Sunday, October 3, 2010


After much hullabaloo about the global warming, suddenly certain cult in scientists are working day and night on a new situation, which is really uncalled for in the recent times. These scientists are now fearing an absolute opposite, for what they have holding the entire world for ransom, to global warming. There are few mummers which has started recently about the global cooling and approaching ice age.

The two paradoxical views have really put earthlings like me on tenterhooks. People are unable to understand what to go for. Global warming or global cooling. Actually the people in the scientific fraternity around the world are seems to be confused. They are not able to make up their own mind about the whole thing. First they started yelling at the change in the climatic conditions, consequent to global warming and green house gases, but recently they have changed their tracks. They have started to tell the people of this world, stunned by the degree of winter in Europe, America and even Asia, that we are about to face global cooling !!!!

The unprecedented cold wave has griped the entire globe and the people all around the world are really worried about what could be for humans in store by the nature. So where we are heading from here ?

We were made to believe that global warming will destroy the Earth. The atmosphere will heat up due to depleting ozone layer, which does not allow the green house gases, produced on the Earth, to escape the earth's atmosphere as well as while the ultra-violet rays that come from the outer space, are absorbed by the ozone layer, has had a big hole in it. So all the ultra-violet rays, especially from Sun, could directly hit the Earth and could cause great danger to living objects on the Earth.

But such theories are not easy to forget, even if, we start to think about the global cooling or the approaching ice-age. Scientists believe that the Earth temperature rotates in opposite direction approximately after every 25 years. So for 25 years Earth keeps on heating up and next 25 years it will be cooling off its surfaces and the atmosphere. Such claims and counter-claims keep on hitting the news every now & then, and confuses people, like me and all other who are trying to be little conscious about our environment!

One research report advised that we should at least drink 3 cups of tea everyday, so that we can avoid stroke and live longer but the other day one which followed the first one after few months, claimed the drinking tea could be disastrous for the health as the content in the tea once boiled, could damage liver and one should avoid it for the keeping good in health !!! You should drink coffee instead !!!!

Such claims and counter claims make a commoner, like me utterly confused about the whole scenario. In the year 1996-97, I was virtually made to panic about continuous bombardment about Y2K hype, where I even feared entering an elevator, fearing it might go haywire. It was said that computer chip had only two spaces for the year. In the year 2000, the chip will read it as 1900, or even 1800 or anything. Which will lead to malfunctioning of all the equipments which used the microchip, and read the dates, like normal personal computer. It all lasted till the year 2000.

The hype created & generated millions of jobs and earned profits in billions to big corporates, who claimed to have solutions. Nothing happened. Life was normal. Nothing failed for the lack of 4 digits in the chip. All those benefited were Microsoft, IBM and other giant software manufacturers, who chipped in to help the frightened masses.

Now look at swine flu. God only knows, how it caught the attention of the world. It became such an event in India, that a single death due to swine flu could topple a government! The awareness it created was so mammoth that the swine flu bacteria must have thought of choosing a wrong time in entering India.

The hype was such that the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Prime Minister of India and all other officials in their capacity made noises. It was made out to be a big, very big crisis befallen on India. Everybody in the country was worried about swine flu. I started to fear for my self while my daily run to my office in Mumbai's crowded local train. Though I did not purchase any mask, but had watched many people wearing the same for fear of getting caught by swine flu.

So it is the era of media and media created hype. It is so fast and works at lightening speed that the people like me find it really hard to adjust to what is happening around us. Before I could adjust to what is happening, the hype knocks me down and there are people around who feels like the same! before our poorly fed mind can adjust and try and work out the right or wrong out of the facts made available to us, something new comes up and grabs our attention.

Before I could calculate the loss which we might have had incurred on the Common Wealth Games, due to heaviest doses of corruptions, a pedestrian bridge collapsed. Before we come to the terms with it, a new one got built by the army and it was much stronger and much quicker to build. What baffled me was why in the world army was not involved in making CWG 2010 a success. Because they do have some sort of discipline left in India. It remains still a largest disciplined group of people in India.

Just as I was coming to terms with the army making pedestrian bridge in record time, the CW Games began with sun fare ! The same news reporters who were just a few days back were hammering Suresh Kalmadi for his poor organizational capacity, were all praise for him and ability, his dynamic decision making and India's capability to hold the Olympic Games and started a debate making few so-called experts sit in as a experts panel to discuss how India can claim hosting of Olympic Games ! and few offered to become advisers to the Olympic Committee in India to guide them how to become a host nation !!!!!

