Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The smart Indian Voter

 Well the elections are over and the people of India have given their mandate to the new Govt led by NDA. The voters have decided the fate of India. They have decided that the Govt led by Shri Narendra Modi shall struggle throughout the 5 year term. The people of India have decided that the Parliament will be stalled for the next 5 years and no important or public oriented work will be carried out by NDA Govt. 

Indian voter is so smart that it can vote enmasse to defeat a candidate belonging to BJP, just because they wanted to defeat Narendra Modi, for having taken some drastic steps to alleviate the women folks from a particular religious faction. The women voters, after having received so much of attention have voted for a candidate, who could defeat BJP candidate.

Voter is so smart that it can topple a working Govt, whose achievement are numerous and uncountable. They have very cleverly used the opportunity of defeating BJP led NDA, once the entire opposition gave them the best chance by uniting themselves with the sole agenda of defeating BJP. 

Indian voters are really very smart. They have elected a Govt of their choice without going for voting. As they accept it that, the result of the Elections 2024, are with their own will and wish. The Muslim voters are the most smart people in this country. They have not defeated Modi, they have defeated themselves, their interest, their true friend in the PMO and their best bet for their upliftment.

For almost 60 years, Congress ruled India. During that period except appeasement of few top clergies, the Muslim masses never benefited. They were always used a fodder. But they have really acted very smartly to forgive their oppressors, for defeating the Govt, which did best for them. And every poor of this country.

Well, very well praised Indian voters. Thanks for letting India survive.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Butter + Paneer + Masala and new GST..

 From the Monday, 18th July, 2022, many small items of the kitchen and other households, were brought under the GST regime, which was never thought of, when this regime was actually introduced. Many of the items were taxed are such that, perhaps we never ever use them throughout our life or use them seldomly. But now, if we wish to use them, we have to pay tax. 

When this news cracked, one wondered why this GST on these small things and items which if taxed can affect routine life of a citizen who lives very miserably and such a small increase can throw his meager budget off track...!! 

On further investigation it was found that Govt has been studying the case of Sri Lanka very closely. Govt seems to have learnt its lessons very well. The crisis is Sri Lank, could have not been this worse, had the Govt worked on such taxes and used them as a tool. The collapse of the Sri Lankan economy, is due to many reasons and foremost being the lower tax rates and exemptions from taxes on many counts. 

The financial managers of the Sri Lankan economy, played it very well to bring this dooms day for that country, as its imports continued, borrowings, which were not required in some of the sectors continued, leading to payments being made to foreign countries, major chunk of such payments going to China for the interest payments and import of unnecessary things. Sri Lankan economy's major earnings come from tourists, which received a biggest hit due to covid crisis.

Hence, no income only expenses. No foreign remittances in form of any income, only outflow, for payment of interest and import bills. The loans, taken at higher interest rates, never generated any income and those assets become non performing assets for Sri Lankan economy. Local production of goods was never envisaged and kept on importing everything they required. At the end of the day, Govt had no money. As taxes were not forthcoming and so was the foreign remittances, from the tourist. So how to run the nation? rest is the story we all know.

Sri Lankan citizens are no less culprits. They enjoyed when the Govt brought down or removed the taxes. They did not ask the Govt., from where will the money come for economy to run? How Govt will manage its own administration and its expenses? Everybody loved Rajpakshe family. This family behind the screen, dis everything to sell their own country to China for few dollars kickbacks....!!! They had, then entered into some nefarious agreements with the Chinese Govt., which the people of Sri Lanka were unaware.

Similarly Pakistan, another Indian neighbour, has also mismanaged its economy and had developed a very bad habit of foreign aids being received for using the country's Geo-political and strategic locations. The foreign currencies kept flowing in that country for one reason or the other. That subsequently resulted in habit of getting money by any means, be it was USA for its support in Russia- Afghanistan war, Saudi Arabia for spreading Wahhabism, China for making CPEC, even at a cost of surrendering its own self respect and sovereignty.

