It is happening all around the world, that most of the politicians and office bearers work because they don't want to work at all. We are all over the world, have become do used to these particular breed, called politicians, that their inaction on any of the issues touching the general public. When they actually work or do some thing, we are shocked.
At this particular blog, few days back I had suggested some ways to fight the inflation and subsequently the oil-mafias, by cutting our own consumption of oil and related items.
The BEST Undertaking, which runs the public transport systems in Mumbai city, introduced one scheme, where by they would provide direct non-stop bus services to offices & schools. The BEST Undertaking wants a commitment of minimum of 40 people from a particular area. It will run from nearest BEST Bus Stop to known nearest bus stop at the destination.
This P2P service has been received well by the Mumbaikars, in particular school going children who can not afford heavy school bus charges and who are facing problems due to absolute ignorance shown by the arrogant auto-rickshaw drivers. It has also helped those office goers who stay in far flung areas, the service quarter provided by their employers and are in good number, and have similar place of their source and destination journeys.
The novel idea mooted by the Chairman of BEST Undertaking Mr. Pravin Chheda, has stumped sundry & all. All credit must go to this Gentleman for introducing aP2P (Point To Point) bus services for particular group of committed passengers. Large numbers of people have taken up this service and many more are planning at the point of time when I am writing in here.
The effect is very huge at personal, local, national & International level, to a limited extent.
Take for example my children used to take up auto rickshaws in the morning to reach the school, used to almost fight to catch an auto-rickshaw, who in turn were very rude in their even refusal to ply on particular routes. There were around 20 to 22 students for the same school from my area. All students who were catching an auto-rickshaw around and near my place of residence on LBS Road, Ghatkopar (W), have come together and have reached 62 in numbers. BEST has allocated a 60 seated and all are enjoying their ride to school and coming back from school in time. Previously it depended on frivolous attitude of auto-rickshawallahs, but now these students don’t get late in reaching home.
The another community of office-goers from the far flung areas, have also greatly benefitted. Those office goers, required first the auto from their far flung service quarters like Thane, to reach to the nearest suburban railways station and from there to get into already crowded suburban trains. It required them to stand in queues to get into an auto, most of the times they shared the auto with other passengers.
They have now opted for P2P bus service as introduced by the BEST Undertaking. This includes several Govt departments, who live together and work together, at the same place. Their travelling woes have come down considerably. They can now reach their place of work with peace of mind and come back home without being completely exhausted. This is a good life deal they really deserve.
With this novel idea, the traffic problems could ease out as so many auto-rickshaws were plying on so much narrow roads, blocking the traffic completely. (If you remember, the autos were on strike few months back, the roads looking so nice and free of traffic congestion.) These autos though run on CNG, pollute the air in the city & its suburbs. Take example here there were around 15 to 17 autos were required to ply these students to their school, while only one bus is needed to make the same number of students to reach the same place.
Few experts are making comments on banning the private vehicles from entering the city, but no one has ever dared to raise an issue to control the number of auto-rickshaws plying on the roads in Mumbai. This statement should not be construed as against the auto-rickshaws itself, but no where the planners seem to aware of the root cause of the traffic problems, faced by the people in Mumbai for transportation. The point here is, when a single bus can replace almost 20 auto-rickshaws; why not use the single bus? This will save money, fuel and less pollute the environment. If this concept is used at all the levels in cities, States and Countries, the demand for the oil will go down a bit. This will make the oil-speculators and oil-mafias run for their money and inflated prices will come down. This is a hypothetical situation and there are many ifs & buts, but this could play a vital role in bringing down the oil prices. We are not living without the transportation itself, but we are using these transportation means in different manner. Though we have the capability to hire a taxi or an auto-rickshaw, but use of bus and suburban trains, will bring down the consumption a bit. Only making the oil speculators panic is enough to bring them on to the ground.
Meanwhile, congratulations to all those parents, who have understood the importance of using the public transport, despite their capacity to send their children in separate auto-rickshaws, have helped the community by showing awareness and understanding. There is news that several other buses have already started and few more are in the pipeline for being started very soon.
Such unity and commitment is highly appreciated and not to forget Mr. Pravin Chheda for introducing such a brilliant idea. Let this word spread across the world and people understand the importance of collective fight against the oil speculators and oil mafias.
Following are teh pictures showing how P2P bus is working
Students are waiting for the bus with their parents for bus to arrive.
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