Naxal problem has once again come into limelight. This time after the deadly attack on the political leaders of Congress in Chhatisgarh. Around 27 persons, mostly Congressmen were killed. One of leaders, Mahendra Karma, who had started anti-naxalite movement in Naxal hit areas, was killed very brutally. The attack was very well planned and executed with precision. It was for the first time that the attack by Naxals has taken place on political leaders.
Media, in particular, electronic media, which is not independent and completely biased, is systematically trying to raise temper by showing that force will be needed to counter the naxal problem. It is surprising that the naxal problem has been looked to as problem of vote bank, problem of mining industry, problem of security and some of them do not hesitate to level it to the terrorist problem.
These are poor landless people, whose land has been grabbed by the politicians in collaboration with the people who tried to raise their voice against the ruthless and senseless group which has been trying with concerted effort to snatch these poor laborers. These officials are are hand-in-glove with the Government officials. They are all eying their land, so that land sharks can emit these people from here grab their land and use it to extract minerals from this mineral rich land and earn huge profits.
Instead of giving them good services, like hospitals, schools and other facilities like road, industries etc., why they would turn naxalite themselves. Look at the States which have done excellent all-round development. Why the poor and backward people of such States should ever lay their hands on arms and ammunition.
Look at the social media and even at the other medias, except that electronic media, people are cool at the death of the people in Chhatisgarh. though it may sound little harsher, but the truth is that the entire political leadership hardly earns any sympathy from general public in India these days. One must remember that the person living in cities and having some resources to sustain will not raise his hands with weapons. Since they have home, family and money to sustain their day to day needs. they with some levels of ups and downs and sometimes with compromise also will continue with the hope that the future will be bright. They will perhaps not be worried for their children.
They know that rising prices has already killed his future planning and understands whatever happening around will take away big share in form of corruption and varying levels of inflation, he feels secured, though utopian, but does not think of fighting against the system. Does not think of picking up weapons, though many times he really feels so when on a day a new scam surfaces and people responsible for it gives it a cold shoulder.
But these people have nothing to cherish about. Their children grow up in jungles as there is not a school, their wives give birth to her child on the road, as there is not even a primary health centre, forget a full fledged hospital. His only possession was land, handed over to him by his father & forefathers. this land was just his source of livelihood and that is snatched. His backwardness is the cause that no one hears his cries in the corridors of power.He is consistently ignored. He feels alone and helpless. Then he finds that he is not alone. there are others who have faced the similar fate. They unite against their own people who have wronged them. This union gets them on the other side of the law, but they have little choice and little options.
One thing that comes to mind is that Naxals were killing police people for so many times. But no Congress Prime Minister ever went to console the famalies of policemen who had died performing their duties. Now when the politicians have been killed, entire Government machinery has landed in vicinity of the ground zero. It shows they are so sensitive about their own class. If the people from their class gets affected, they will fly into the area, but when the policemen who die doing their duty, no body is ever bothered.
PM must have had little sense prevailed before he wowed to fight the naxals. He was wrong and ill prepared for such reaction. PM should have pulled up state Governments for not doing their bit for the Naxal areas. Instead of trying to gauge the actual problem correctly, he tried to simply blame the Naxals for the violence.
he solution to the problem will take years after the efforts to solve started. As the problem has prolonged little longer than it should have. Thee is no reason to blame our neighbors for helping Naxals, because it ourselves, who have ignored our problem at home and tried to solve problems of the world. We are not a perfect society and democracy has its drawbacks, but theu mst be worked on and not delayed for decades. Such delays could decay the whole issue and then rotten could smell bad , the one such smelt in Chhatisgarh.