I wonder sometimes as following these news items is just fooling around myself. There is complete business outlook to anything that happens in the world. The Global warming had benefited many industries all over the globe. A new phenomena of Carbon Credit also introduced and now a Carbon Credit Exchange has also taken place. Several good things did happen as a by-product, but the main beneficiaries were large corporate houses and their bosses. A point of saturation has been achieved in Global Warming phenomena and so the Global Cooling and consequently subsequent ICE AGE ! Again the same old story will start. The Y2K, Global Warming and so and so forth, will go on for years and decades and then for centuries. It will make people to earn their living. I really wish that if all this stupid looking things were not happening around us, we might have been facing starvation. These activities, are making money to change hands , and thus creating wealth all around.


Sunday, September 26, 2010



These are the few lines of a hit song from the film 3 Idiots. The film was one of the most entertaining and must enjoyed by all. It was a good film depicting the story of the three friends and their rendezvous at the Engineering College, touted to be one of the best engineering college in India, as shown in the film. The movie shows a character called JOY, wherein he fails to finish his project, while he was working on something else. The Dean refuses to give him extra time to finish his allotted project. Dean himself calls up the Joy's father saying that his father should not come to city, to attend the convocation his son ,as he will not pass his exams this year. The pressure of failure forces that guy to commit suicide.

The depiction of the feeling of failure and depression of the students was so powerful that few students throughout the country started committing suicide for the fear of failure. It was the craftsmanship of the director of the film, Rajkumar Hirani, who was successful in creating an atmosphere of sympathy towards the that character called JOY and hate towards the system, teachers, principals and parents, who always insisted that children must get the best.

The message here, is something which has gone wrong completely. Children or rather the students have taken it in their own way. All kudos to R. Hirani, who created a master piece and he created a situation where students started to think that the parents or which I will define as COMMUNITY OF ELDERS, which includes their fathers, teachers, principals, tuition teachers or coaching class faculty, or all those who have been insisting that their child or student, whatever may the name or the role as defined.

The children have started to think that this COE is actually their enemy and they are all devils. The situation has worsened so much after the film that any student or child who is not capable of anything, pulls up his sleeve against the COE, who actually speaks for their betterment and wishes that they stay out of the world of depression, they could face, if they are not warned in advance. The young man of today's thinks he can manage the whole show, the way he had been managing his/her mother, manipulating or even blackmailing his father and fooling around with the those who want to get better things out of them.

This community of COE-bashing little think about what they want them to do ! When the parents shout at their child, he wishes that the difficulties in which he survived, does not get repeated with his child. Father is the community, which is highly and very badly affected in entire of this drama. He is always blackmailed by his son/daughter, always forced on knees by his wife for entertaining wishes of his wife to follow the dictates of their child, loosen the pocket for paying all the expenses, related with the studies and all other fantasies of the life.

3 Idiots character of FARHAN, whose father saves money for his son to become engineer, buys an Air Conditioner for him, buys Laptop for his studies, does all that he could do, but the guy in the film has never told his father that he wanted to become a wild life photographer, ever !
The audiences' sympathy was with Farhan, why, I do not understand ! Does the audience and even that Character Farhan, thinks that his father was GOD and knew everything about his aspiration to become wild life photographer ?

What was his father's fault ? He must have known his son from his childhood days, that thsi chap never knows what he actually wanted and for that reason only he had thought that to groom him as an engineer, would be perfectly alright so that he can live his life peacefully and enjoy all the luxuries of the life ! It is logical to think that his father must have thought that way. Was he wrong in his place ?

Mr. Hirani, perhaps, ended up depicting only one side of the story ! he perfectly created sympathy wave for the 3 chaps, who were shown as the guys who always wanted to live their own life ! They were shown as their parents were forcing them to study harder and leave other things in the life.

Imagine, if Rancho was not supposed to have come to the life of the other two guys, who despite the company of Rancho, always were last in the raw for annual photo session ! And Rancho never ever inspired them to learn and study harder. They along with Chatur, were shocked to learn that Rancho stood first in their annual exams !

The children across the country watched this film with fun, and few took it seriously, starting a spate of suicides amongst the students fraternity. That was absolute injustice to those who were in grief due to the suicides. But have any father or mother or teacher committed suicides, when the film showing children go bad in a film and becomes a goon or smuggler or something like that ? Nobody showed the any amount sympathy towards parents when their children failed or did very badly in their exams and they were convinced that their child would be a complete failure !