The local production of goods and services for local consumption, was also imported and it could afford to pay, till FATF, was not in action and put it in gray list, which had caused tremendous hardship to Pakistani people due to dwindling foreign currency reserve and declining Pakistan currency.

Nepal, also another neighbour, first developed a very cosy relations with China and started to borrow from China. But then with change in the Govt at the helm, prevented a definite economic fall, which awaited Nepal for the worst.

The scene is same. Story is same. Script is same and consequence is same.

China develops a close relations with top political leadership of a country. Bribes them with money or honey trap. Lends them money into some projects, which are not that necessary for its development, at high rate of interest, when that project becomes white elephant, earns nothing and repayment of such loan comes up, these nations finds themselves into the economic trap.

But you will ask, you all knew, what was written above, what was new in that...? 

The Govt of India and the GST Council, together have learned their lessons well. They know that these economies are collapsing as they do not have Aatmnirbhar concept. It knows that in the crisis, small businessmen, finding opportunity to earn huge profits, would hoard commodity of routine usage. So Govt covered all small items. Imposed minimum GST of 5% on many of the household consumables. This tax has been put on almost all packed food items and packed households items.

With this anyone trying to earn undue amount of profit, Govt will come to know at what rate is selling the goods. As GST Return requires purchase rate and Sales Rate to be filled. If any undue amount is charged Govt can track that seller and question them. 

Remember, the GST is levied on small items, used for daily use, packed items, which can be stored and hence hoarded. 

Remember, India and ts economy and security are in safe hands. Indian learnt its lessons during covid in 2020, that it needs aatmanirbhar Bharat. See we are reaping the benefits of such a farsightedness after understanding what is happening in our friendly (?) neighbourhood.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

White House in the clutches of an idiot.

With Joe Biden arriving in Middle East by beginning his tour with landing in Israel. His actual mission is to contain the rising prices and subsequent inflation at home, in USA, which is reaching at around 10%. He is under tremendous pressure to bring it down by controlling oil prices in USA and consequently the prices of goods and services in the economy. USA, has tried hard to convince its old allies Saudi- Arabia, UAE to increase the oil production, to bring down the prices,  due to US sanctions on Russia, leading EU and other allies of US to turn to middle east for their oil supply replacement, in absence of Russia. 

So the world at the moment is hit by two factors, one is, boycotting Russian oil in the market and two, turning to other suppliers, who are not very eager to replenish the Russian oil supply. These two factors in tandem have started to destroy the world economies at large. As the entire world is looking at the rising prices and inflation. Besides a severe food crisis lurking ahead, and just a round the corner, though slowly at the moment.

Joe wants to appease Saudi Arabia by showing solidarity with Saudis for their stand on Iran. Lately Haiti rebels. supported by money and weapons by Iran, have become a headache for Saudi-Arabia. They also know that they need some plan in action to woo Israel as well, as lately Joe has been little careless in handling Israel concerns in the region. It is in the public memory that when the war of Russia- Ukraine began, Neftali Benet did visit Putin, may be he was showing solidarity with Russian President and perhaps Israel understood the concerns of the Russia's  security vis-à-vis Ukraine border. So with a new carrot of security dialogue at par with QUAD, with Saudi and other regional powers, may convince Saudis and UAE about US intentions. In return US is trying to win over Saudis & UAE to make them accept their demand to increase the oil production, which will ease up oil supply chain in the international markets, subsequently bring down the oil prices and consequently easing up inflation in US & around the world.

At the very outset of the war, I had written about 3 idiots. Joe Biden, Zelensky and Putin. But Putin has proved it otherwise. NATO and in particular USA had cornered Russian President so hard, that it became a matter of life and death for Putin. The main enemy of America, even today, is not Russia, it is China and Biden has, very successfully diverted the world attention from Chinese conspiracies to Russia-Ukraine war.  

The bruised Russian pride will not let USA live peacefully. It is neither 1960s nor 1980s and 1990s. When US dominated USSR and ultimately the later collapsed under its own weight. The difference today is, there was no China at that time. No India, no Japan and no Russia. They all were subservient to super powers. 

