why the US economy may be recovering but shoddily. Business is always above survival and that fact must be understood. Those who understand are obviously with Obama and those who think otherwise, are so rich and well set that they are more bothered about to preserve what they have ammsed for all these years.
The sad part of capitalism is, that it breaks people and creates deep rooted divide in the society. These of my views must not be taken as anti-capitalism but there are many experts and perhaps more clever people in the world to devise something, some system which takes care of few dark sides of capitalism.
The sad part of capitalism is, that it breaks people and creates deep rooted divide in the society. These of my views must not be taken as anti-capitalism but there are many experts and perhaps more clever people in the world to devise something, some system which takes care of few dark sides of capitalism.
Politicians all over the world must understand that the days of the easy money and manipulation of stock markets are perhaps over. The economists and finacial pundits, might be more accurate in forcasting economic boom, better than me, but I tell and yell that the financial sector has been given more importance than others. Besides one needs to understand that the wealth once created goes from one hand to another, depreciates slowly and the time has come that the new creation of wealth is required. Such wealth can not be created without going to the basics.
In the light of above facts, Americans have chosen Obama as their leader for yet another 4 years. No miracle is expected from Obama and like in India it happens, Republicans will ensure that Obama does not get what he actually wants and absolutely not that easily. It will make easy looking task, one of the most challenging and complicated.
His desire for moving towards little make over of wealth created in few hands, could meet tougher rebukes. His tax schemes and social security schemes might have to wait for right time to click. This will require patience and real hard work and must negotiate and bargain hard with the Republicans without jeopardizing his original goal.
His desire for moving towards little make over of wealth created in few hands, could meet tougher rebukes. His tax schemes and social security schemes might have to wait for right time to click. This will require patience and real hard work and must negotiate and bargain hard with the Republicans without jeopardizing his original goal.
The world has been watching Obama and finds in him few traits of true world leader, who can lead the world from the front. His moves of staying behind in Egypt and later on in Libya and now in Syria, has helped alot in reducing the hatred for American people, in the Muslim world, which always nourished anti-American feelings.
The young Muslim generations is not bothered as what America did in the past, they want that those who boasts liberalism, freedom and democracy, react to their call for the same in their own countries. Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, spelled doom for dictators in few Arab countries but during that events Obama chose to keep America out of feud. That helped American to gain some friends in Libya and even in Syria. Perhaps Israel is unhappy about it, but then this was the right thinking on White House and right path for any Presidents who loves his country and its long term interests.
The young Muslim generations is not bothered as what America did in the past, they want that those who boasts liberalism, freedom and democracy, react to their call for the same in their own countries. Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, spelled doom for dictators in few Arab countries but during that events Obama chose to keep America out of feud. That helped American to gain some friends in Libya and even in Syria. Perhaps Israel is unhappy about it, but then this was the right thinking on White House and right path for any Presidents who loves his country and its long term interests.
The withdrawal from Iraq was the first wise step he had taken. For last 4 years America has not started a new war on foreign land. The war machines are not utilized and hence no new costs accrued on that part on American tax payers.. He has diluted somewhat American dominance, though as a true American he knows where lies the key to earn respect of world. He has already given a wake up call to Americans to rise, to work harder, get more education and completely immerse in the technological development.
Some worries for India as well as Indians in USA. But they must understand that this is a bad time patch for whole world. The view has to be of macro level. The economy can not limp back to normalcy without the lower and middle strata of the economy are not managed. If they have no money or capacity to earn, who will buy goods from shops and why the industrial need will arise at all.
One of the most important thing which needs to be understood and explored in depth the need for devising some methods to sustain and slowly raise production of goods at home. Instead of importing it from China. It may be coming cheap, but it kills domestic industry. For that I think Americans must learn the lessons of austerity and rejecting goods which are of no use to them. Though this piece of advice may be a bitter pill, but pill is always pill and it definitely cures......!!!!!
One of the most important thing which needs to be understood and explored in depth the need for devising some methods to sustain and slowly raise production of goods at home. Instead of importing it from China. It may be coming cheap, but it kills domestic industry. For that I think Americans must learn the lessons of austerity and rejecting goods which are of no use to them. Though this piece of advice may be a bitter pill, but pill is always pill and it definitely cures......!!!!!