I agree that few parents make life of their child hell, they need psychological treatment. It is their excessive depression and fear of failure for their child. They indirectly take the child into remand and use different methods of third degree treatment. But how many of them in the entire country ? If they are wrong they must be punished also. Each every parent needs to be cautious about their own child.

Having aspiration for a child and then working on the same aspiration is not abnormal for father or mother or teacher ! It is not a crime to dream about the future of his child. What is wrong if parents are telling their ward to study harder, it will benefit them in their future life.

All during the film, why was not a single child was shown as watching TV serials of Ekta Kapoor, where even a 9 year one says who is going to have an affair with whom ! Why does nobody considers throwing out computers when they are used for chatting, wasting time on Face Book status updates and writing on wall of Orkut ?

Actually the problem is much bigger than it is made to be by the film. The problem has its roots in our subservient attitude. We have been slaves throughout our known History, which is recorded. We have been cultural slaves to the Mughal robbers, which came to India from Turkey and then we were economical slaves to Britishers for more than 150 years. Somewhere down deep in the mind of every Indian this slavery is living and has not died so far. He is so obsessed with the slavery syndrome, that he reviews himself at each and every point to make sure he has not turned into slave! Once assured that he has been saved through his life and has escaped from slavery he starts worrying for his child and what follows with his child is the fear that though he was saved during his life span, but he is not sure about his child so for the whole life he ran for himself first and then started running for his child.

Along with that the generation gap fact has also its role in here. The time has changed and has changed very rapidly. Within a span of 5 years the change is so fast that it becomes depressing sometimes. Parents are not that quick to catch up with their kids. It is high time that the both, parents and kids need to change and understand each other. But it will never happen. Parents will be readied somehow to change but the kids will remain adamant, depressing their parents further and then the tiff follows.

The more stunning and shocking news is coming up, is, the Govt. under pressure (whose ? we are not aware!), are bringing in the law which will prohibit the present centuries old practice of parents/teachers thrashing not-obeying children, in their interest, will now face even imprisonment for doing their duty of preventing an idiot from becoming a goon or a rowdy citizen of this country. These very same policies of USA & EUROPE broke family bond with parents, the same path is chosen by the Govt of India. Govt is wanting to limit the role of parents in career building of a child. It wants more slaves who are clueless and have no motive in their lives as we find Americans and Europeans wandering and finding for peace of their undeveloped and unsupported mind. They do not have the warmth of the family and respectful fear of their parents.

But does the Govt thinks about the imprisoning those idiots who fail to support their parents in their old age, those who humiliate their parents for their so-called share in properties? The Govt's knee-jerk reactions to the problem of suicidal tactics of students needs to be tackled in different manner. Besides the Govt needs to have social securities for the old aged people strengthened before indulging in such issues, where the old people will be left at the mercy of their children !

The entire issue needs much more sincere approach and understanding. The parents are perhaps needs to be blamed for over-doing what they are doing to nurture their child at the same time the children must understand the slavery approach. Their parents want them to retain the freedom to what they wish to do in their life! Such freedom is realized only when they actually experience the freedom. Being on top and deciding decisively about their future, is the freedom that the parents envisage for their children !

The discussion is long and perhaps the solution lies with the everybody and they can contribute by expressing on this particular issue and educate others, solution lies somewhere in between.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The recently released film by Akshay kumar, Khatta MItha, inspired me to write something on this topic. India is perhaps going slowly and steadily towards a stage where it may be called a failed state. If there are changes at the grass root level, we have some chance or anarchy is approaching us. We have been a citizen of a country where we ourselves do not understand where the problem is and of late we are clueless as to where does we start from to start cleaning our system.

The Congress or the BJP, both are different sides of same coin. Nothing changes except the Prime Minister and his stupid and inefficient ministers, even if the people of this country votes in anticipation of the country getting a better deal than the previous government! But the voter's belief gets strength from the fact he faces of not to vote next time! And next time he keeps his promise, NOT TO VOTE!!!!

Thousands of people get killed due to the poisonous gas at Bhopal, 25 years ago. Verdict is delivered now. I firmly believe the delay is not understood and not justified. JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED. For some days media started gunning for Anderson, the then CEO of Union Carbide, who was helped by some one from Rajiv Gandhi government. Country knows who was that person, but people like you and me are clueless as to how to bring this people to justice.

Cattle food, which is cheap in India and can feed millions of our cattle, but that was allowed to be exported out of the country leaving our cattle starving while if properly fed our own cattle can feed millions of our country men, cheaply. But our agriculture minister, busy with cricket,IPL ICC Chairmanship and such other high profile stupid things, which require almost no attention. Farmer's in his home state are committing suicides, he is unmoved. His interest is in protecting the State's sugar lobby, where-in he has got his own interest!!