The USA now got taste of its own medicine, when it forced Russia out of the international monetary system, SWIFT. It is now struggling with its own Petro-dollar empire these days and we have seen them pleading countries like India not to trade in other currencies than Dollar. The situation is far more different these days and internationally Europe is also struggling at the moment and is at the mercy of Russia for its energy needs.

Wait for the time when Russians are going to create hurdles at every move of USA. It has already woke up a giant devil, from a deep sleep, which clever Trump always avoided. Trump was a reasonable man, who was defeated by his own people and reasons are same, which are after NaMo, but the later has been dealing with these factors very effectively and very cleverly. 

Russia has already raked up middle east plan of US and has already instigated Iran. Furious Iran can damage USA reputation by not agreeing to nuclear deal, which is dream of Joe Biden administration, and he will do something worthy of note before he goes in for re-election. Russia has already indicated a war front opening up Syria.

Joe Biden is the most dumb President of United States of America and Americans will regret, having elected a wrong man to the most powerful seat of the world. His domestic policies can be disputed but his foreign policies are total and absolute disaster.

Another idiot, Ukrainian President Zelensky, who has destroyed completely his own country got killed thousands of his own country men. Doomed its burgeoning economy. Who does such a stupid act for pseudo-nationalism. Nationalism will be there only if the nation survives. But this idiot doesn't understand. And so the people of Ukraine. They don't seem to oppose this jocker. A wise leader would have averted a war in the first place, as they were never ever a match for Russia. Besides they trusted USA, who had just betrayed Afghan people, by suddenly withdrawing from war-torn Afghanistan and giving power back to Taliban.

For now, there are far more possibilities that it will try to convince the Saudis and UAE to increase the oil production and increase oil supply in the international market. Which can give it some relief in short run. No permanent friends and no permanent enemies in the international politics.

Waters down the rivers....!!

Many times wonder what went wrong in the past few years that the communal tension has risen in India. Is NaMo responsible for that particular flare up India...? The tension due to Nupur Sharma, has risen to boiling point. And perhaps the people of this country are facing a time, never seen or faced before. May by such tension was there during the partition and there were incidents which led to violence, but the scale of awareness amongst majority in India was never evident nor noted,, the way it is so far.

The media has played one of the most important role in awakening the  majority of this country to stand up and fight for something which they were never thought they need to get united. Social media is something like a boon for this awakening. The scale of this awakening is unprecedented and those who believe for सर तन से जुदा, are for a very crude shock. This population live under the hangover of Islamic rule of India for 700-800 years and which was then furthered by British Rule, are for such shock that they don't believe what is happening around and how to get over it. 

And hence, the murders, taking place around the country. Murders are the last resort for the community, which have exhausted all their options of solving a dispute in a civilized world. They find themselves cornered and they have no way out. The years and may be centuries of their up-bringing has erased their ability to negotiate, talk and ability to give and take, live an let live.  They have found themselves into a very limited option scenario and now they feel suffocated when questions are raised. When they are asked questions about their faith. For them, laughing and mocking at other faith, was always their birth right. But when the people started to reply and gave them the same dose of medicine, they got out of control and started breaking rules of the game, which they only set.

Why and what has transpired between these years? Why the majority community, which believes in live and let live, is so furious that any further couple of events like what happened in Udaipur and Amaravati, could turn the tension on a scale never seen before. What is happening..? Why a common majoritarian is furious and anxious....?

We can try to find out reasons for such a rising tempers of majority community of India. 

The latest incident, started with the killing of a Hindu Businessman, specifically and tailor. Who had, in his personal capacity had supported Nupur Sharma, for alleged insult of Prophet Mohammad, in a TV debate.

He was told that local muslims were not happy and expressed their anger on the matter. The police complaint was filed and the victim, was jailed for a day or so. Threats didn't stop. So the victim, Kanhaiya Lal filed a police FIR. The two parties were called and the matter was settled with a written agreement. The agreement was broken and few days later, victim's throat was slit with specially made knife.

