With Joe Biden arriving in Middle East by beginning his tour with landing in Israel. His actual mission is to contain the rising prices and subsequent inflation at home, in USA, which is reaching at around 10%. He is under tremendous pressure to bring it down by controlling oil prices in USA and consequently the prices of goods and services in the economy. USA, has tried hard to convince its old allies Saudi- Arabia, UAE to increase the oil production, to bring down the prices, due to US sanctions on Russia, leading EU and other allies of US to turn to middle east for their oil supply replacement, in absence of Russia.
So the world at the moment is hit by two factors, one is, boycotting Russian oil in the market and two, turning to other suppliers, who are not very eager to replenish the Russian oil supply. These two factors in tandem have started to destroy the world economies at large. As the entire world is looking at the rising prices and inflation. Besides a severe food crisis lurking ahead, and just a round the corner, though slowly at the moment.
Joe wants to appease Saudi Arabia by showing solidarity with Saudis for their stand on Iran. Lately Haiti rebels. supported by money and weapons by Iran, have become a headache for Saudi-Arabia. They also know that they need some plan in action to woo Israel as well, as lately Joe has been little careless in handling Israel concerns in the region. It is in the public memory that when the war of Russia- Ukraine began, Neftali Benet did visit Putin, may be he was showing solidarity with Russian President and perhaps Israel understood the concerns of the Russia's security vis-à-vis Ukraine border. So with a new carrot of security dialogue at par with QUAD, with Saudi and other regional powers, may convince Saudis and UAE about US intentions. In return US is trying to win over Saudis & UAE to make them accept their demand to increase the oil production, which will ease up oil supply chain in the international markets, subsequently bring down the oil prices and consequently easing up inflation in US & around the world.
At the very outset of the war, I had written about 3 idiots. Joe Biden, Zelensky and Putin. But Putin has proved it otherwise. NATO and in particular USA had cornered Russian President so hard, that it became a matter of life and death for Putin. The main enemy of America, even today, is not Russia, it is China and Biden has, very successfully diverted the world attention from Chinese conspiracies to Russia-Ukraine war.
The bruised Russian pride will not let USA live peacefully. It is neither 1960s nor 1980s and 1990s. When US dominated USSR and ultimately the later collapsed under its own weight. The difference today is, there was no China at that time. No India, no Japan and no Russia. They all were subservient to super powers.
The USA now got taste of its own medicine, when it forced Russia out of the international monetary system, SWIFT. It is now struggling with its own Petro-dollar empire these days and we have seen them pleading countries like India not to trade in other currencies than Dollar. The situation is far more different these days and internationally Europe is also struggling at the moment and is at the mercy of Russia for its energy needs.
Wait for the time when Russians are going to create hurdles at every move of USA. It has already woke up a giant devil, from a deep sleep, which clever Trump always avoided. Trump was a reasonable man, who was defeated by his own people and reasons are same, which are after NaMo, but the later has been dealing with these factors very effectively and very cleverly.
Russia has already raked up middle east plan of US and has already instigated Iran. Furious Iran can damage USA reputation by not agreeing to nuclear deal, which is dream of Joe Biden administration, and he will do something worthy of note before he goes in for re-election. Russia has already indicated a war front opening up Syria.
Joe Biden is the most dumb President of United States of America and Americans will regret, having elected a wrong man to the most powerful seat of the world. His domestic policies can be disputed but his foreign policies are total and absolute disaster.
Another idiot, Ukrainian President Zelensky, who has destroyed completely his own country got killed thousands of his own country men. Doomed its burgeoning economy. Who does such a stupid act for pseudo-nationalism. Nationalism will be there only if the nation survives. But this idiot doesn't understand. And so the people of Ukraine. They don't seem to oppose this jocker. A wise leader would have averted a war in the first place, as they were never ever a match for Russia. Besides they trusted USA, who had just betrayed Afghan people, by suddenly withdrawing from war-torn Afghanistan and giving power back to Taliban.
For now, there are far more possibilities that it will try to convince the Saudis and UAE to increase the oil production and increase oil supply in the international market. Which can give it some relief in short run. No permanent friends and no permanent enemies in the international politics.
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