Railway Minister is busy in playing State level politics and she is least bothered if the trains meet accidents, terrorist attacks, derailment, head on collisions, injuries & deaths. She is interested in defeating communists in her State of West Begal. She has no time to solve the problems of the thousands of people who look at railway as their only hope to earn their livelihood. But she has no time to sit with her officials and plan and review strategy. For her railway ministry, she got, because of Congress was supposed to give her that seat out of compulsion. (Manish Tiwariji, where are you? Kindly defend your sleeping partner in the government)

Can Thackeray family reply to why there has been cost escalation on almost all the projects being undertaken at the MMRDA. Why the plans were not made considering the aspects of costs and difficulties like rehabilitation and legal wrangles were never considered! The officials who plan the project are either stupid and live in Utopia or the executors are utterly corrupt. Look around in the country, every where project cost gets more than doubled. And not a single case of punishing the guilty. Nobody has dared to ask the people who are executing the projects. Take any damned project, gets costlier everyday. Bandra-Worli Sealink, Metro Railways, cleaning of Mithi River, Making Chembur Santacruz Link Road or any damned project. They get delayed over years and cost escalates to almost double.

Terrorist and Naxalites are also acting unfair, by killing innocent citizens. They should actually gun down those who are responsible for this state of affairs. We have not heard in the long distant memory that naxals killed some political corrupt leader, who needed to have been killed for his acts of anti-national acts!!

Gujarat Governemtn finds itself their wall to back on Amit Shah's case. But why only Soharabuddin case, why there is no CBI to investigate the Ramesh Keni murder case, where Raj Thackeray is accussed of having killed Keni. There are many more such cases which need to be investigated and which are genuine cases, do not belong to gangster like Soharbuddin, encountered in Gujarat.

All these and many more such events leave me hopeless and I start thinking that country needs a shock! The citizens of this country are sleeping and they will never rise to the occasion! Politicians are just inclined to take the maximum advantage of the oppotunity and power they have got.

The Government itself is in doing business when it sells spectrum for billions of rupees, but do not leave any chance to raise the prices of oil, gas and other petroleum products. The Food & Agriculture Ministry is not read to sell the rotting gains at cheaper prices instead it chooses to allow such grains to rot.

This one of the hopeless scenario of this great Indian Union. Which needs to protect more from within and not by enemy of this country, surrounding the nation. That is why I feel that the God has had been too busy in blessing Americans and in the course of action forgot to bless India. We must request God to leave America for a while and divert his energy towards India...

Friday, April 9, 2010


Afghanistan President Mr. Karzai's Pakistan State visit could probably soften the official stand of Afghanistan towards Pakistan. The relations could be beginning to improve between the two countries and consequently Pakistan is likely to get more maneuvering space in Afghanistan. Present Afghan Government has had always found, the I.S.I. and the Pakistan government offending to its interests, by supporting Afghan extremists . The sudden change of heart in Afghanistan is obviously scripted by U.S.A. who is envisaging a troops pullout by the end of year 2011.

With such a scenario, all other Governments of these South East Asian countries, could start to envisage a role in the future Afghanistan. India & Pakistan are the primary stake holders in the post-US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Pakistani government would obviously want India to stay away from the Afghanistan, once the NATO troops are out of South East Asia. Under the pretext of waging joint war against terror with U.S., it is asking for its rewards in form of better placed strategically than India in post -USA withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Though the Americans know it well that they have had been completely fooled by the Pakistanis and they do admit about the same, by various means, and at various platforms, their compulsions are understood. But what India can not understand is the reason.

They are willingly allowing itself to be fooled by the Pakistanis and happily playing to the gallery of Pakistan's role in its war on terror. I really have serious reservations that a country like USA with its military power and the best minds of strategy makers have not realized the fact that the Pakistan have changed course of their operation and subsequently the goal itself. Pakistan establishment with the behavoir of spoilt chaild has forced the US to follow what Pakistan always wanted, from the days of Afghan occupation by the Russian forces. It has very successfully dominated the American mind and surprisingly and logically USA has allowed to be cowed down by Pakistani military establishment.

Pakistan can happily boasts itself in front of those who wished to win the crusade, of having defeated the American design to finish the Islam. This obviously would be their line of claim while dealing with the Islamic militants. I really would doubt that they have ever thought from this perspective.