The killers went on the social media, uploaded the video and celebrated.

The another incident of Amaravati, where the victim's muslim friend, killed this Hindu man, for supporting Nupur Sharma. He expressed regret, but in vain, as his destiny was to die.

Why it happened at all?

Nupur Sharma, BJP spokesperson was into debate. Taslim Rehmani provoked her by saying few things about Lord Shiva and Ghyanwapi Masjid disputes, which provoked Nupur Sharma, where she retorted Rehamani saying that if you speak garbage about our God, I can tell you many things about Prophet Mohammad.

It was under international conspiracy, after about a week or so, the issue went viral on social media with a doctored video, under the garb or fact check. Now what Nupur Sharma said, had been in the domain for years and nobody spoke of it. Zakir Naik's video, claiming the same what Nupur Sharma said, is in social media. Not only Zakir Naik, there were others from the Arab world, several muftis and maulanas, claimed it that way.

Now, what Nupur Sharma said has angered Muslims and they are after those who support Nupur Sharma. The biggest reason, is that for centuries, they have told and accepted out of fear, that they are superiors. They have come to believe that what they say about their prophet, is okay. They will not go after Zakir Naik or those who claim the same details about the prophet Mohammad.

The main reason lies somewhere else. Eight years rule has collapsed their Utopian worlds of superiority. The latest was Gyanwapi Masjid, in Banaras. The proofs mounted in the Court, indicating that the Masjid was built upon a Shiv Temple. It hurt them. They looked raiders and demolishers. They looked like dacoits. They believed that they are the best. They called Hindu faith based on mythology. They abused Shivling and recognized to be as one of the organ of the human body, not understanding the basics of the Hindu religion or faith.

People from other faiths, to avoid confrontation, have ignored their day-dreaming. This they assumed to be in their favour and sharpened their attacks. It is their faith which clearly calls to all  those who did believe in other faith. It is very interesting fact that Islam rose to after killing those who believed in idols in Saudi Arabia (Hindus?), and destroying all those temples where these idols were kept. 

But everything which Islam doesn't want people to know is destroyed. The anger and hate for Hindus emanates from Saudi Arabia. It will be very interesting to note that why Islam does everything opposite which is a standard practice in Hindu faith...?

It is wonderful to note that 

Hindus worship Sun, they, Moon...!!

Hindus burn their dead, they, bury...!!

Hindus write from left side to right side, they, right side to left side..!!

Hindus believe Saffron as colour of hope and sainthood, they, colour of death..!!

Hindus believe black as colour of death, they, colour of religion.

Hindus don't marry brother and sisters and into the cousins, they, marry their own sisters..!!

Hindus respect women as goddesses, they, take her as a tool or toy...!!

Hindus not bothered who believes what and prays to whom, they, Allah is supreme and not else.

Hindus have never killed anybody for not believing in their faith, they, million have been butchered.

Hindus respect rights of very smallest form on Earth, they, respect their own self-interest.

Hindus never laugh at mythologies of other religious faiths, they, laugh at Shree Ganesh, Shree Ram, Shree Krishna and latest mocks at Shivling, at Gyanwapi temple. All religions have different mythologies at work and one needs to respect them, even if he doesn't believe it. And nobody should neither force the other to believe them.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Indo-China War... Imminent...???

The Indian Pm's visit to Laddakh this morning has put the ball in motion, making it for China to now decide whether it wants a war. It is one of the most shrewd move made by NaMo, when he visited the forward post in Eastern Laddakh and gave a roar of victory to Indian Jawans. Chinese were perhaps and are not perhaps prepared for this type of response from a neighbour, with whom it has border dispute. It has been a practice that Chinese would encroach upon the Indian land and the Indian Govt and the Indian military would wait with folded hands, requesting them to go back to barracks. Which they would do after satisfying their ego. This habit was developed during the INC rule. Most of the time Indian military was focused heavily on Pakistan and not China. 

India, under INC and Gandhi family rule, always backtracked considering any reaction from Indian side would get escalated on the border and war could break out with the Chinese. Since they are far more superior, they can easily defeat Indians. But the perception has changed after 2014. A new confident military has been developing under the new regime in India and that the that is being reflected at the border.

Meaning of the visit at Laddakh today, has deeper meaning. India has finally asked China to act. Either have war, or just pull-back. Ball is in the court of China. India has shown its readiness for war as well as peace. What happens, if the war really breaks out...?
Does it spill over into a Nuke-war? Or Third world-war? Or something sinister, than that.
First of all the war doesn't seem to break out. It is just a game of nerves. Who looses it first? With the visit to Laddakh, India has passed the buck to China, let us see how it responds.

Secondly, if it does, then the war would be limited to Eastern Laddakh region and could spread to Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand etc. And it should be taken care that this time India forces gets into the Chinese territory, deep inside and use that as bargain chip, for Gilgit Baltistan, and Aksai Chin areas. 

The agressive Indian troops are just waiting for the attack and kill more and more Chinese soldiers, to avange 1962. Though we may have had it in 1967, but loss of territorial rights has been a scar on minds of every Indian. This time around, any weaker Chinese Army, could invite Nukes, and the world would get involved into the war.
US,JAPAN, Australia, Israel, are all with India. Russians could play a very important role, but it will largely remain neutral, as they do not like to play a role of younger brother to China and also not want to be seen as friend ditching another in the time of need. Though it would need Chinese investments, but they will also want their standing not hit as a friend ditching a close ally.

USA, always keen to support India could also involve militarily in the war theater and may be NATO also gets involved into it to a limited extent. The most important will be Pakistan. If it gets involved, my take is that POK and Baluchistan will be free from clutches of Pakistan, in the years to come. Pakistan may be restrained by Russia, Afghanistan and even USA, to desist from the conflict and with warning that Indians could inflict a damage beyond its comprehension. But a war in this eastern Laddakh theater, could change so many things forever. The psych of Chinese would get a big hit and perhaps that the China may see some internal disturbances, as well. What India will need to do is to stick around for little longer. The longer India sticks around, more damage can be inflicted on China, economically, militarily and psychologically.

Friday, July 3, 2020


The world at the present is busy fighting out the Corona virus and every nation on the earth is hit by this pandemic. The people of the world are at the moment concerned that somehow they shouldn't become the target of the the COVID-19. 

Many conspiracy theories are doing round at the moment and there will be few more that will come in the coming few weeks as the threat get real, deeper and darker. The hard hit Europe and USA, is not only surprising but it takes the leaf out and confirms that there is something that matches the claims that the conspiracy was always there.

There are many experts are doing rounds by writing tonnes of material on conspiracy and singling out China. But what we need to work on is the scenario which could develop after the pandemic subsides. The situation seems to be getting worse, with the USA, showing desperation about the its economy and its might, should not get affected and has not locked itself down. But that will be very dangerous situation for the people of America, as it has been proved so far that, the death ratio has been on the rise for the people of this country and its rising, with the President Trump risking his second term, in November 2020 elections.

So the focus of the world will shift to shoring up its economies once the pandemic subsides. Presently the sole super power of the world, has been brutally challenged by the Chinese economic behemoth. The industries in China have started to function normally and they have started to supply goods and other requirement to the world over. Their marvelous production capacity is always point of jealousy for the world.

Such developments, like export of masks and other PPEs from China to Europe and even USA would definitely boost up its economy as the nations are fighting for the lives of its citizens and would import everything that is ready with Chinese Govt. and the market. This is perhaps the most bizarre but a fact that, Chinese companies would be making huge profits on the deaths of thousand of Americans and Europeans. That is one of the tragedy of this pandemic.

No country of the world is going to forgive China on this. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The matter is being discussed every where these days after developments in Assam and particularly when 4 million people were left out of the Assam NRC. Congress party, as usual has taken a stand which is anti-India. Thank God, we had Na-Mo for this term of 5 years, we have started to see and look deeper into the design of Congress and how that things have developed into one of the most complicated issue for India. But, that will be at some other time. 