They have saved Osama Bin Laden, they have helped the Omar to stay underground, despite the mounting USAF Dron attacks. Strategy is simple and have paid off. These militants have stayed out of reach of the allied forces in Afghanistan, at the behest of Pakistani military establishment.

Pakistani perseverance to tide over US pressure on the Taliban forces have now paid off. It has changed the path of Americans very cleverly by continuously buying time for its efforts to save top militants like Osama Bin Laden and likes of Mullah Omar. From the WAR ON TERROR, the war has come to the alliance between the Karzai Government and the Taliban. Taliban will be brought back to the mainstream politics and power of Afghanistan. Taliban might have its minister and may be even a Prime Minister !! It is once again a failure of the only super power.

I have sincere doubts that the Osama Bin Laden or the Mulah Omar, may one day reach White House and have dinner with US President, like that had happened with Yasar Arafat of PLO. This is not far from what I see how the things could change in the world scenario and politics. Today's enemies could turn out to be clse friends and close enough to have dinner togather.

However it must be recognized that the major credit of US military operational failures can be attributed to the Pakistani officials' ability to convince the US military command to look other way round. They very shrewdly did not allow US forces to reach to actual centre of the terror infrasturue by allowing the US forces to go to the extent which they always wanted and they thought was enough and necessary to keep the fire alive. They never worked to douse the fire !
I have very serious reservation about the US administration's understanding of the entire events happening in and around Pakistan & Afghanistan !

Nobody on this globe knows where the Osama & Omar are, except the entire Pakistani military establishment. The Taliban, who was driven out of Afghanistan, has once again regrouped itself and is roaring to go after the Americans and all western countries that including India. It is hard to believe that the Americans never ever envisaged such a scenario. It is known to whole world that they have the habit of simulating a distant situation, creat hype with obidient media and prepare the American forces and the Administration for the worst. But here in case of Afghanistan, The US seems to have mis-read the Taliban, Afghans & Pakistanis.

Problem with Amricans is little more serious than they actually think. The problem will be felt once the US led allied troops leave Afghanistan, the Pakistan wants to dominate the envisaged Afghanistan government. In this case the return of Taliban to the mainstream politics in Afghanistan is forgone conclusion ! Because in the name of reconciliation, present Govt. led by Karzai, under the influence of departing US forces will need to accommodate the Taliban militants, who would be more than willing to share the power at the centre. Their participation seems inevitable to the US planners.

In this connection they have started to locate "good" Taliban terrorist after differentiating them with the "bad" Taliban terrorists. This new policy is being adopted by the Obama Administration. Barak Obama knows that they can not fight a war with Taliban with locals against them. They can not stay on forever without the oil controls coming their way. So its better to leave now instead of after sometimes when they have more coffins of their soldiers arrived in their air bases!

The problem with the US is, it is democratic nation and this super power changes its mind very shortly. Once a change of guard takes place from Republicans to Democrats, or for that reason, vice versa, the entire foreign policies change per se. US can not languish for long in Afghanistan, reasons are obvious and very clear. The cost of operations overseas will hit the US conomy very badly and secondy the rising casualties of its security men. The operation in Afghanistan will reach to almost a decade. For all these years they have failed find niether Osama Bin Laden nor
Mullah Omar.

They will leave in a year or two. Their compulsion at home are understood. But what after they leave. This is a worrying question, which India needs to address. Considering the fact that Pakistan has been fooling Americans since long and they will continue to do so, besides Americans have little choice than to oblige Pakistan. Perhaps they need a friend who stanbs them from behind and perhaps Americans deserve that too!

In this conditions they would accomodate Pakis in more in the devolution of powers in Afghanistan. Pakistan will be interested in installing Government which is friendly to its interests. If Pakistan is believed and followed, then they have little choice in whom to support to form a next Govt. in Kabul other than Talibans. Americans have seems to have accepted this reality and hey have already started to find for good moderate Talibans who can be trusted once the troops are pulled out of Afghnistan.

It is really pity that a small country was initially ruled by Russians, via Najibullah Govt. till the Russian troops withdrew, and they have Karzai Govt., backed by USA. Poor little country still does not realis that they need to get united and one and then face the world. They need to learn to get united and fight unitedly.

With this situation in mind, India needs to re-define its Foreign relations and its policies. It needs to give a thought on totally different level and different direction. The new situations are arising out of nowheer and we need to think and give shape to our policies keeping in mind changing and fluid sitation in Afghanistan. Few days back Afghan-Taliban leader had spoken to media, saying that they do not oppose India and Indians, per se. They want to have good working relations with India. They have reservations to an extent that we have been not speaking against USA for their drone attacks in which the civilians get killed. Their objections in this connection is absolutely correct and anyone would agree that its utterly logical.