Foreign intrusion by especially, Bangladeshi have become a hot topic in Indian politics. One thing that many in India don't understand is that have the opposition parties, have forgotten that they are political parties of India and not Pakistan or Bangladesh. The way all of them come into opposing the BJP-led Govt., people have serious doubt about their intentions. 

The strategists in these political outfit don't seem to be are heard. The leaders are doing what they should not, so brazenly, has shocked the whole country. But we must appreciate that the BJP has positioned itself very well in this entire episode. The NRC and related data, being created in Assam, has raised demand for such a Register for the whole of India and rightly also as people are anxious about Bangladeshi population making an incursion on Indian resources, whose population has been rising without any bounds. 

I happen to ask one question that comes to my mind, is this being done under a plan of Gazva-e-Hind? Is this a plan of Islamic extremists who plan to convert this land of Gods, into Islamic State? Questions arise. The in sensitiveness of political parties, in particular, Congress and TMC, the doubt thickens.

So what next.... It seems that the BJP is playing with the fire at the moment. Experience says that they have created hype and they have developed cold-feet on several issues. They have been strong supporters of the removal of Article 370 and its Article 35-A in J & K. They have vowed in past to remove it, but they have developed a cold feet. They instigated every Hindu in the country with the name of Ram-Temple, but then nothing happens. Despite having enough majority in Loksabha, they have stayed away from taking bold steps. Most of the BJP supporters have same feeling. Its cold feet party.

Hence, today BJP is vying for the support of Bengal for forth coming elections, can it deliver what it claims today about the NRC like action in Bengal..?  Don't seem likely. What Amit Shah, BJP President said in a rally on Kolkata, he does not have daring to do what he said. 

The reason is previous Congress Governments, have ensured that it becomes difficult to trace those foreigners, in the first place. Let's believe that it has been done. Govt through the NRC, have identifies that certain number of people are established as Bangladeshi, what next. Govt needs to start a dialogue with Bangladesh Govt. about this menace. Govt must begin talks with Myanmar about Rohingyas, who have also come to India as refugee, as the counting and tracing begins. These should go together. BJP led Govt has not even initiated that at once.

In most likely scenario, no one will go back to either Bangladesh or Myanmar. Remember my words. We Indians are so soft, that we develop mercy for those who kill us. Several political bastards have already started saying that we must have mercy, where will they go, how will they survive, we need to protect these poor, let them live in our country, so on and on and on. Politics in this country is fa-far away from being called, constructive and nationalist.

Several measures are suggested, knowing that nothing will happen to Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Rohingyas from Myanmar. It is presumed that our present leadership has no guts to act upon such an issue, with interest of every Indian is protected. We have no such leader, in sight at present.
  1. Issue a letter of permission to stay in India and register themselves with the Government. 
  2. A separate card on lines of Aadhar be issued to them to track them and maintain their proper records.
  3. They must not be granted a citizenship of India for next 50 years. They have to stay in India, without voting rights.
  4. They be issued a work permit. They must have it to get the job. Anyone employing such foreigners without work permit must be heavily fined and half of the fine has to go to the person who tips off the authorities.
  5. They must be charged more for schooling, travelling by trains, by air, in the hospitals and every services that they can use. Preference must be give to Indian before these people.
  6. They must not be issued ration cards at all. 
  7. Original Indians will have preference in Jobs over these foreigners.
  8. All minimum wages Act provisions will not be applicable to foreigners. There can be separate provisions for them and separate minimum wages provisions for them. However, employer must employ Indians in preference to the foreigners.
  9. They neither can file suite against any Indian or Indian institute, company, firms, local Govt. or any State or Central Govt.