Taking cue from such a statement by top Taliban leaders, India need to change the years old rigid perception about the Taliban. Taliban may be a small Now here comes the bomb. India must approach Taliban in Afghanistan. They must lend support to the fragile nature of the government that would come to power once the US & its allies leave Afghanistan. India should not have any problem with approaching Afghan Taliban. After all we have no problem with Saudi Arabia or for that reason any other country what they do in their own country and that's absolutely their internal problem and issues.

Why should Indian policy makers have objections to a form of Government, when their own people are supporting it ? What is the problem when even Americans are trying hard to have reconciliation with Taliban for lasting peace in Afghanistan / Besides any compromise with Afghan Taliban will put Pakistan in its place. And that must be the first priority. We have no expansionist policies in Afghanistan or anywhere in the world. (Indians are more smarter than Americans in this direction!) So why should we get what is lawfully ours and why should we go into hiding for no fault of ours in Afghanistan ?

Our national interest is of foremost important. We as a nation shy away from claiming what is rightfully ours. Our nationals are making sacrifices in Afghanistan for its development. We have had been maintaining the best relations with Afghanistan since centuries. Afghan people are more closer to Indians than they are to Pakistanis.

A little strategic change in policy will do lot of good for two nations. Why should we follow age old policies which has no relevance in the present scenario. Had we been maintaining the same sort of distance with the Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran for their belief in their religion, our stand could have had been vindicated, but Afghanistan is a poor and backward country, it has not developed to call the shots in the international arena, so we say we do not wish to have relations with Taliban Government ! I feel this utterly ridiculous.

We just need to have our national interest in mind while dealing with Afghanistan and not who rules that nation ! There are innumerable advantages if we start dealing with Afghan Taliban. USA can not even give advise that we should stay away from Afghan Taliban, as it is them only who are looking for these same Taliban for lasting peace in Afghanistan once they leave the country.


Friday, February 12, 2010


The war between Shiv Sena- MNS & Congress might turn ugly in the coming days. The SS + MNS has got desperate and NCP famed Sharad Pawar is fueling the fire in the State of Maharashtra. Sharad Pawar, who has not time to control food prices and take few good decisions favouring common good, was very quick to meet Bal Thackeray, who himself was in utter shock after 4 hours visit of Rahul Gandhi to Mumbai. Rahul's visit to Mumbai definitely put Sharad Pawar into bracket and he had no other way then to meet Thackeray. He was meeting the same person, whom he ditched at the time of State election by propping up Raj Thackeray, entraged nephew of Bal Thackeray.

These people will not allow the State of Maharashtra to settle down and prosper. They have their vested interests. I am not for Congress. It is the main culprit, but these people do not read between the lines and gauge the public mood at the moment. These egoistic leaders have no wisdom left and they can do anything to cling to power. The mood of the people is just to watch the film My Name Is Khan. That's all. By putting his entire reputation & fear psychosis commanded by the Shiv Sena, have lost sympathy and votes. Their staunch supporters are deeply embarrassed.

People perhaps has a very short memory, as the political experts keep on saying but they are not fool. It is forgiving those who might have committed mistakes and have corrected them, people forgive them. But our politicians in Maharashtra seems to have forgot that the people have been watching these jokers haplessly. Mumbai showed its mood in the general as well as State elections. Apathy of Mumbaikar is understood by everybody, except these petty politicians, who are Paper- Tigers.

Average Mumbaikar wants jobs. He wants better conveyance from his home to office, better working conditions and peace of mind. He is perhaps least bothered about Mumbai belongs to Marathi, Up, Bihari Bhaiyyas, Madrasi Anna or Gujarati bhai. !! But I feel is that the people have become more smarter than these so called tigers. They have registered their protest by going to watch the film of Shahrukh Khan. Many more people will go to watch the film in the coming days and every ticket sold will become a silent protest by the people, who will be saying to these leaders, that enough is enough and we know what you are fighting for, and of course it is not the MARATHI ASMITA (Marathi Pride) at all !!!

By doing anti-Hindi acts. Shiv Sena has made more enemies than friends. It was the name people in the hinter-land would take with respect few months ago, people are utterly not bothered if their pictures are burnt ! Shiv Sena is, if not yet realized, will be isolated in the political circles and perhaps it is the beginning of the end of Shiv Sena. It will be a sad story, that a party took up a Hindu cause, when the Congress and Secularists were defamed for their double standards. Even I voted for Shiv Sena when it said appeasement of minority must stop. All are equals in the eyes of law. I protested these pseudo secularists by voting for Shiv Sena.

But somewhere in not so distant past, it lost its way. Shiv Sena lost its good leaders out of political greed and family feuds. It turned cheap after the State Election debacle. Instead of taking on Raj Thackeray, his nephew turned arch rival, shrewdly, they also adopted same cheap linguistics tirade against the non-Marathi speaking people and spear-heading the spreading of such hatred, they lost their way in the middle.

It may be too early but, the end is near, unless they mend their ways. People will forget them soon, otherwise !

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mumbai Konachi ?!!! Thackeay family Chi Ch Tar..!!!

The ongoing controversy about Mumbai and who owns Mumbai is sad & tragic. Leave the political aspirations of Shiv Sena & MNS, the Marathi people, who support these two political outfits, are fast loosing the respect and sympathy in Indian Union. The days are numbered before something big & ugly, not in the longer interest of Indian Union, waiting to happen, if the Chach- Bhatija are not stopped!

The question is not to whom the Mumbai belongs, but the way the leaders of these two political outfits are loosing the normal etiquette and respect for the other leaders, cricketers, filmstars & other celebrities, situation will go out of hands. The parties fear that if they acted against the duo, they will loose the Marathi votes, which will go to SS and MNS. Congress, as well as the BJP are in fix due this.

But what is Marathi self respect which these Thackeray family is making an issue about, is not understood by the people who are living in Mumbai for decades ! They are not understanding what all this circus is all about. He only feels that the growing prosperity of Mumbai with so much infrastructural projects, it will become gem of the world, one day. These petty politicians are making fun of actual Marathi culture, which has had absorbed various cultures into it. That is why Mumbai is Mumbai, it is no where near to Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ahemadabad, Banglore, the list is long!

Then what has gone wrong...?

Are the Marathi people being discriminated against the other language speaking people ?
Are the Marathi people are not being allowed to work hard and achieve what the non-Marathis are achieving?
Are the Marathi people are being harassed not to become competetive?
Are the Marathi people being prevented from attending any professional exams which they were eligible to attend?
Is the Marathi Manoos is prevented from going to work anywhere in Maharashtra and importantly anywhere in India?
Is those claiming Mumbai, actually belong to Mumbai ?
Is only Mumbai is Maharashtra ? Is Marathi language is in danger in entire Maharashtra ?

If it is so, there are no sizable non-Marathi speaking people in Satara, Marathwada, Konkan...! If the Marathi Manoos feels that its Marathi culture (Marathi Asmita) is in danger in all these parts of Maharashtra, then it is not those non-Marathi speaking people, who come from UP, Bihar & MP, it is the Marathi Manoos himself to be blamed for the same !

Have the SS & MNS have any facts & figures for the jobs going to the non-locals in this interior parts of Maharshtra ? Why concentrate only on Mumbai ?

They find the Marathi Manoos cornered in Mumbai, not because the labourers from UP, Bihar and other States have come to earn their livelihood and they are getting the job absolutely based on their competetive edge, they maintain over the local people, who are more into these sorts of hooliganism than to work really hard.

SS & MNS are misleading Marathi man. They are asking and alluring him to vote for them so that once elected they can also loot the people of this State. They are making him emotional on the grounds which is nowhere near reality. India is such a big & purely democratic nation, which even stuns the USA & Europe, such small & cheap thinking on the part of great Marathi leaders, are giving shame to entire Marathi language & Marathi culture !

Is Marathi culture is so weak that it needs goondaism to protect from those hapless labours who are just interested in earning his livelihood and nothing else. Marathi culture and traditions are taken for ransom. It is high time that right people from Marathi culture speak up against the SS & MNS otherwise this family could lead to a blood bath. They will not be affected much as they will rest in their high security bunglows, it will be poor people in hutments and hawkers, rickshaw-wallas and all those people on the road will be at risk. The hatred these Chacha- Bhatija duo is sawing, could lead to Maharashra turning into anarchy.

My apologies to my Marathi friends, but what these SS & MNS are doing is what Shivaji did 4 centuries ago in Surat. He looted the city which was Hindu, had not looted any Marathi manoos and never had war with any Maratha State ! But that loot may be justified from the Maratha point of view, as they were very poor to establish their own State.