These are suggestions, there can be many more of this kind. They are necessary to protect resident Indians. Now, many reading this blog, would say such thing are not possible, we have to be human. On the humanitarian ground we must not do it. To all those, we need to ask a question to ourselves, that somebody, in the rainy night comes to our house, we shelter him, give him water, food, cloths. We may give him work in our farm, but we don't make him owner of our farm land. 
This is simple problem and has simple logical answer to it.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

J & K.... New possibilities after coalition collapse

Pulling the plug on Mehbooba Government in Kashmir was suppose to come today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow. The two extreme ideologies did try to bring peace to the injured J & K psych. The situation has gone from bad to worse. There seem to be no roads left for the BJP led Central Government. Facing an uphill task of convincing large Indian population, to which BJP had  committed during General election campaigning in 2014 and now it finds itself in tough spot on treacherous Kashmir issue. Action on Kashmir, was one of the main reasons for which many, including the writer, had voted for BJP. But at present Kashmir remains as it is, without anything to show on the ground. 

BJP, which came to power with a agenda of abrogating the Article 370 and Article 35-A from the Indian Constitution, ending special status to Jammu & Kashmir region, has to give answer to the people of this country as to why they could not do it, even though they had majority power in the parliament. This one issue will be testing BJP and its stalwarts, how and what they have up their sleeves as the Governor N.N. Vohra, takes over the Mehbooba Mufti Govt, who resigned after BJP withdrew support to Mehbooba Govt. 

All this is know to you all and its everywhere in the media. What now..... is a bigger question. Kashmir problem is not law and order problem. A small quarrel, turned into international issue, with huge mistakes in hiatorical past. 

The problem has not been solved with honest intent as halfhearted attempts were made. Since last few decades it has been a pattern with which the Kashmir has been handled, leading to a boredom and everybody knows, whats next...sort of thing. You first have unrest, then the Governor rule, military actions against terrorists, then again elections, again a coalition Government and then collapse of Government machinery, and again Governor Rule. This pattern is repeated every 5 years or more 1 year here and there. 

Since this is getting repeated time over again, vested interests have developed. There are offices of power brokers, pressure groups and all political parties are vulnerable to this. Hurriyat Conference (HC) is one such example. HC is a coordinating body which conglomeration of several smaller separatists group leaders, who have formed one alliance to liberate Kashmir from India. Initially they wanted freedom for Kashmir, from Pakistan and India and form a separate country. But with passage of time and delay in solving Kashmir problem, these small time thugs, have become separatists leaders and previous Central Governments are accused of having fed them with money and other facilities, to keep them quiet.

In the absence of concrete policy and perception, the Govt at Centre, mostly Congress, allowed this ad-hoc situation to develop into a permanent melee leading to creation of vested interest amongst Congress leaders, Hurriyat Conference, Kashmiri separatists. No Governments, whether Congress, National Conference nor P.D.P., seriously tried to solve the real issue behind the Kashmir problem, which is mainly unemployment.

Education rates are though the lowest, has been rising steadily and slowly, leaving educated unemployed. People are mainly employed in tertiary economic activity, which heavily depends upon tourism and hospitality. The absence investment from other parts of India, has left the Central Government with heavy burden of developing and sustaining ever rising demands of the Kashmiri people. People are educated unawares. They are misled into believing something which has affected their own interest.

Article 370 & 35-A has done more harm than the good to average Kashmiri. They have isolated themselves from the Pan India development, India has witnessed in last 2 and half decade. Surprisingly, the political bigwigs of Kashmir are too silent on such issues. There are educated and influential people and academia who can make people understand what is going on in Kashmir what has led to this problem, is not discussed freely. Any talk of Article 370 and 35-A, makes Kashmiris hysterical. They think those who talk of such an abrogation, is their enemy, that's it. They get so excited and blinded by that issue that they just don't want that to even discuss.

No Kashmiri, neither the people nor their leaders are sure as to what would happen if the special status to J&K is withdrawn. Only one situation they envisage is a complete anarchy. 

A simple thought with logic, as to what they gained from almost 70 years of such special status, doesn't come to their mind, before using their head on Article 370 and 35-A abrogation. Logic has failed. Kashmiris, have allowed HC and it's goons to take over their aspirations.