But what is happening now, can not be jsutified in any case. As they have made billions, for themselves. But what these rich politicians need? They already have billions in unaccounted money. They have billions themselves and all its party leaders, who have earned in millions, even being a Shakha Pramukhs. Any project does not get passed in Mumbai, untill a CUT (bribe) is not sent to all these local goons, who are doning cap of Shakha Pramukhs! Is the Marathi manoos on the road, is earning aything from these people ? The answer is BOG NO !!!!

While this controversy goes on, it will be raised even further. They are taking up any damn person who comes in their way. They feel themselves as unstoppable. They think they can make any damned statements, any move, anything that they feel, required and needed to prove & portray them as the only messiah of Marathi people. But the question is do Marathi Manoos is in such a bad situation that it requires these semi-goons to protect them and their asmita ?

One thing is sure. The side product of 1980 anti-non-marathi campaign made many Gujarati investors to move out the state. They all had business offices in Mumbai, but Mumbai atmosphere was not conducive to business. They shifted their plants in Gujart, near Mumbai. It developed the entire Mumbai, Vapi & Anakleshwar belt. It became one of Guajarat's highly developed industrial belt. History is repeating this time again, but this time it could call for doom for Maharashtra. The reason is Mr. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister Gujarat. He is waiting to grab all the investment opportunity offered and earned.

Remember, NANO -TATA plant was being asked to be out of Singur, West bangal ? NAMO ( Narendra Modi, as poluparly called in Gujarat) was quick to invite TATA as well as provide all the infrastrucutre in Guajarat. Maharashtra was approached by TATAs, but they were not given land they required in Ranjangaon, Pune. Maharashtra lost jobs, income in terms of Taxes, development of backward areas, which such huge project always bring togather with them.

Maharashtra lost its leadership in developing State long back. Bihar is doing better than Maharashtra in developments. Remember, it could be a situation if Marathi Manoos goes for livelihood in Bihar, some day. As the present Marathi leaders have lost vision, where etiquette is a pre-requisite.

It is high time that they understand the reality. SS & MNS are really playing with the fire and they need to understand that only to earn votes and rule the State is not the ultimate thing they should have. As a political party they have many things to do !

My Marathi friends perhaps would not agree with what I have stated above, but the truth is is the political support to SS & MNS comes from the inferiority complex they are feeling due to the better competetive edge these migrants enjoy over the Sons OF The Soil !

Are these "Son Of The Soil" are of superior race, as Hitler thought himself to be Aryan, the original human race! Mumbai is a pot-boiler for them. they have no Marathi Mannos interest in their heart. It is only the power they want. If the interest of Marathi manoos is at their heart, they must show what they did while the farmers committed suicides ? Dis Bal Thackeray or Raj Thackery or for any reason raj Thackerey visisted or camped there for few days ? Did they tried and forced the Government to finish many many unfinished irigation projects, which lie in unfinished state ?

They will conviniently blame the Govenrment for the suicide attempts by the farmers. Since it is a socio-political crisis the State is facing, what attempts they did, which materialized on the ground. Why they did not made hullabaloo, for the farmers' suicide issue as they are making for no-sense Mumbai-marathi issue, for those farmers, whos were being looted by the middlemen and sugar barons.

They have answers for all and any of the questions, but only sitting in air-conditioned chembers. (As they believe that it is easier and effective to be BOL BACHCHAN than to work in the interiors.) They do not want to go to villages of Maharashtra and work out solutions to problems those people are facing. Marathi asmita and marathi interest lies there, in the ineriors of Marathwada, Konkan, Satara & Vidarbh. Where the farmer is in dire state.

Leave farmers' issue, the education wise also Maharashtra a lagging far behind. Banglore, Hyderabad, Channai all have been persuing the globle standards for studies, but in Maharashtra all educational institutes are in the hands of Political leaders. Who are looting hapless parents, who find sending their children to Australia cheaper despite the threat to their life.

Bal Thackery issues fatawa against Australian players, but has he ever tried to build some good reasonably costing educational institutes? So that the parents sending their children to Australia or NewZeal Land can teach their children in India, or Maharashtra itself.

Besides Thackeray family has no right whatsoever to protest against the Australians for attacking Indian, in Australia, while they are doing the same thing in Mumbai with non-Marathi speaking people.

BCCI please take note: There is no problem if Shiv Sena or MNS is in power in Maharashtra for allowing Pakistani players to play on the soil of Mharashtra. If they are not, Pakistan supports terrorism....killing our jawans....blasting!!!!! It is easier to blame Jaya Bachchan & Amitabh for opening a school in UP, have they opened any such institutes which serves the society free, without charging any fees ? They are political leaders! They care so much about Marathi manoos !